Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 31, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 8:24 AM
Posts: 115
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retiring. he find he success as streamer.

posted 5 hours ago

If Aspas create a team, and could pick team mates (only ranked players), his team would at least make playoffs in Americas. Lets be honest here. If Aspas goes to MIBR, they instantly go to top 4.

posted 15 hours ago

Vou até comentar em português pra ser mais preciso na fala. Sentinels não quis mudar, eles foram forçados devido a aposentadoria dos jogadores. A NRG ta trocando o que não deu certo no split passado, então é fácil afirmar que o time vai melhorar. Sentinels já não estava em um bom momento no meio do ano, conseguiram se ajeitar no champions e agora quebraram novamente.. Tem uma diferença entre a mudança dos dois.

posted 20 hours ago

NRG maybe, KRU is one the strongest rn

posted 23 hours ago

Why people put Sentinels in top 3? The last time they are seed 4 in Americas, and now with a two new players, people put them at the top... You guys are crazy or what?
I will give the top 5 (no order).
C9 (laugh if you want, but they gonna make better team without vanity)
NRG (They changing in a smart way.)

posted 23 hours ago

How many guys with good aim do you see in rankeds? Now tell me how many good initiators, with competitive experience, who not only help inside the game, but outside too, help in calls, help to team fix errors, and stuff like that? Sacy isn't the better mechanical players, but one of the smarters and better supports FOR SURE.

posted 1 day ago

Way harder to replace Sacy. You kidding me? Tenz is a guy with good aim, that's it.

posted 1 day ago

Solo Leveling. (Badass protagonist)
Attack on Titan. (One of the greatest history i`ve seen in anime, better than Death Note)
I only watched like 10 animes in my life, so most of the animes i watched, i dropped. These two i watched full, signal that they are good.

posted 1 day ago

The lasts games was just ass. He need to improve his Jett and stop playing Iso.

posted 1 day ago

Top duelists in America(2024) imo:
(tier S)

(tier a)

(tier b)

(quit duelist)

posted 1 day ago

Pick Sova only in maps where you destroy. Like most sova are goods in Haven, Ascent and Abyss. Maps where you not doing that great with Sova, change for Chamber. You can pick everywhere and go for the first kill (most impactfull kill in the round). And the other thing about playing Chamber, you will not have fear to shooting back. You can go, and if you are in trouble just use the tp. Your aim will improve because you will be forced to take more 1v1 combats playing with Chamber. With Sova you probably have the support mentality, this make you playing passive most of the times.

posted 1 day ago

If you are below imortal, comp dont meant nothing. You can play 3 duelist comp and won.
People just dont respect the fundamentals of the game in those elos. Thats why most people achieve imortal playing reyna, and when they play in imortal they change role. beucase people there start play more serious. If you want play sova in gold, no one will waiting for your drone, they just go foward and if you stop to "droning", you are literally trolling because you will not be able to trade. So what the point to make a right comp if the team will not respect the fundamentals?

posted 1 day ago

Because the team who won regionals in beggining of the year, arent the best team overral. they just have advatange over team who changed the roster. Think about Sentinels, i dont think they will have a great kick off and even a great stage 1. The roster just losted two importants players, so they need rebuild the team. And think about LEVIATAN or even G2. They have a lot time advantage, beucase they dont change they roster yet. So the team who win kickoff is most likely the team who maintain the same roster.
Thats why this is a mickey mouse.

posted 1 day ago

Kick off is the ultimate mickey mouse bro, stage 1 you can put some value, but the peak is stage 2. All teams are ready to play at they best. Masters isnt Mickey mouse through, because are the best teams at the moment against each other, but regionals are all mickey mouse.

posted 1 day ago

Mickey mouse is kick off and stage 1. The teams who are new aren't ready to compete against teams with same roster as last year.

posted 1 day ago

Jett > Neon > Raze. Jett is the best because she is useful for entry and for awp in defense. Watch Aspas vod playing Jett in defense, learning about anchor, awp pixels, and how to take information in defense with Jett (you can push sites when you have dash, this bring a lot info for your team).

posted 1 day ago

If Aspas leave i understand, but rn Lev have an edge against the others America teams.

posted 1 day ago

I really dont understand why people saying Sentinels. The team literally fell apart and they need find new players to complete the team.. Lev until now maintain the same, so why no one is put LEV? They are the best America team, you guys forgot?

posted 1 day ago

I hope sen C0m materialized

posted 2 days ago

For me duelist isn't a role for a flex. Two duelist i can see work only in Split (raze and jett). If your main duelist can't play with Raze, Jett or Neon, he isn't a real duelist.

posted 2 days ago

congrats to him to play well half year. Where he is now? You have to understand the game is about consistency. Otherwise you become Yay.

