Riot have suspended Angelo "keznit" Mori of KRÜ Esports KRÜ Esports Latin America South Rank #2 keznit Angelo Mori Mazino Roberto Rivas adverso Benjamín Poblete Shyy Fabian Usnayo Melser Marco Eliot Machuca Amaro for "discriminatory comments" made in a scrim against Gamelanders Blue Gamelanders Blue Inactive last month. The violation is for rule 7.1.2 of the Global Competition Policy.

⚠️Sanción Competitiva: @keznitdeuS

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Last month, controversy broke out between the two sides, which eventually resulted in KRÜ being banned from the South American Discord scrim server. According to Riot's official ruling, personal attacks were made by players of both teams. However, the rules of the Global Competition Policy were broken when keznit made a comment towards Douglas "dgzin" Silva that was "inappropriate for a professional player".

Shortly after the initial news broke, KRÜ stated that they were working on the matter internally to address the issue at hand. A couple days later, the organization came forward and revealed that the issue had been resolved internally. However, keznit eventually pushed back after being sanctioned by his team, claiming that he was not the first individual in the scrim to start an altercation, and that he was being villainized because he was involved in the controversy.

As part of his sanction, keznit will be suspended for a single series in VCT LATAM Challengers, and he will also have his in-game account "periodically reviewed for any indications of toxicity" for the next six months. Additionally, keznit will be required to attend professionalism courses from Riot.

Recently, KRÜ have enlisted the aid of Hector "wait" Paucay as a sixth player. He made his debut with the team during their week three match against Meta Gaming Meta Gaming Inactive vaiZ Matías Barría lucasvade Lucas Vade Castro WKN Alvaro Bustos badzw Lukas Rivera NicoMachine Nicolas Valla , but only played in a single map. The team's next match will take place tomorrow in the upper final of the play-in against LEVIATÁN LEVIATÁN Latin America South Rank #1 Demon1 Max Mazanov tex Ian Botsch kiNgg Francisco Aravena C0M Corbin Lee .