In NA it has to be canezera
In EMEA we have Sayonara, Comeback and GSR
Idk about Pacific and CN
Anyone else?
BoDork [#10]Lot of focus on GSR, but Rexxtoned is someone who has shown some insane potential and honestly feels like nAts' successor at this point
Ngl Liquid has done crazy good scouting job for its academy team
4ch1p4p4 [#8]Can't find his vlr profile
this guy is 14 years old and dominating radiant ranked
BoDork [#10]Lot of focus on GSR, but Rexxtoned is someone who has shown some insane potential and honestly feels like nAts' successor at this point
Announce Verno as Sens 7th
kiyuri [#15]this guy is 14 years old and dominating radiant ranked
14 is absolutely crazy wtf