posted 2 days ago

A real flex have to know how to play 3 roles imo. Controller, initiator and Sentinel. Most comp is two initiators, two controllers or two sentinels. Mazino is a true flex, he can do all 3. Some people call Demon1 a flex. He is a mediocre controller and average duelist. He needs to pike a role and master

posted 2 days ago

nah i don't respect that. Bro, if you have money to pay something why do that? Do you think the guy who create the game don't deserve nothing? I pay when i have money and is fair. Like the UFC pay per view in Brazil is fair, so i pay every month. But Boxing ppv is absurdo, so i use piracy.

posted 2 days ago

Ok i understand that. But an average American can afford games, no? For an average Brazilian still hard, because only food is cheap. Bro, i worked 1 year straight to buy a PC to play games. Those things are so expensive for country with weak currency. It's all imported.

posted 2 days ago

Because your currency is superior to other countries. You can handle the cost very well. It is difficult for those who live in countries with weak currencies.

posted 2 days ago

If you live in EUROPE or EUA, you shouldn't piracying anything.

posted 2 days ago

Justice for Brazil. Keyd better

posted 2 days ago

Worst than 2024 for sure. If at least Crashies was in his prime.. He could be a good option.

posted 2 days ago

Cool. Kru is the strongest team in Americas if this really happened.

posted 2 days ago

what is that? i don't have x in my country

posted 2 days ago

I feel like this is the right moment to solidify the community. Valorant already has global players, they just need to appear more. 3 international events isnt enough imo.

posted 2 days ago

Anyone who followed LoL knows what I'm talking about. Riot held an event at the end of the year where the most voted players from each region got together and played LoL for fun. This would be a cool way to bring players who are no longer competing (Tenz) to the stage again. What do you think about Riot implementing this in Valorant?

posted 2 days ago

He wasn't just saying yes, he was actually showing interest. History will absolve me. See you guys soon.

posted 2 days ago

I know something. But I assume things too, what's the problem? Am I some kind of journalist who has to bring the source of everything I say?
As soon as Sacy came to Brazil and started streaming daily, everyone asked him if he wanted to play with Aspas next year (2025) and he always said yes, which was obvious (they are best friends in game ). But then he goes and announces his retirement, for what reason would that be? Simple... he couldn't get into Lev to play with Aspas.

posted 2 days ago

If you link up the information, you have the same conclusion as me.
First of all, Duelist and initiator need a good synergy, thats why Aspas wanted to go to LEV. NZR was the initiator at the time, they are friends and duo... When NZR was kiked from LEV, Aspas almost leave too. Now Sacy his biggest friend in the game, and a guy who knows how to play with Aspas, is free agent and Lev says they want same roster, wich mens C0m again... imediatly Aspas wants leaving Lev again... Why do you think Aspas want leave LEV? Aspas 100% say to Lev bring Sacy, but they say no, so Sacy just decided to retire.

posted 2 days ago

kickoff means nothing. Only stage 2 matters

posted 2 days ago

I already expected that Sacy would retire. I obviously know more than people here, because I look for news and when I saw that LEV was interested in renewing with C0m, I knew that Sacy wouldn't play in 2025. Sacy has declined quite mechanically since he joined Sentinels, but because he is a very intelligent/experienced player, he is still very useful for immature teams. He probably thought: "Well, I'll try to go to LEV to play with Aspas, if it works out I'll continue, but if they don't accept I won't want to play for a Brazilian team or any American team."

posted 2 days ago

VCT Americas was only 2023/2024 with franchise. Loud won 2023 and Lev 2024.

posted 2 days ago

he didnt won americas

posted 2 days ago

hot take, but Sacy. I was reading Lev dont want change the team, so idk where Sacy fit in. Idk if he is willing to go for a Brazilian team Loud again or Furia.

posted 3 days ago

Which type of player is most valuable for competition? The specialist who only knows how to play one role or a flex player who doesn't play a specific role so well, but can play different roles?
I personally prefer specialists, I would like to see Demon1 improving Neon/Raze and becoming a full duelist instead of him playing Jett/Controller

posted 3 days ago

He is underrated 100%

posted 3 days ago

Tenz is the face of Valorant. He never was the face of the competitive. You guys have to understand the difference. Most people who play Valorant dont know shit about competitive, they just watch some tiktok viral video and play the game.

posted 3 days ago

ass list

posted 3 days ago

why not Crashies?

posted 3 days ago

demon1 kekw FNS is better... dude play half year well and people put him as all time great.

posted 3 days ago

I think the problem was when he stopped being a duelist. His strong point in the game is precisely his aim, so he should have insisted on the role. Of course, 2023 was a failure, but I believe it was the staff's fault. As Omen he gained value in Sentinels, but lost competitive value. He wouldn't fit well on other teams playing Omen/Kayo.

posted 3 days ago

For dumb people of course.

posted 3 days ago

Tenz made the right decision. He is more important for streaming than for competitive. He was never recognized as one of the best competitive players but by one of the most famous. I'm not saying he's a bad player, just that he has more to offer as a streamer. And the fact that he conquered Madrid before retiring was perfect timing.

posted 3 days ago

Lmao what shit team.

posted 3 days ago
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