No rechargeable utility.
the guy had a trip that was virtually global, two tps, an op that he could get for free, and a handheld guardian. the amount of utility and midrounding you would have to do in order to make him irrelevant was fucking astounding at the time. he was boring to play against, boring to watch, and boring to analyze
I think the main problems are:
There's also a lot of flashes but i mean you can turn them so it's not that big of a deal.
The main thing the stun (or similar to stun) and the damaging abilities have in common is that they clear corners way too easily. So a mechanically bad player can just wide swing and spray you down (with the stun), or you have to swing wide into him while he can hold you (damaging abilities).
Now in general it's nice in a game like this that people with lower mechanical skill do have a chance to get high ranks, which in counter strike is much harder because you don't have agents with abilities and a lot less util. Valorant shouldn't be counter strike that's for sure because otherwise we could just play cs, however tho, riot themselves still calls it a tactical SHOOTER, and recently it's just not that much of a shooter anymore because you just get spammed ...
That's just how i see it...