- g2
- mibr
- kru
- nrg
- sen
- lev
- loud
- 100t
- c9
- eg
- furia
- 2g
oiiink [#2]i believe in yay eg
- g2
- lev
- eg
- mibr
- sen
- kru
- nrg
- loud
- 100t
- c9
- fura
- 2g
i still have pearl nightmares
1) g2
2) mibr
3) kru
4) nrg
5) lev
6) loud
7) 100t
8) c9
9) eg
10) furia
11) 2g
12) tyloo
13) sen
I'll be honest it's disgusting and so depressing having to wake up each day and remember zekken is still allowed to breathe the same air as the rest of the guys. idk how anyone can put em above 13th place when the poster child for being overrated and a thief is casually just leaching off of SENs legacy
hudy [#4]1) g2
2) mibr
3) kru
4) nrg
5) lev
6) loud
7) 100t
8) c9
9) eg
10) furia
11) 2g
12) tyloo
13) senI'll be honest it's disgusting and so depressing having to wake up each day and remember zekken is still allowed to breathe the same air as the rest of the guys. idk how anyone can put em above 13th place when the poster child for being overrated and a thief is casually just leaching off of SENs legacy
didnt know tyloo played in americas
Clucker [#5]"Sen got eight at bangkok, this means kru, nrg and lev are automatically above them"
Everyones logic so far
Clucker [#5]"Sen got eight at bangkok, this means kru, nrg and lev are automatically above them"
Everyones logic so far
i mean did you watch the same game against liquid that I did?
How wrong am I for believing in Furia? They shit the bed on kickoff, but heat, mwzera, and havoc and all really good players and Khalil looked like the best on the team during kickoff. It’s really raafa that I’m worried about but I don’t speak Portuguese so I can’t tell if raafa gets the IGL pass or not
Laundry [#10]How wrong am I for believing in Furia? They shit the bed on kickoff, but heat, mwzera, and havoc and all really good players and Khalil looked like the best on the team during kickoff. It’s really raafa that I’m worried about but I don’t speak Portuguese so I can’t tell if raafa gets the IGL pass or not
they got visa issues and barely trained so at least they have the benefit of the doubt but if they dont show up for the next few games most of the squad should leave
ttk10pokas [#13]wtf why sen so low man
sen are gonna get more exposed and also mibr were already pretty good, with the 2 month break they can definitely prepare more stuff than sen can (same with nrg, kru) and possibly 100t lev
michaelisupset [#3]i still have pearl nightmares
The pearl wasn't even that bad. It was the split that was bad.
Zeron [#6]didnt know tyloo played in americas
i swear you vlr users are allergic to literacy and common sense. more downfrags, salty bots :P
hudy [#21]i swear you vlr users are allergic to literacy and common sense. more downfrags, salty bots :P
so you hate sen so much that you decided to put tyloo in Americas??
Zeron [#23]so you hate sen so much that you decided to put tyloo in Americas??
yes. is that too hard to understand? or do i need to type it out in red writing, since you're used to reading in red when looking at DRG scorelines.
hudy [#25]yes. is that too hard to understand? or do i need to type it out in red writing, since you're used to reading in red when looking at DRG scorelines.
yeah fuck logic ig
oiiink [#2]i believe in yay eg
- g2
- lev
- eg
- mibr
- sen
- kru
- nrg
- loud
- 100t
- c9
- fura
- 2g
the worst top 3 i've seen from these ones. congrats
Zeron [#27]yeah fuck logic ig
is humour not a thing where you're from? actually so cringe how much of a brick wall you are, but i guess that just shows me that low iq twitter soy drinkers like yourself are incapable of reading between the lines. out my mentions doggy, i aint got time for you.
I think they don't need some changes to be the best team in the region
I don't signing a NA player for an All BR team is a good move, because have to change the language, but if they execute the right way, can be a Very strong
(But, its just specullations lol)
3/4. Sen or Loud
SEN: I think they had an Strong Tilt against TL, but they Keep being a very Mature Team, they just have to be Calm.
LOUD: they played very good in the 3 First Matches, but always have the same problem, the players don't value, and open the sights alone, one by one, and have an very weak mental, if they fix this problems, they can be a Strong Team
Sometimes seems like they are playing an Keznit/Shyy 1v9, but always play good in big games lol
We can't subestimate the ONLY latam team
I think if FNS do 24h of Aim Scrim they can be play good, they have good tactics but they have a big gap in the aim
I really don't now, sometimes they play very good, and others they juat disappears, i can't analise them because the Losses and Wins don't have conssistence
But they have good tactics, idk, may be a Karma against Boostio
I think lev is Overrated.
Kingg is Good, Demon have some good games, c0m always press CTRL in all duels lol, if they doesn't signed Rossy in the last weeks, i would put them above C9.
9/10/11. C9, EG and Furia
Oxy plays 1v9, i'm feel bad for Him :(
Eg have potencial, Potter is a good coach, i think they had bad luck because faced LOUD and MiBR
Furia of TXI and VCT doesn't was the same, if they remake their Comps, and USE THEIR KIT, LIKE BANGS STUNS AND SPOTS, they can have um Upgrade :D
Thanks for reading, i love you :D
Sorry for bad english
hudy [#30]is humour not a thing where you're from? actually so cringe how much of a brick wall you are, but i guess that just shows me that low iq twitter soy drinkers like yourself are incapable of reading between the lines. out my mentions doggy, i aint got time for you.
nah its funny kind of but I guess you want sen to be last place regardless
Zeron [#34]nah its funny kind of but I guess you want sen to be last place regardless
hmm i wonder why...