Leo Faria

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Do you think he is the right man for the job?


nah Leo Fartia does have the job


i could blindfold my dog and have her smash a keyboard and it would be a better format than whatever leo faria can come up with


hes done good tbf lol. people refuse to see the good that leo has done and proceed to focus on the negatives of franchising.

invert [#3]

i could blindfold my dog and have her smash a keyboard and it would be a better format than whatever leo faria can come up with

Very funny Invert haha got a laugh out of me haha

Vegaaa [#5]

Very funny Invert haha got a laugh out of me haha

That was a very funny response Vegaaa got a laugh out of me haha


hes done good tbf lol. people refuse to see the good that leo has done and proceed to focus on the negatives of franchising.

just curious what do you find positive about franchising, not saying it is bad, but just curious


idk its hard to tell, the only way would be to see if he's good or bad is to have someone else do the job and compare it to them. But that could turn out badly if he actually ends up being decent. On one hand I like how he's been receptive, he's somewhat listened to the community; for example when people were complaining about the off season being too long (both in tier 1 and tier 2) he actually did something to address it, when pros were complaining about the PC's he fixed the issue. On the other hand I think he's really struggled convincing orgs to stick to tier 2, and by extension he's failed to create a 'carrot' for tier 2 orgs

Aayan [#8]

idk its hard to tell, the only way would be to see if he's good or bad is to have someone else do the job and compare it to them. But that could turn out badly if he actually ends up being decent. On one hand I like how he's been receptive, he's somewhat listened to the community; for example when people were complaining about the off season being too long (both in tier 1 and tier 2) he actually did something to address it, when pros were complaining about the PC's he fixed the issue. On the other hand I think he's really struggled convincing orgs to stick to tier 2, and by extension he's failed to create a 'carrot' for tier 2 orgs

but you can't really convince someone to stay in tier 2 where they have 0 profits


Yes, definitely and without a doubt

He is very vocal, shares the teams thoughts when possible and has no problem taking the blame for stuff the community either doesnt, or doesnt wish to understand, as well as stupid financial decisions that the esports side of the team for sure doesnt support.

He is fulfilling this role to an incredible mastery (whether or not fully intentional doesnt matter here imo) and I hope he has it in him to stay for a lot more years.

invert [#3]

i could blindfold my dog and have her smash a keyboard and it would be a better format than whatever leo faria can come up with

I mean the only format I didn't like was the madrid format. Swiss Stage should only be 16 teams and only with coefficients in place, otherwise it's fucking ass

Nef0r0 [#9]

but you can't really convince someone to stay in tier 2 where they have 0 profits

Yeah exactly, that's what I tried to point out near the end of my paragraph


hes done good tbf lol. people refuse to see the good that leo has done and proceed to focus on the negatives of franchising.

he didnt ruin it all in the first year, but acting as if there isnt any problems because of his ways or that he isnt even acknowledging or trying to solve those issues and has publicly stated it is delusional

koromast [#13]

he didnt ruin it all in the first year, but acting as if there isnt any problems because of his ways or that he isnt even acknowledging or trying to solve those issues and has publicly stated it is delusional

I feel like some people are either full time haters or full time glazers, people need to realize there is no perfect system

Aayan [#12]

Yeah exactly, that's what I tried to point out near the end of my paragraph

I mean my personal guess would be to make a wildcard tournament, where the 4th slot for the region is decided in a 12 team bracket (with 4 teams who finished 4-6th in splits getting a bye)

Nef0r0 [#14]

I feel like some people are either full time haters or full time glazers, people need to realize there is no perfect system

but thats not the point, you cant do a perfect work but that doesnt mean you dont even try to start with thats what he does with t2

Targu1n [#10]

Yes, definitely and without a doubt

He is very vocal, shares the teams thoughts when possible and has no problem taking the blame for stuff the community either doesnt, or doesnt wish to understand, as well as stupid financial decisions that the esports side of the team for sure doesnt support.

He is fulfilling this role to an incredible mastery (whether or not fully intentional doesnt matter here imo) and I hope he has it in him to stay for a lot more years.

