Who tf cares about j0ngg except his extra cringy fan girls on twitter
Flag: | India |
Registered: | August 1, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 7:49 AM |
Posts: | 53 |
Who tf cares about j0ngg except his extra cringy fan girls on twitter
Are u fucking dumb? Meteor's one of the only reasons T1 is even here in this grand final
meanwhile GE will never get in any conversation
U shall be wrong
if they win against edg and get top 2 ill be happy enough
that only happens in the grand final i believe, the team from upper brackets get to ban 2 maps first
well after seeing them play against T1 they could lose
holy bro guessed it
at least they got on that plane unlike prx
this team has some insane potential, tbh i wouldnt be surprised if they get top 4 in toronto
I know you are NOT talking
Nice trip bro just let them in why even place a trip there
I really want Liquid to win, but the thing is their map pool is shit and G2 is just strategically good unlike TL. Although I'd love to be proven wrong
DRX sure but T1 smoke liquid? you must be on something to think that
Wtf? u do realise VIT is one of the strongest teams and DRX isnt even bad just flashback threw split thats all no way t1 wins this unless buzz and meteor put on some masterclass
4 of DRX's players are mechanically gifted. Hyunmin is the goat, free1ing has insane aim, flashback is also good ( just not today) and mako insane igl along with kills he saved them many rounds vs vit. Its just they depend way too much on individuals while EDG know how to play strategically
You're telling me. This guy literally handed them a free kill for 5-6 rounds
My two favourite teams 😔
but I just dont see trace winning this T1 has buzz and meteor, kai sucks on duelists feng needs to be on it all time
Hate me all u want, but TL had like 3-4 days compared to EDG's 3 weeks of prac. It was so unfair. While I kind of expected liquid to fix their pearl a little But, but again they cant fix a bad map in 2 days
U wish
That's the most brain-dead take on gyen.
He's completely right. DFM is so patient which is perfect for playing against PRX. Something always over aggresses (wrong spelling idk) and dies. I was shocked to see them get 13-1 ON PEARL. Mind you pearl is one of DFM's worst maps (13% win rate, 1-7 rn) and PRX's second or third best map (81% win rate, 17-4). Meiy is just so insanely good
Is it just me or kaajak just sucks?? Like u can't even blame boaster no more he played good
no offense but i hope it isnt resolved, deryeon is way better than him anyway
close but PRX better
Bleed was removed from Pacific because they " didnt comply with riot's order" and boom esports were given their spot as they were the brunner up for ascension
Bro getting down voted by all sen fans
Uhh lemme think... Last year masters tokyo? U make it seem like it was four years ago
Man prx😢, they're never gonna win anything if they don't stop the W gaming, I get it's fun to watch but I've had my heart crumble too many times
Bro thinks hes cooking with that name
Wait so ur not including if we win against edg? ( Sorry my English is bad)
Like fr bro sage? Could've had jitboy playing that