and I will not be elaborating
indomie [#4]honestly pacific may just dominate toronto and champs, i dont see CN or EU coming up with a superteam to challenge APAC, DRX, T1, GENG, NS, DFM and PRX (fucking kill me) may honestly bring home apac's first champs
saebr [#5]TALON
changed half their roster and primmie's off playing showmatches and shit, maybe a outside chance
Ryandr [#3]True I also think drx will win champs. They just need more time together. I think drx edg and prx will improve a lot till champs.
keep PRX out of the conversation
Ryandr [#3]True I also think drx will win champs. They just need more time together. I think drx edg and prx will improve a lot till champs.
TEHMANISDINGIN [#8]RRQ will win champs if they kick that 1 imposter, mark my words
jemkin? oh no its prolly estrella right bang?
Hynix [#2]im scared for what tejo nerfs will do to us sadly
but if flashback bounces back...
tejo nerfs don’t really scare me cause free1ng is just that good.
Flashback back in form is what I really need. Lowkey just has to switch to phantom and that’s already half the battle imo.
loapoarg [#13]Flashback needs to learn what util is and how to use sentinel utility
just a bad start to the year chill on him
Divine_Thunder [#16]went back with sen together asw
atleast he has an “inexperience” excuse, sen are just mid
merciless-pity8989-89 [#18]atleast he has an “inexperience” excuse, sen are just mid
agreed on sen being weak team this time but even an plat wont stand in that same spot and get scanned 20 times in a single map. no hate to flashback but he was doing random stuff which got him killed
TEHMANISDINGIN [#8]RRQ will win champs if they kick that 1 imposter, mark my words
5 stack indo winning something?