Like its basically confirmed right? Every pros ranked her above the likes of Demon1, Aspas, Derke and others
Derke Is a calmer duelist than her
T3xture is a funnier duelist than her
Dambi is a crazier duelist than her
Kamo is a more flexible duelist than her
Meiy hard carried his team more than her (and he's more beautiful than her)
Buzz has more personality than her
Jawgemo has a stronger mentality than her
Hyunmin has better aim than her
Zekken has more trophies than her (1)
Meteor which is not a duelist played iso better than her
In what other aspect is she better?
I think she excels at all of these and better.
Not only her aim is better, her movement of jett or in general is like the dance of phoenix flying in the sky, and her skill usage is like a jade, perfect. Thank you for breaking down the means of mechanical powess, as I can now confidently say she beats every other player (not just duelists) on these agencies.