low elo'ers come

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lowk just saw a video about "duelist not entrying" for the 100th time atp and I've realized that the people who are complaining that the duelists aren't entrying are the same people who will play a lurk character and not do anything either. Like if you watch any pro vct game the entire team can be gooning in one part of the map and the lurk player will still be lurking and trying to get space. These low elo players really think that if the duelist isn't entrying then the game just shuts down for them like if you play basically any character you can still walk around the map and try to get some space at least if your duelist isn't entrying.

TDLR: stop complaining and standing there in main like a npc if the duelist isn't entrying and start moving


I mean that person is in low elo for a reason. They belong there too


From what I've seen there are 2 main reasons why people are low elo, one is things outside of their control such as:

  • bad hardware
  • bad ping

but there are also people who're low elo because they haven't got the correct mentality to rank up

People blame bad teammates more often than not, because it frees them of the burden of thinking that they're the ones that have to (or can) improve. People in general are better at critiquing others, as opposed to self reflecting.

There are other small things here and there; like lower elo players sometimes play on a sens that is way too high, or they overthink basic things like the agents they play (often playing WAY too many), or some even try to replicate VCT level macro in their ranked games, and get frustrated when they're unable to coordinate their plays, whilst at the same time completely underappreciating how important training mechanics are (imo getting to plat is literally just aim)


i enter the site while playing clove
while playing cypher
while playing astra
while playing anything
fuck my duelists I AM THE DUELIST
this shit is not a low elo thing its an all elo thing


deadass people complaining when they arent throwing smokes when i comm it so annoying they should entry first and see how its like because play other roles does not excuse u from taking 1st engagements
preach dbstudios!

Froggy0_0 [#4]

i enter the site while playing clove
while playing cypher
while playing astra
while playing anything
fuck my duelists I AM THE DUELIST
this shit is not a low elo thing its an all elo thing

omen might be the one for you . Evertime I'd just blind and double tp on site. screw my duelists


9/10 low elo players just have no idea how to hold a mouse. Like they'll blame their teammates, smurfs, etc but will refuse to learn how to aim for some reason.

Froggy0_0 [#4]

i enter the site while playing clove
while playing cypher
while playing astra
while playing anything
fuck my duelists I AM THE DUELIST
this shit is not a low elo thing its an all elo thing

you either have to bark at them like dogs or do the most incredible lurks possible

Froggy0_0 [#4]

i enter the site while playing clove
while playing cypher
while playing astra
while playing anything
fuck my duelists I AM THE DUELIST
this shit is not a low elo thing its an all elo thing

Nice one, Frogger 0_0


100% agreed, i am in low elo i mainly play duelist even if i do entry, my initiators wont throw flashes/mollies for me and i instantly die.
they should do thier job first as an initiator b4 blaming the duelist.


That's why I only play duelist in ranked nowadays

Just double satchel in, make space

Realize the team isn't there to follow up on you making space cuz they're scared of god knows what

Get picked off from 4 angles that should have been smoked 5 years ago but aren't

You just can't win sometimes


one of the problems with ppl in low elo playing "lurk agents" is they think lurking is sitting on the opposite site and getting free kills on site anchors leaving bc the attackers are 4 man rushing onto the other site and then think they're getting "value". If we're being honest, nobody even in gold will know what to do with the space gained by lurking anyway

MissesHisShots [#11]

That's why I only play duelist in ranked nowadays

Just double satchel in, make space

Realize the team isn't there to follow up on you making space cuz they're scared of god knows what

Get picked off from 4 angles that should have been smoked 5 years ago but aren't

You just can't win sometimes

It's not really a role thing either though. The nature of ranked (esp. solo queue) means that you should be looking for first engagements regardless of who you're playing.

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