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Realistically, there's only 2 players you can make an argument for the GOAT status after champs 2024: Zmjkk and Aspas. In my opinion, your GOAT really depends on what you put in a higher regard between peak and consistency.

The peak that Zmjkk just reached is something we've never seen prior in this game. He went +39 in a Champions Grand Final, breaking the BO5 kills record with 111 kills. Easily the greatest series from a player ever.

Aspas' consistency is just as unmatched though. Winning Champions 2022 as finals mvp, finishing 3rd in 2023 AND in 2024 as the best player of his team, the only player ever to do that. (the guy has 1.046 kills ONLY in Champions).

My take is that we should wait for 2025 to settle this because i feel like we'll definetely get our awnser next year.


one life series now kongkong is the goat? okay buddy


GOAT - Greatest of all TIME

Valorant has been here for 4 years, what if there is no goat yet? Idk why people are so adamant about pushing this title onto people


KK is definitely one of the best player itw RIGHT NOW, and even though he’s always been a top player he hasn’t had any performances that get him goat status until champs finals, which was incredible, but Aspas has just been so consistently above everyone else since he first started that it’s not a contest


the baiter strikes again

out of 16 duelists he was able to finish in 11th in the fkpr criteria
he was 1st if we look at fdpr metric

how can you still praise a player like this? Like, do you even watch the games?
dude doesnt entry, dude is last men alive in 70% of the rounds on t side

thats unacceptable, this is the literall proof that most of his kills are trading someone, thats why his kill stats are so high and constant


You ain't wrong. KK himself said after winning champs he only has the qualification to be considered in goat debates, not the undisputed number one.

OnlyHereCosBored [#3]

GOAT - Greatest of all TIME

Valorant has been here for 4 years, what if there is no goat yet? Idk why people are so adamant about pushing this title onto people

i mean thats why i said we should wait for next year because i think 5 years in a decent time period already.


KK should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of valorant.

Before last year nobody even knew who he was

Crazy recency bias.

trembolonaRage [#5]

the baiter strikes again

out of 16 duelists he was able to finish in 11th in the fkpr criteria
he was 1st if we look at fdpr metric

how can you still praise a player like this? Like, do you even watch the games?
dude doesnt entry, dude is last men alive in 70% of the rounds on t side

thats unacceptable, this is the literall proof that most of his kills are trading someone, thats why his kill stats are so high and constant

First time I've ever agreed with you trembo

You're right though. He's a duelist that barely creates space

trembolonaRage [#5]

the baiter strikes again

out of 16 duelists he was able to finish in 11th in the fkpr criteria
he was 1st if we look at fdpr metric

how can you still praise a player like this? Like, do you even watch the games?
dude doesnt entry, dude is last men alive in 70% of the rounds on t side

thats unacceptable, this is the literall proof that most of his kills are trading someone, thats why his kill stats are so high and constant

trembo genuine question who other than mwzera is a good duelist to you

dort [#2]

one life series now kongkong is the goat? okay buddy

NRG flair talking lol before even EG quialified to Tokyo you mfs already calling demon1 the goat.

kapteN [#8]

KK should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of valorant.

Before last year nobody even knew who he was

Crazy recency bias.

i was just going to mention the recency bias is crazy

KK only became part of a potential GOAT conversation after this Champs, and MAYBE a little last Champs too.

aspas has ALWAYS been in the conversation since 2022. literally every time there's a mention of a goat conversation he is always mentioned somewhere

sideshowsbaldhead [#10]

trembo genuine question who other than mwzera is a good duelist to you


kapteN [#8]

KK should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of valorant.

Before last year nobody even knew who he was

Crazy recency bias.

before champs i doubt anyone had him as a top 20 player now all of a sudden hes the goat lmfao

kapteN [#8]

KK should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of valorant.

Before last year nobody even knew who he was

Crazy recency bias.

Peak record holder should not be mentioned in goat conversations? Okay dude get some help

kapteN [#8]

KK should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of valorant.

Before last year nobody even knew who he was

Crazy recency bias.

