For me…
Opinions: Dort
Baits: Dort
Flag: USA
Flair: NRG
CanadaMan [#10]Opinions: CanadaMan
Baits: CanadaMan
Flag: Palestine
Flair: Dragon Ranger Gaming
What happened to DRG flair :(
cloudberry [#11]What happened to DRG flair :(
I meant to reply this to CanadaMan but anyway I think he's just doing different flairs during the OFF//SEASON based on what he's said to me
Conceit [#12]REAL AND TRUE
I meant to reply this to CanadaMan but anyway I think he's just doing different flairs during the OFF//SEASON based on what he's said to me
Ok ok
cloudberry [#11]What happened to DRG flair :(
I changed it for ascension, but now its NXT as I am friends with the Head Coach. I will change it back to DRG at the start of the season
Conceit [#12]REAL AND TRUE
I meant to reply this to CanadaMan but anyway I think he's just doing different flairs during the OFF//SEASON based on what he's said to me
I changed it for ascension, but now its NXT as I am friends with the Head Coach. I will change it back to DRG at the start of the season
you are correct king
CanadaMan [#17]I changed it for ascension, but now its NXT as I am friends with the Head Coach. I will change it back to DRG at the start of the season
Oh that's neat
n1cf [#21]Opinions: Mortadelo or Netero
Baits: Yessirskiii
Flag: idk doesnt matter
Flair: idk doesnt matter
Who is yessirskiii?
smthlikeyou11 [#6]opinions:idk
flag:doesnt matter
flair: random ass t2 flairs
you miss him that badly
smthlikeyou11 [#6]opinions:idk
flag:doesnt matter
flair: random ass t2 flairs
ONE kyedae thread bro
Kirya [#32]Muscles: Kirya
Height: Kirya
Sexy: Kirya
Gigachad: Kirya
Intelligence: Kirya
Sigma: Kirya
Speed: Kirya
result: femboy