who is the goat
me like biank the best
Hynix [#2]biank>>>>
bro led two bad teams out of champions group stage
i love his clutches so fucking clean but his wrist moves like a flashy duelist
MrSycopaf [#7]Nobody
beLIN> hoa cause haodong is a better coach cause he cant shoot for shit
DownLoad_AimLabs [#8]beLIN> hoa cause haodong is a better coach cause he cant shoot for shit
haodong(7-12) > Berlin(1-8)
thats their record in worlds.
MrSycopaf [#10]haodong(7-12) > Berlin(1-8)
thats their record in worlds.
we are talking abt player not teams so it doesnt make sense to compair their lan records
DownLoad_AimLabs [#11]we are talking abt player not teams so it doesnt make sense to compair their lan records
Berlin's rating in recent worlds series:
0.68 in Los Angeles 2023
0.72 in Madrid 2024
? in Shanghai 2024 (1.02 k/d, the only positive series)
0.96 in Seoul 2024
His k/d for CN region:
0.89 in stage 1
0.89 in stage 2
He cant shoot for shit too.
And his igl is also a piece of absolute shit.
DownLoad_AimLabs [#8]beLIN> hoa cause haodong is a better coach cause he cant shoot for shit
for best IGL bro what are you smoking, Haodong lead his team to win 7 regional grand finals, made playoffs at a LAN 2 times, where BerLin hasn't done anything and has only led his team to get grouped and no regional grand finals win.
Chirby [#18]Biank aint even the IGL of his own team no?
Isnt it heybay
It's Biank, as far as I can tell. Should say who's the igl on Liquipedia, though
cloudberry [#19]It's Biank, as far as I can tell. Should say who's the igl on Liquipedia, though
heybay is trace IGL
CarnageBTC [#20]biank is not igl of trace
he is,after he join inTE,TE's IGL from heibay turn to biank.
boomer123 [#23]Rigged Asian champs to promote China, one hit wonder China is still the worst region debatable w pacific
#keepcrying #EDGWIN
DBStudios [#14]for best IGL bro what are you smoking, Haodong lead his team to win 7 regional grand finals, made playoffs at a LAN 2 times, where BerLin hasn't done anything and has only led his team to get grouped and no regional grand finals win.
actually they won once at the end of 2022
MrSycopaf [#12]Berlin's rating in recent worlds series:
0.68 in Los Angeles 2023
0.72 in Madrid 2024
? in Shanghai 2024 (1.02 k/d, the only positive series)
0.96 in Seoul 2024
His k/d for CN region:
0.89 in stage 1
0.89 in stage 2
He cant shoot for shit too.
And his igl is also a piece of absolute shit.
and haodong didn't even get positive once💀
trikecycle [#30]Viva might become the chinese igl goat but he's only igled 1 stage so far
actually not.jdg's igls are yhchen and viva.You concerning viva the best igl is because his stats is the best.But it's actually his team too bad and he HAS to kill the ones lol
Nobody and Haodong are the two best igls from China. Haodong has called some great matches throughout his career. Won them a ton of trophies regionally and called some really good games on the international stage. Unfortunately he fell off this year but excelled as the AC so still big credit to him.
Anyone saying Berlin is the best igl is crazy. He hasn't been able to win a single tier 1 trophy, never outcalled EDG when it mattered the most. We saw glimpses of greatness in Shanghai but their year ended on a low note.
charleser [#36]Nobody and Haodong are the two best igls from China. Haodong has called some great matches throughout his career. Won them a ton of trophies regionally and called some really good games on the international stage. Unfortunately he fell off this year but excelled as the AC so still big credit to him.
Anyone saying Berlin is the best igl is crazy. He hasn't been able to win a single tier 1 trophy, never outcalled EDG when it mattered the most. We saw glimpses of greatness in Shanghai but their year ended on a low note.
Berlin more of a fan favorite than actually goated lmao I love him tho
Mortadelo [#40]Are we counting Berlin as Chinese?
I don’t want to get banned because I’ve pissed the mods off abt this topic before so we are just counting the league 😃😃😃
melon_fan [#41]I don’t want to get banned because I’ve pissed the mods off abt this topic before so we are just counting the league 😃😃😃
Alright xD