"nobody even knew who he was" is crazy you dont need to make him look like shit to defend your point. He's always been insane the only thing missing for him was a trophy

dandann [#11]

NRG flair talking lol before even EG quialified to Tokyo you mfs already calling demon1 the goat.

demon1 has the greatest performance in champs but hes def not the goat

dandann [#15]

Peak record holder should not be mentioned in goat conversations? Okay dude get some help

I think you don't understand what the "GOAT" means.

Greatest of ALL TIME. KK had 2 good tournaments.

By your definition, should valyn have been in the GOAT conversation before KK broke the record? He was tied for the record before it was broken.

Greatest of all time means consistently over a long period of time being at the top. KK wasn't eveb on stage until like last year, how the fuck can he be greatest of all time with 1 tournament win.

trembolonaRage [#13]


Wtf trembolona is on his having good opinions arc


Aspas is NOT the GOAT. Baiters should not even be mentioned at all in a conversation about the GOAT of Valorant

kapteN [#18]

I think you don't understand what the "GOAT" means.

Greatest of ALL TIME. KK had 2 good tournaments.

By your definition, should valyn have been in the GOAT conversation before KK broke the record? He was tied for the record before it was broken.

Greatest of all time means consistently over a long period of time being at the top. KK wasn't eveb on stage until like last year, how the fuck can he be greatest of all time with 1 tournament win.

i don't entirely agree with your point but i do agree that having one life game/year doesn't automatically make you part of the goat convo IMO.

TenZ's life year was 2021 (had the international ACS record until this year) but no one puts him in the goat convo anymore. yay's life year was 2022 and i don't think people put him in the conversation anymore either.

KK best player of 2024? imo absolutely, top 3 at minimum. of all time? too soon

Veri [#16]

"nobody even knew who he was" is crazy you dont need to make him look like shit to defend your point. He's always been insane the only thing missing for him was a trophy

Grouped in Champions 2022, 1.06 rating, nobody was taking note of him

Masters tokyo in 2023 (1.15 rating, #4 in the tournament) was the first time he really started standing out as a player.

Before Masters tokyo nobody was really talking about KK.

I'm not making him look like shit, KK was INSANE this tournament. But with 1 tournament win and only 1 other tournament where he was actually standing out as a player, you can never be the greatest of all time.


far too early for KK to be considered for goat status
best player itw atm yes, but goat means that they're the best when you consider all 4 years of play. For someone to become 'the goat' in 1 tournament they would have to do something ridiculous like average 1000 acs (not even sure if thats possible)

trembolonaRage [#5]

the baiter strikes again

out of 16 duelists he was able to finish in 11th in the fkpr criteria
he was 1st if we look at fdpr metric

how can you still praise a player like this? Like, do you even watch the games?
dude doesnt entry, dude is last men alive in 70% of the rounds on t side

thats unacceptable, this is the literall proof that most of his kills are trading someone, thats why his kill stats are so high and constant


LycheeBlade [#21]

i don't entirely agree with your point but i do agree that having one life game/year doesn't automatically make you part of the goat convo IMO.

TenZ's life year was 2021 (had the international ACS record until this year) but no one puts him in the goat convo anymore. yay's life year was 2022 and i don't think people put him in the conversation anymore either.

KK best player of 2024? imo absolutely, top 3 at minimum. of all time? too soon

Absolutely contender for best player of the year, if not by default the best. Of all time really shouldn't even be a question - the answer is absolutely not.

Aayan [#23]

far too early for KK to be considered for goat status
best player itw atm yes, but goat means that they're the best when you consider all 4 years of play. For someone to become 'the goat' in 1 tournament they would have to do something ridiculous like average 1000 acs (not even sure if thats possible)

This. People don't understand what "GOAT" means, it takes into account time.

BOAT = best of all time, takes into account peak and not necessarily time

kapteN [#26]

This. People don't understand what "GOAT" means, it takes into account time.

BOAT = best of all time, takes into account peak and not necessarily time

Yes, I think the discussion we should be having instead is: Is KK the player with the highest peak?

