Someone has to step up and ask leo faria the hard questions , we don't see a lot of public response qna being done by him and usually the only place that we see him being asked questions is plat chat, I really think plat chat hosts should actually bring him on again and ask him the hard questions and make him answer in detail about them, stuff like why is Tier 2 detoriating and what are they doing to keep it sustainable, he did previously mention on the podcast that people say they don't care abt t2 but it's not the case but it wasn't a detailed one, or questions like why are they killing SEA tier 2 by the soop acquisition rights, or about them not making the bundles interesting? Or the irregularity in rest days for different teams, the irregularity in timings for different valorant regions( like how EMEA is now shifted two hours back making it where if u watch the last EMEA game u would miss the first Americas game) .