Holy fuck
IZAYA_ORIHARA [#7]iso is very good for abyss
wrong pick
dont doubt my goat
dont doubt autumn they have set strats for this reyna pick
Gemiknight [#12]This comp is unironically working holy shit
it's a heavy site hit comp, very interesting
aquaa018s_alterego [#10]dont doubt my goat
dont doubt autumn they have set strats for this reyna pick
autumn in timeouts be like: meteor go kill
cheesus [#14]Is this the first Reyna ever use in VCT?
no Reyna has been played for years shes just not played that much
Cryptic88 [#16]autumn in timeouts be like: meteor go kill
meteor isnt just gonna kill the dinosaurs, hes gonna make gold 2 disappear.
Gemiknight [#12]This comp is unironically working holy shit
I feel like it is working because it is somewhat iso-adjacent, so Meteor just aim diffs.
cheesus [#14]Is this the first Reyna ever use in VCT?
Prx used to pick Reyna in every other map in 2023, definitely not the first time
Galactc [#4]They're going all in this map if they lose its probably over if they win they'll probably win it all
Welp they died by this pick it looks like