Aayan [#27]

Yes, I think the discussion we should be having instead is: Is KK the player with the highest peak?

To take a CS equivalent - almost everyone agrees KennyS was probably one of the best players with the highest peak and craziest dominance in games during his peak, barring maybe s1mple (let's forget about zywoo and donk, too recent), but he's never considered in any GOAT conversations due to not being consistently among the top players.

I think KK is def at least in top 3 highest peaks, if not number 1 at this point, dude has the sickest mechanics I've seen in this game, he's lightning fast

kapteN [#22]

Grouped in Champions 2022, 1.06 rating, nobody was taking note of him

Masters tokyo in 2023 (1.15 rating, #4 in the tournament) was the first time he really started standing out as a player.

Before Masters tokyo nobody was really talking about KK.

I'm not making him look like shit, KK was INSANE this tournament. But with 1 tournament win and only 1 other tournament where he was actually standing out as a player, you can never be the greatest of all time.

Do you at least agree he just had the greatest individual performance of all time? Because if you do then i all im saying is that in a 4 year old game like valo these peaks of performace shine a lot brigther, therefore making it much more relevant in the discussion. His light will fade out though if he doesnt do anything next year just like yay and demon1


The peak that Zmjkk just reached is something we've never seen prior in this game.

Bro forgot about demon1 last Champions ig?

Thanks for not mentioning any total frauds tho

Veri [#29]

Do you at least agree he just had the greatest individual performance of all time? Because if you do then i all im saying is that in a 4 year old game like valo these peaks of performace shine a lot brigther, therefore making it much more relevant in the discussion. His light will fade out though if he doesnt do anything next year just like yay and demon1

Yes, he had the greatest individual performance of all time in big events.

This doesn't mean anything in the grander scheme of things unless he can do it multiple times over multiple events.

You clearly haven't been following esports for a long time - this is not how GOAT status works.

babysasuke [#30]

The peak that Zmjkk just reached is something we've never seen prior in this game.

Bro forgot about demon1 last Champions ig?

Thanks for not mentioning any total frauds tho

nah bro GF Zmjkk is a different beast entirely. D1 was better throughout the whole tournament but the step up for KK on the last 2-3 games is unmatched


GOAT is a tough discussion considering how new the game is and that theres not a lot of consistently good players. Aspas is probably mechanically the greatest player so far but even then idk if id give him that title. KK is a great player but also needs to show more than one strong tournament to be in the discussion for this (look what happened to Cned or Demon1...). If I had to pick a player right now I would pick either someone like aspas who has so much talent, or maybe someone like Leo who has proven to be a consistently insane and smart player in his role. There should defo also be a discussion for some of the IGLs that probably do lots more work than some of the cracked duelists.

Veri [#32]

nah bro GF Zmjkk is a different beast entirely. D1 was better throughout the whole tournament but the step up for KK on the last 2-3 games is unmatched

Hard to compare because kangkang was playing against bots

demon1 would have cleared the bo5 kill record in a clean 3-0 against b0njyfishy and friends


No one in their right mind would consider aspas as the GOAT. He is the biggest baiter of all time that even his viper was entrying more than him. He's been a fraud all this time


Aspas fans are grasping at straws LMAOO. Aspas won't even be considered a top 3 player by the year 2026

babysasuke [#34]

Hard to compare because kangkang was playing against bots

demon1 would have cleared the bo5 kill record in a clean 3-0 against b0njyfishy and friends

That's insane hating. Teams were so bad in 2023 that even Fn0tic were looking like the Avengers at that time. The quality of teams in 2024 are a lot better than what it was in '23, chronicle admitted it himself.

Rey55 [#37]

That's insane hating. Teams were so bad in 2023 that even Fn0tic were looking like the Avengers at that time. The quality of teams in 2024 are a lot better than what it was in '23, chronicle admitted it himself.

Chronicle is a washed bum

thats like saying even Wardell thinks that! means nothing to me

demon1 clears every player in this year's Champions final with ease


Aspas #1 baiter. GOAT fr fr

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