is this trolling?
VxpxFX [#4]Dunno but the person who posted that on X is a total garbage bag of a person
True its gotta be a ragebait clip. I just found the idea of buying lower interesting
VxpxFX [#4]Dunno but the person who posted that on X is a total garbage bag of a person
true i had to unfollow after all the bullshit she said about men
VxpxFX [#4]Dunno but the person who posted that on X is a total garbage bag of a person
schizopost oops
envyz [#6]true i had to unfollow after all the bullshit she said about men
kfan4238173 [#2]bulldog is kinda busted. if it had 1.5 scope id buy it all the time
it has the worst attributes of vandal (tracers, lower fire rate, blah blah)
and worst attributes of phantom (no 1 tap without ads)but when ads its like a vandal, aim for neck and it kills them almost as if you had a vandal
yeah so its def a more situational gun, but does buying it every round mean trolling?
Galactc [#3]It's actually pretty good it just takes being the right person to use it just like the guardian
That's true, but the guardian has incredibly important stats like high pen and 195 for a headshot whilst bulldog is a cheaper and inferior rifle
Window [#9]yeah so its def a more situational gun, but does buying it every round mean trolling?
i wouldnt say so, but if your team is picking up momentum/money theres no reason to go bulldog over vandal, let alone overtime.
bulldog is a lot cheaper so if youd prefer to buy bulldog full shield opposed to vandal light i think its understandable, or if your team is getting rolled and u want a decent gun every round
As long as you're good for it, and you're doing what fishychair does (which pick up a rifle when the round ends and drop it to a teammate in the buy round), it's not trolling. I get people in my games sometimes that only use one gun, and they'll usually be good for it, but what always ticks me off is when we're low on eco and they carry their Bucky or Ares or whatever into the next round instead of any of the rifles on the floor
cloudberry [#13]As long as you're good for it, and you're doing what fishychair does (which pick up a rifle when the round ends and drop it to a teammate in the buy round), it's not trolling. I get people in my games sometimes that only use one gun, and they'll usually be good for it, but what always ticks me off is when we're low on eco and they carry their Bucky or Ares or whatever into the next round instead of any of the rifles on the floor
With fishychair, the guardian is at least comparable to the other rifles. The bulldog is like a phantom but worse, and you only get value from adsing, which is not very beneficial because it lowers movement speed and makes dueling harder.
cloudberry [#13]As long as you're good for it, and you're doing what fishychair does (which pick up a rifle when the round ends and drop it to a teammate in the buy round), it's not trolling. I get people in my games sometimes that only use one gun, and they'll usually be good for it, but what always ticks me off is when we're low on eco and they carry their Bucky or Ares or whatever into the next round instead of any of the rifles on the floor
I think buying bulldog only is justifible only as long as you are top fragging or atleast top 4 in the lobby,
there is absolutely 0 reason to go bulldog over phantom or vandal
it has less damage, tracers, worse first bullet accuracy, more ttk, just everything bad
guardian at least has an argument cuz guardian ADS is fully accurate, more pen, and bigger zoom and it 1 taps head
on second note neon shouldve went off on iso for ulting with a ghost too, that shit was dumb
Prancer [#15]I think buying bulldog only is justifible only as long as you are top fragging or atleast top 4 in the lobby,
bro js cuz ur top 4 does not change the scope of the situation bro
bulldog is still inferior to both the vandal and phantom
the only time u should be buying bulldog is after winning pistol
and even then i basically never touch the bulldog
there is some inner hatred for men in her tweets and videos, and while it may be justified, it should be addressed through therapy and self-reflection rather than posting it online and arguing with people across the world
besides that? she's fine. it's a really really weird thing to do but if she gets results then who cares in all honesty. there were people like fishychair who used mostly guardian and if he got kills, no one cared.
Really even tho this is a ragebait her not showing the creds she have in the round is retarded. From the clip her team was at 8-9 doing a 9-3 comeback with 5 continuous wins on the half. I dont think she has a bad economy based off the 5 straight round wins so it is pretty safe to safe that she has money to afford a vandal or a phantom with full util and full shield, even if she died all 5 rounds one of her teammates could buy her
I can see why her neon was mad because they just lost their momentum and the enemy team now has a 2 round lead instead of them tying 99, but it is pretty dumb for her buying a bulldog and he getting mad of her buying a bulldog i guess
smthlikeyou11 [#17]bro js cuz ur top 4 does not change the scope of the situation bro
bulldog is still inferior to both the vandal and phantom
the only time u should be buying bulldog is after winning pistoland even then i basically never touch the bulldog
If you are consistently winning and top fragging you can do whatever you want, that's how players like kaemi and fishychair get away with what your doing.
Obviously no debate the vandal and phantom are the best guns in the game
Prancer [#20]If you are consistently winning and top fragging you can do whatever you want, that's how players like kaemi and fishychair get away with what your doing.
Obviously no debate the vandal and phantom are the best guns in the game
kaemi and fishychair are doing it for content, and they actually have a decent following
this is just straight up bullshit
smthlikeyou11 [#21]kaemi and fishychair are doing it for content, and they actually have a decent following
this is just straight up bullshit
I'm not defending the girl in the video she is a shitty rage baitor but I'm talking about if someone else were to do it
Window [#8]OH NAH NOT THE ONE ABOUT HOW EVERYTHING IS A MANS FAULT AND SHE'D FORCE HER SON TO BE TRANS OR SMT 😭😭😭😭😭😭How does this bitch still have a platform
fr lol
Window [#8]OH NAH NOT THE ONE ABOUT HOW EVERYTHING IS A MANS FAULT AND SHE'D FORCE HER SON TO BE TRANS OR SMT 😭😭😭😭😭😭How does this bitch still have a platform
meds for her, wtf is that delulu take
envyz [#6]true i had to unfollow after all the bullshit she said about men
Why were you following her in rhe first place
kaninv [#18]there is some inner hatred for men in her tweets and videos, and while it may be justified, it should be addressed through therapy and self-reflection rather than posting it online and arguing with people across the world
besides that? she's fine. it's a really really weird thing to do but if she gets results then who cares in all honesty. there were people like fishychair who used mostly guardian and if he got kills, no one cared.
There is no justification for hating a gender. I haven't looked through her tweets but I could probably generate a pretty decent idea.
Justifications especially fall short when your sample size is valorant players because half of the girls I met on valorant were just as much of an asshole as the rest of the playerbase, gaming is just mainly populated by men so the outlook seems so
There's a big lack of context that is just making any discussion a whole lot harder.
You're allowed to full-buy any gun you want. It's not in the "rules" of Valorant that you HAVE to buy phantom/vandal/op/odin every buy round. What actually matters is your skill with said gun. I'm sure you've seen those "sheriff-to-immortal" videos. Do you only use the judge but still perform well relative to your team and still contribute a lot? Great! Do you only use the judge but you bait your team and are useless 80% of the time? Not great!
That's why I think context is important. Like yeah, she has more kills than her ally Neon, but how did she get those kills? Were those from actual team fights or were most of those kills exit frags or the result of baiting her team? Has she been picking up rifles to drop for her team or is she keeping the bulldog from round to round? Like sure that montage at the end is great and all but how did the rest of the game go?
Either way, based on the little context provided, I think that argument was more the result of general team tilt, because their whole team wasn't performing that well even with the comeback. I don't think she did anything particularly wrong. If anything, I agree with her that I'd be more tilted at the Iso for ulting with a ghost than the Clove for buying bulldog all the time LMAO