Rating My 2024 Resolutions on how I did on each of them!-You can drop your own and share how you did on yours if you feel comfortable!
- Graduate High School with all As-10/10-Did graduate with all As
- Get into my top College-10/10-Did get into my top college
- Make more friends-8/10-Did make a lot of new friends-however also did lose some after HS
- Finish my first semester of College and get good grades-8/10-Ended with 2 As 1 A- and 1 B
- Be consistent with going to the gym and eat well-10/10-Maintained my gym schedule and lost more fat and gained muscle
- Figure out what I want to Major in/do for a career-7/10-Did figure out my major but still not completly certain on my future caeeer
- Get my drivers liscne-10/10-did get my liscnes
- Get a girlfriend-7/10-did date multiple people but currently not with anyone
- Watch my goat Rb win a trophy-0/10-My goat wasnt able to do it this year :(