saebr [#3]How have they not gotten signed earlier though? Its a free ascension slot no?
prob didnt get a good offer, i dont think theres much orgs looking to enter val in na atm either
Congo1 [#11]BBL pcfifc....
they are good i respect that
one of the few very capable T2 teams
but NV clears
nobody___100 [#13]they are good i respect that
one of the few very capable T2 teams
but NV clears
would be cool if both make international next year and play vs each other. then we could find out!
Congo1 [#20]would be cool if both make international next year and play vs each other. then we could find out!
cant with these existing rosters
ion2x is a sophomore in high school
nobody___100 [#21]cant with these existing rosters
ion2x is a sophomore in high school
ah.. the problem Pcific had last year. Thats another reason why i think they are better. 1 year more experience
number1_Demon1_fan [#23]This is crazy they don’t put a yoru on the render
TRUEKINGOFALLCALAMITIES [#26]Aren't envy with optic? Is it the same org still, or seperate?
the former owner bought back the envy brand from optic, so its a separate org now
Gemiknight [#27]the former owner bought back the envy brand from optic, so its a separate org now
As an optic fan of 15 years, I'm glad to hear this, shoutout castro
saebr [#3]How have they not gotten signed earlier though? Its a free ascension slot no?
well they'd have to win ascension first, and the tournament it still a long ways away. plus anything can happen in a tournament such as 2G winning it all.