No rechargeable utility.
Galactc [#8]People want to play cs so bad just go play it I think you're playing the wrong game ngl
I've never played CS in my life. Any version of it. I just wish that the game starts favoring mechanically gifted players, rather than utility spammers. People were crying so much during the Chamber meta, but Chamber meta was the best meta in Valorant period.
Jivko [#9]I've never played CS in my life. Any version of it. I just wish that the game starts favoring mechanically gifted players, rather than utility spammers. People were crying so much during the Chamber meta, but Chamber meta was the best meta in Valorant period.
That shit was so boring 1 person being able to hold down most of the map is not okay also mechanically gifted players really aren't all that we're over rating them so much
Jivko [#9]I've never played CS in my life. Any version of it. I just wish that the game starts favoring mechanically gifted players, rather than utility spammers. People were crying so much during the Chamber meta, but Chamber meta was the best meta in Valorant period.
mechanically "gifted" players are being more rewarded than they've ever been. if anything Chamber meta actually stunted a lot of people's growth from how oppressive he was
I think the main problems are:
There's also a lot of flashes but i mean you can turn them so it's not that big of a deal.
The main thing the stun (or similar to stun) and the damaging abilities have in common is that they clear corners way too easily. So a mechanically bad player can just wide swing and spray you down (with the stun), or you have to swing wide into him while he can hold you (damaging abilities).
Now in general it's nice in a game like this that people with lower mechanical skill do have a chance to get high ranks, which in counter strike is much harder because you don't have agents with abilities and a lot less util. Valorant shouldn't be counter strike that's for sure because otherwise we could just play cs, however tho, riot themselves still calls it a tactical SHOOTER, and recently it's just not that much of a shooter anymore because you just get spammed ...
That's just how i see it...
peetherium [#15]mechanically "gifted" players are being more rewarded than they've ever been. if anything Chamber meta actually stunted a lot of people's growth from how oppressive he was
Is 1 guy holding an angle more oppressive than someone being 24/7 on the run from stuns, flashes and damaging utility?
Jivko [#18]Is 1 guy holding an angle more oppressive than someone being 24/7 on the run from stuns, flashes and damaging utility?
when the one guy holds angles and entire sides of the map so fucking well it changes how the macro is played then yes. it is way fucking worse
peetherium [#20]when the one guy holds angles and entire sides of the map so fucking well it changes how the macro is played then yes. it is way fucking worse
so you think it's easier to for you to retake while bombarded with utility, rather than overwhelming 1 singular Chamber, who would also TP away if the doesn't get a quick kill? lol
Jivko [#21]so you think it's easier to for you to retake while bombarded with utility, rather than overwhelming 1 singular Chamber, who would also TP away if the doesn't get a quick kill? lol
the guy had a trip that was virtually global, two tps, an op that he could get for free, and a handheld guardian. the amount of utility and midrounding you would have to do in order to make him irrelevant was fucking astounding at the time. he was boring to play against, boring to watch, and boring to analyze
Galactc [#8]People want to play cs so bad just go play it I think you're playing the wrong game ngl
Its not even about cs , valorant is a meme as whole , there js so many people on Asc3-IMMo that doesnt even know how to shoot , they litterally are one tricking agents , just supporting , Pocket sage 2.0