These times i had seen comments of womans complaining about misogyny in Valorant, and the replys 70% was this.
"These womans are playing victim, be man in Valorant is more hard than being woman.
"If womans play good, we would'nt be misogyny to they"
"Just be good '- " (I fucking hate '-, i swear to god, the most fatherless people i had match at the internet used this shit in even word, fucking trashs)
"You playing victim, i have friend who is girl (Lie) who is radiant, and she never was insulted or simped, if this happens, is the woman fault for playing Val"
Valorant until this day has a serius problem with racism and misogyny (Simping too but we arent goona talk about this now).
I am almost 1y out of Val, and nothing changed, Riot punishs the enraged guy who was insulted, but doesnt punish the guy who insulted, this game sucks.