silly flor thread

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flor fans are crazy
A player not even in ascension territory should not be compared to aspas or mibr even, I'm convinced game changer fans are not esport fans, they just wanna see non male player in tier1 cus "it would be cool" .but at the end of the day representation doesn't make you number one on the leader board unfortunately, flor needs to grind in tier2 and qualify for open qualifiers like everyone else.

and also if there is no girl player ever in esport the world is still gonna spin, I'm a black esport fan and there are no black players in any corner in esports except , maybe fighter games but I dont like those games. but you guys get the point, I dont buy the bullcrap from riot that game changers helps bring in female fans that have previously "been left out",

anyway I can't wait to see my baby verno in tier1😍


hi gamergirl alt


Nice bait but bro forgot dgzin


flor won’t be tier 1 ready for a while, but i’m pretty sure she can hold her own in tier 2 if she’s given a chance

she giga smurfs the gc league, her career will go nowhere if she stays there. she has to join a tier 2 team or at least some challenger team with the possibility of making it into the main t2 circuit

not5kin [#3]

Nice bait but bro forgot dgzin

valyn and pancada too no?

shrike- [#4]

flor won’t be tier 1 ready for a while, but i’m pretty sure she can hold her own in tier 2 if she’s given a chance

she giga smurfs the gc league, her career will go nowhere if she stays there. she has to join a tier 2 team or at least some challenger team with the possibility of making it into the main t2 circuit

staying in gc is good financially for top players there I think

Diebs [#6]

staying in gc is good financially for top players there I think

i guess, but she’s expressed her desire to be in tier 1 someday, and that’s never going to happen if she keeps farming the gc league with a team that struggles against immortal 3 squads in challengers

shrike- [#4]

flor won’t be tier 1 ready for a while, but i’m pretty sure she can hold her own in tier 2 if she’s given a chance

she giga smurfs the gc league, her career will go nowhere if she stays there. she has to join a tier 2 team or at least some challenger team with the possibility of making it into the main t2 circuit

I think its pretty clear flor doesn't wanna grind into tier 2 and tier1,( she seems to think a franchised org is gonna pick her up as soon as possible) ^.^

imisstorontotokyo [#8]

I think its pretty clear flor doesn't wanna grind into tier 2 and tier1,( she seems to think a franchised org is gonna pick her up as soon as possible) ^.^

if this is true then idk what to say tbh, if she thinks a franchise team is just gonna pick her up from gc she is mega stupid LMAOOOOO

“i’m not gonna grind in tier 2 because i think i should be in tier 1 instantly” like who does she think she is? babyj?

shrike- [#4]

flor won’t be tier 1 ready for a while, but i’m pretty sure she can hold her own in tier 2 if she’s given a chance

she giga smurfs the gc league, her career will go nowhere if she stays there. she has to join a tier 2 team or at least some challenger team with the possibility of making it into the main t2 circuit

You act like Flor hasn't tried getting into T2. Giga smurfing in GC doesn't mean nothing when you're essentially smurfing on T4 players and then get smoked by unpaid T3 pugstacks in T2 open quals lmao.

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