Why is esports a thing?

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Like its not profitable for most orgs, I just dont see why this exists tbh.

In csgo orgs profit off like stickers and gambling I guess but why even take the risk?


For fun!

nihso [#2]

For fun!

so we wasting millions for fun?

god I would love to be rich


Esports are insanely fun and entertaining to watch, there is a way for orgs to make a profit and its through the content side of things.


Sponsors! :D

AstroGalaxy [#3]

so we wasting millions for fun?

god I would love to be rich

millions is nothing if you are a billionaire

AstroGalaxy [#3]

so we wasting millions for fun?

god I would love to be rich

Esports will always exist whether its a local lan tournament being streamed on twitch with no live audience or if its at Madison Square Garden. People love watching the best compete against each other no matter what the activity/sport/game is.

CanadaMan [#4]

Esports are insanely fun and entertaining to watch, there is a way for orgs to make a profit and its through the content side of things.

Crazy too because the most average Views that a very popular org video releases is usually around 150-300k


you saw mortadelo fnatic post ---> you post this
also its to solidify their position, so they're there when eSports become profitable


Yea why do redbull and all these sponsors throw away money for people's entertainment.

CanadaMan [#4]

Esports are insanely fun and entertaining to watch, there is a way for orgs to make a profit and its through the content side of things.

not every team is gonna profit from content unless they are clouted. not the main TOs have to provide content like stickers and gambling like they do in cs


ok ima approach this from a philosophical viewpoint

in terms of esports as a competition, its because as long as something can be won or lost people will want to compete and be better than others no matter what it is, its in human nature

and as a public affair (tournaments hosted and streamed) its because those same people are also passionate about this and cheering for their team/players

Bluelive [#8]

Crazy too because the most average Views that a very popular org video releases is usually around 150-300k

not even just that, look at Sen. They have Tarik, Aceu and now TenZ plus when Zelssis and Curry stream. Also all the non esports cc's they have like 39Daph. Sen 100% make almost all their money from content creators they have signed

geospliced [#5]

Sponsors! :D

Influece on interner and among other orgs! :D


I mean, it's for the same reason regular sports are a thing. I doubt football was immediately profitable either but look at it now.

AstroGalaxy [#3]

so we wasting millions for fun?

god I would love to be rich

have you watched traditional sports my friend, if you see fun as a waste
esports wastes millions
those waste BILLIONS
by the way traditional sports are legitimately just funded through taxes and our government because if it wasn't it is also extremely unprofitable

CanadaMan [#7]

Esports will always exist whether its a local lan tournament being streamed on twitch with no live audience or if its at Madison Square Garden. People love watching the best compete against each other no matter what the activity/sport/game is.

we have the best competing then we have 100t and team liquid doing whatever they do

kaninv [#16]

have you watched traditional sports my friend, if you see fun as a waste
esports wastes millions
those waste BILLIONS
by the way traditional sports are legitimately just funded through taxes and our government because if it wasn't it is also extremely unprofitable

why would I watch sports like soccer when I can do literally anything else

AstroGalaxy [#18]

why would I watch sports like soccer when I can do literally anything else

unironically based.
I have no counterpoint.


geospliced [#5]

Sponsors! :D

Looking at FNC’s finances, not nearly enough

kaninv [#19]

unironically based.
I have no counterpoint.


ur wrong football is extremely profitable lol

you think the fucking NBA is funded through the government? or the premier league? weird take

pretty much the only sports that arent self-sustaing are e-sports/other smaller sports lol all others make enough to sustain themselves.

and esports is only government funded in china some SEA countries, japan, korea to the best of my knowledge

sports are def profitable, im acc sure if riot was able to sell League the way the NBA sells their product they could be insanely profitable too

gamergirl [#17]

we have the best competing then we have 100t and team liquid doing whatever they do


gamergirl [#21]

ur wrong football is extremely profitable lol

you think the fucking NBA is funded through the government? or the premier league? weird take

pretty much the only sports that arent self-sustaing are e-sports/other smaller sports lol all others make enough to sustain themselves.

and esports is only government funded in china some SEA countries, japan, korea to the best of my knowledge

sports are def profitable, im acc sure if riot was able to sell League the way the NBA sells their product they could be insanely profitable too

in 2011 22/30 teams in the NBA were unprofitable
only recently has this changed to be profitable through massive television rights contracts (why literally every youtube video, twitter video etc gets INSTA taken down) and same with american football with their season pass tickets, which, by the way, was found to be illegal and collusion and they are now being sued for. so yes, sports are generally not sustainable.

premier league teams are not profitable either, it took one google search to find that out. it's funded by saudi's who want to see good football. I'm not talking about if it's profitable for RIOT, I'm talking about for teams.

I can keep looking through by the way, but I'm just saying that mbappe makes $128 million a year for a single player so if you make a $40 profit off a $70 jersey to fans you'd have to sell 3.2 million jerseys just for that single player EVERY YEAR and that's not even getting into every single other cost to run a massive sports team.

kaninv [#23]

in 2011 22/30 teams in the NBA were unprofitable
only recently has this changed to be profitable through massive television rights contracts (why literally every youtube video, twitter video etc gets INSTA taken down) and same with american football with their season pass tickets, which, by the way, was found to be illegal and collusion and they are now being sued for. so yes, sports are generally not sustainable.

premier league teams are not profitable either, it took one google search to find that out. it's funded by saudi's who want to see good football. I'm not talking about if it's profitable for RIOT, I'm talking about for teams.

