drop your early prediction - who'll win Masters Toronto?
Yistyy [#14]The safe answer is g2 or t1. Ima say edg, they fix their mistakes and return to champs form.
t1 peaked at the right time and will fall off
sentinelmain377 [#2]NAVI retirement home
Ange1 is angry 😾
true i dont see any team being even close to navi ngl
ButterflyEffect23 [#10]it ain't looking good...
its looking good trust
because mada popped of kickoff s0m will step up
which means we have both mada and s0m being insane
ethan has improved his util since the c9 loss
and fns is guaranteed to be in the range and deathmatch for 2 hours a day or more (i have sources)
which just leaves brawk who just has to have good util good comms and good vibes
the rest will take care of fragging
we have toronto in the bag
Gemiknight [#5](hard cope) G2 will learn from their mistakes and finally win an international. Jawgemo gets his second trophy and Guard core + singular leaf finally get their first.
I am confident G2 will definitely win one this year. Could be either Masters Toronto or Champs Paris.
nooomy [#15]t1 peaked at the right time and will fall off
Kinda like 100T last year after winning stage 1 right? They fell off so hard after that fr.
0atmeaLLL [#26]Kinda like 100T last year after winning stage 1 right? They fell off so hard after that fr.
exactly like 100T last year
cxrsedval [#9]back to back to back to back
EU and NA lans are back so crowd debuff for asia is coming. If they win in Toronto tho its KR and CN domination like LoL.
nooomy [#15]t1 peaked at the right time and will fall off
T1 didn't peak yet, they almost lost the Grand Final 3-1......
0atmeaLLL [#25]I am confident G2 will definitely win one this year. Could be either Masters Toronto or Champs Paris.
lmfao no shit those are the only two ints fym either or
CubeEnjoyer [#37]Either Team Secret or NRG maybe MIBR too idk but TS will be in the finals
ermm what. I hope so too but whats your thought process behind TS coming to Toronto in the first place