bro they need to stop adding ultimate abilities that cover an entire site. makes the game feel so overwatchy. we need more ults like gekko, clove, omen etc. decent ults that don't cause an entire site to change colour but still have impact
Yistyy [#2]I agree with you. The power creep has been unreal lately.
well the community complained about underwhelming weak agents
howsyfps [#5]well the community complained about underwhelming weak agents
Community is selling. They could just not play the new agent.
Yistyy [#2]I agree with you. The power creep has been unreal lately.
What power creep? Most agents are far worse now than they were 3 years ago or on the game's release.
underdog_Supporter [#3]Completely uncreative and same repetitive ideas man. What do you think about this
bees [#8]What power creep? Most agents are far worse now than they were 3 years ago or on the game's release.
that's the point, all the newer agents are better than all the old agents. iso, vyse, tejo, and now the waylay are so much better than the old agents it's not even close.
Yistyy [#10]that's the point, all the newer agents are better than all the old agents. iso, vyse, tejo, and now the waylay are so much better than the old agents it's not even close.
bees [#11]
- Harbor: bad
- Gekko: niche/mediocre
- Deadlock: niche/mediocre
- Iso: mediocre (don't let Meteor fool you)
- Clove: bad
- Vyse: good
- Tejo: good (but overrated)
iso is strong. he hard counters awps.