With DRX playing in about 12 days, who would be the best option for the 5th player
Or maybe an old DRX player like Zest
jimjam789 [#8]What is drx playing in
TEN Invitational Gen G is playing in it as well so they might announce the full roster soon too.
merciless-pity8989-89 [#9]TEN Invitational Gen G is playing in it as well so they might announce the full roster soon too.
that's actually a fire lineup for teams i cant lie
geng still has t3xture and karon
drx is rebuilding, interesting to see what they have cooking
talon looked strong with primmie and imagine they have sscary as well
fpx #2 team in china
seofps [#5]duelist: hyunmin
smokes: mako
senti: flashback
flex: free1ng, let free1ng learn how to play flex
initiator: yoman (woudl be igl as well)
yoman being dropped over stew still blows my mind
unknown_trash [#14]If it's munchkin then I'm a bit worried about chemistry with the team and termi specifically
how so?
merciless-pity8989-89 [#17]how so?
Munchkin left t1 because he disagreed with autumn's style of coaching. I'm worried that he would not co operate with termi for a similar reason to why he disagreed with autumn.
windwine [#19]hope its not lakia i feel like drx need some firepower and lakia would not be it
I don’t necessarily think we “need” more firepower, but we are quite in the position Gen G were in last season. Where they had 4 insane players playing really good, and Lakia on for the ride. Sure I definitely think our players have the potential/ability to surpass that, but you never know and i don’t want to take that chancs
windwine [#19]hope its not lakia i feel like drx need some firepower and lakia would not be it
message got sent twice…
windwine [#19]hope its not lakia i feel like drx need some firepower and lakia would not be it
flashback, mako and freeing are not firepower?
unknown_trash [#18]Munchkin left t1 because he disagreed with autumn's style of coaching. I'm worried that he would not co operate with termi for a similar reason to why he disagreed with autumn.
well autumn was a risk taker. Termi did that a little at the end of last season but he usually doesn’t stray too far away from the norm. I think it would work fine
ShuGo [#11]pls we need an IGL, they need to stop making their best Player be IGL
agreed top 2 smokes of all time playing as an igl is criminal
windwine [#24]agreed top 2 smokes of all time playing as an igl is criminal
top 1* but yeah i kinda agree. Another igl would be great
CactusPlant [#22]flashback, mako and freeing are not firepower?
Yeah, Flashback, MaKo freeing and HYUNMIN is one hell of a fire squad. Saying we need more firepower is crazy
CactusPlant [#22]flashback, mako and freeing are not firepower?
they are but i think munchkin would be a better pickup, he can igl and play int and also allow mako to frag better