Do you wish valorant remained open circuit or is franchising better?

koromast [#16]

but thats not the point, you cant do a perfect work but that doesnt mean you dont even try to start with thats what he does with t2

true, but I feel like franchising on its own prevents tier 2

Nef0r0 [#18]

true, but I feel like franchising on its own prevents tier 2

its not about feels its about what is happening, its not working and a franchising system without a solid or atleast average tier 2 isnt going to be entertaining long term because of recycling players and departure of both orgs and talent

Nef0r0 [#7]

just curious what do you find positive about franchising, not saying it is bad, but just curious

stability for both orgs and players, increased revenue, and better eco system for t1 teams.

koromast [#13]

he didnt ruin it all in the first year, but acting as if there isnt any problems because of his ways or that he isnt even acknowledging or trying to solve those issues and has publicly stated it is delusional

never said there werent any issues at all but overall

the positives > negatives.

koromast [#19]

its not about feels its about what is happening, its not working and a franchising system without a solid or atleast average tier 2 isnt going to be entertaining long term because of recycling players and departure of both orgs and talent

yeah, that's kinda my main concern as well, at some point you just run out of players

Nef0r0 [#17]

Do you wish valorant remained open circuit or is franchising better?

As someone who is way more into t2, open circuit was a dream for me
Getting to watch teams like Alliance play (and sometimes upset) some of the big org was wonderful. I also really enjoyed how fluid the tiers were for players, with a lot of up and down movement (though thats more due the game being newer realistically).

But those 2 years were based off the promise to ascension, so idk how it would have looked without the early years gold rush

100% prefer open circuit though


stability for both orgs and players, increased revenue, and better eco system for t1 teams.

valid, but have you ever thought that an open circuit would be better ?

Targu1n [#23]

As someone who is way more into t2, open circuit was a dream for me
Getting to watch teams like Alliance play (and sometimes upset) some of the big org was wonderful. I also really enjoyed how fluid the tiers were for players, with a lot of up and down movement (though thats more due the game being newer realistically).

But those 2 years were based off the promise to ascension, so idk how it would have looked without the early years gold rush

100% prefer open circuit though

like I am a cs fan so me seeing that cs basically bans franchising is something new, now cs has 30+ events and each event will feature new teams

Nef0r0 [#24]

valid, but have you ever thought that an open circuit would be better ?

no. the best system would be a relgation/promotion where the worst 2 teams in the regular season either get directly relegated or duke it out with t2 teams which i hope we get in the future.


no. the best system would be a relgation/promotion where the worst 2 teams in the regular season either get directly relegated or duke it out with t2 teams which i hope we get in the future.

But that isn't really franchising, that's league system

Nef0r0 [#25]

like I am a cs fan so me seeing that cs basically bans franchising is something new, now cs has 30+ events and each event will feature new teams

ye i have mixed feelings bout Riots gambling ban in regards to the amount of tourneys cs can host

Morally completely on board; aint something I wanna do, or associate myself with
But dang it would be nice if hosting non VCT events was profitable over here too

We'd never get anywhere close the the CS tourney rates (preparing for valorant just takes more times while the game is still young and no one knows wtf theyre doing) but seeing more non-official tourneys with t1 vs t2 would be nice

CS is living the dream atm

Nef0r0 [#27]

But that isn't really franchising, that's league system

which imo is the best way to go about it. t2 wont be cucked by the ascension system but purely on form and i bet we might see old orgs such as optic and faze come back making the t2 scene even more competitive.


which imo is the best way to go about it. t2 wont be cucked by the ascension system but purely on form and i bet we might see old orgs such as optic and faze come back making the t2 scene even more competitive.

I mean I guess, but then some orgs in franchising will surely cry about it

Nef0r0 [#30]

I mean I guess, but then some orgs in franchising will surely cry about it

sure but it would attract more orgs into t2 and t1. orgs would likely invest more in players and the scene as a whole. it might be a rough first year but its for the best.

Targu1n [#28]

ye i have mixed feelings bout Riots gambling ban in regards to the amount of tourneys cs can host

Morally completely on board; aint something I wanna do, or associate myself with
But dang it would be nice if hosting non VCT events was profitable over here too

We'd never get anywhere close the the CS tourney rates (preparing for valorant just takes more times while the game is still young and no one knows wtf theyre doing) but seeing more non-official tourneys with t1 vs t2 would be nice

CS is living the dream atm

I am also happy that there seems to be the rise of SA/NA, they aren't trash now, they are capable of winning eu teams


sure but it would attract more orgs into t2 and t1. orgs would likely invest more in players and the scene as a whole. it might be a rough first year but its for the best.

True, but I feel like they would try something like this in lol

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