99% of vlr is just bait but who is the funniest vlr user i need this information so i can copy everything and steal their game
thenutoriousPRO [#2]no one is really funny tbh
Lies I’ve seen some shit thst was actually pretty funny ( it’s rare)
cameran [#7]m4 or that fake sen fan guy (i forgot his name i think its mrbulbe)
you need to be sent to an asylum if you find mrbulbe funny, he's literally the lowest tier of baiter
uwukitten [#9]you need to be sent to an asylum if you find mrbulbe funny, he's literally the lowest tier of baiter
oh word
uwukitten [#9]you need to be sent to an asylum if you find mrbulbe funny, he's literally the lowest tier of baiter
Type shit
Ullyr [#17]This site just full of baiters... check out my profile if you want an example
dont even have to check out your profile. saw the first message and its already bait.
Ullyr [#17]This site just full of baiters... check out my profile if you want an example
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