I can keep looking through by the way, but I'm just saying that mbappe makes $128 million a year for a single player so if you make a $40 profit off a $70 jersey to fans you'd have to sell 3.2 million jerseys just for that single player EVERY YEAR and that's not even getting into every single other cost to run a massive sports team.

by the fucking way what does 2011 have to do, in 2024 all 30 teams are profitable, and very much so

football clubs were super profitable and have been for a while, it recently changed due to covid and teams are recovering, not just saudi teams

all big clubs will be profitable within the next few years again, and it has to due with TV rights. TV RIGHTS are the key to profits in esports or sports, riot just needs to man up and do it

gamergirl [#24]

by the fucking way what does 2011 have to do, in 2024 all 30 teams are profitable, and very much so

football clubs were super profitable and have been for a while, it recently changed due to covid and teams are recovering, not just saudi teams

all big clubs will be profitable within the next few years again, and it has to due with TV rights. TV RIGHTS are the key to profits in esports or sports, riot just needs to man up and do it

2011 has to do with it because I'm saying it just recently changed which I stated.
football clubs generally are not profitable and they still were not during COVID when viewership rose.
I already brought up TV rights and said that is how they make money, but that's profit for the association not for the teams.

kaninv [#25]

2011 has to do with it because I'm saying it just recently changed which I stated.
football clubs generally are not profitable and they still were not during COVID when viewership rose.
I already brought up TV rights and said that is how they make money, but that's profit for the association not for the teams.

they were not during covid because they had to keep playing players, and stadiums were closed? clubs had an obligation to continue OPERATING as if they were generating money, which they werent for a long time

TV rights trickle down to teams, when the prem signs a tv rights deal all teams profit off of it.

2011 was 14 years ago? recently how? we are in a completely different era and streaming/tv rights are bigger than ever


barca off of some of the worst financial years they have ever had recording profits of 300 million, madrid is probably higher too lol just no reason to act like sports are not profitable


money laundering

gamergirl [#26]

they were not during covid because they had to keep playing players, and stadiums were closed? clubs had an obligation to continue OPERATING as if they were generating money, which they werent for a long time

TV rights trickle down to teams, when the prem signs a tv rights deal all teams profit off of it.

2011 was 14 years ago? recently how? we are in a completely different era and streaming/tv rights are bigger than ever


barca off of some of the worst financial years they have ever had recording profits of 300 million, madrid is probably higher too lol just no reason to act like sports are not profitable

with better figures than expected, while also reducing the net debt for the second year in a row

they are still in debt. also, this is their best income by a large margin, it's a record breaking year and yes they are profitable now but they have not been for a long long time and if there is any downturn in football they will immediately be back in the red. this is barca and madrid. those teams are the best. what about every other team? they are probably not making profit lol. it's not just about the top teams, which I have said already by saying "generally" not profitable not "always" not profitable. on top of that, I also said that earlier.
sure, they CAN be profitable. but any team can be, there are orgs in esports that are already profitable. it's just either the top top ones, or ones that are selling players often that they scout.

kaninv [#28]

with better figures than expected, while also reducing the net debt for the second year in a row

they are still in debt. also, this is their best income by a large margin, it's a record breaking year and yes they are profitable now but they have not been for a long long time and if there is any downturn in football they will immediately be back in the red. this is barca and madrid. those teams are the best. what about every other team? they are probably not making profit lol. it's not just about the top teams, which I have said already by saying "generally" not profitable not "always" not profitable. on top of that, I also said that earlier.
sure, they CAN be profitable. but any team can be, there are orgs in esports that are already profitable. it's just either the top top ones, or ones that are selling players often that they scout.

you said traditional sports are funded by governments you're just a mong

put down the argument you lost there

gave you two examples of clubs that are owned by absolutely nobody, barca and real have 0 owners to give them cash injections and are profitable in the hundreds of millions, they took debt again because of covid as much of the world did


let the rich waste their money

gamergirl [#29]

you said traditional sports are funded by governments you're just a mong

put down the argument you lost there

gave you two examples of clubs that are owned by absolutely nobody, barca and real have 0 owners to give them cash injections and are profitable in the hundreds of millions, they took debt again because of covid as much of the world did

traditional sports are funded by taxes, the stadiums for local teams are built by the governments which are funded by taxes not by the teams most of the time.
by the way, you are right, they are owned by nobody. the management for the team still had to sell TV rights to make money to buy players to get to this point.
this is like Valorant giving each team a chunk of viewership money and a team literally selling stake just to afford to buy players. it shows how bad it is. now in 2024, 2 years later, yes they are finally in the profit but like I said, this is a record breaking year. what if everything goes down even 10%? they are immediately unprofitable again. we have seen this in other esports, Copenhagen Flames + ENCE were profitable for a year and immediately weren't again because the business is volatile.
what other points do you have?

oh yeah another note
Camp Nou is literally funded by a bunch of investment companies which FC Barca has to pay back

Barcelona added that they signed the agreement with 20 investors, including Goldman Sachs (GS.N), and JP Morgan (JPM.N).
The Spanish club are set to pay back investors in progressive tranches - after five, seven, nine, 20, and 24 years - with a flexible structure, including a grace period.

them making 300m this year which they have to put towards paying off their already massive debt doesn't mean much when they still have that to pay off in the future as well.

another thing to bring up, most sports teams also get massive tax deductions which helps a ton, which brings it back to funded by government as they want to keep these teams going since it brings cities itself revenue.



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