let’s see europeans try to argue this 😂
j3bx5597 [#4]um acktually, US lost at football (not soccer) and football is the most popular sport so acktually umm... america is acktually not the umm best country at sports.
the US have the most olympic medals btw
j3bx5597 [#4]um acktually, US lost at football (not soccer) and football is the most popular sport so acktually umm... america is acktually not the umm best country at sports.
if the US wanted they could be the best at soccer
benjy [#6]why do u hate eu so much
I don't get why everyone is going mad for this Olympics. I feel like normally nobody gives much of a shit about it, must be the memes.
Ryzen_ [#10]I don't get why everyone is going mad for this Olympics. I feel like normally nobody gives much of a shit about it, must be the memes.
the olympics have always been a massive deal?
HenBabyH [#11]the olympics have always been a massive deal?
In my lifetime the only time I've heard people regularly discuss Olympics was when we hosted, otherwise people watch the opening ceremony then stop caring. Speaking for England ofc, some other countries it may be a big deal but it really isn't over here. F1, Rugby and Tennis get way more discussion than Olympics usually, let alone Football which dominates all sports discourse here.
verybestplayerworld [#16]total Olympic medals:
Total Medals for European countries (excluding Russia): 8,281 medals = 1.20 medals per 100,000 people
Total Medals for the USA: 2,985 medals = 0.90 medals per 100,000 people
Dumbest shit I've read in a while
Swxtch [#17]Dumbest shit I've read in a while
give me a smarter metric then, most countries in Europe are smaller than a single state in the US
verybestplayerworld [#16]total Olympic medals:
Total Medals for European countries (excluding Russia): 8,281 medals = 1.20 medals per 100,000 people
Total Medals for the USA: 2,985 medals = 0.90 medals per 100,000 people
you do realize there are a limited number of athletes each country can send for each event, so you are comparing a conglomerate of counties to a single one
j3bx5597 [#4]um acktually, US lost at football (not soccer) and football is the most popular sport so acktually umm... america is acktually not the umm best country at sports.
Um akshully soccer or football who gives a fuck, is considered as 1 sport so that’s means USA can be best at sports with having just 1 flaw
dekaesh [#18]America is not a country, is a continent. USA is a country and China is better and bigger than US, it's only the beggining of Chinese Era dude
Saying this while their population are dwindling is crazy
( I might misunderstand the message 😅)
dekaesh [#18]America is not a country, is a continent. USA is a country and China is better and bigger than US, it's only the beggining of Chinese Era dude
blah blah blah
USA on top
verybestplayerworld [#16]total Olympic medals:
Total Medals for European countries (excluding Russia): 8,281 medals = 1.20 medals per 100,000 people
Total Medals for the USA: 2,985 medals = 0.90 medals per 100,000 people
Lmao this makes no sense
HenBabyH [#20]you do realize there are a limited number of athletes each country can send for each event, so you are comparing a conglomerate of counties to a single one
That's a good point, but still some countries in Europe perform better than the USA in a medals per capita metric
HenBabyH [#13]i don’t know what you are talking about
christian pulisic is not paying you for this buddy, change flag back to drake's country
HenBabyH [#31]? i don’t know what you are talking about
you're dickriding a foreign country, what's the point bud lmao
lordooohyeaa [#15]and why would they not want to lmao
It’s a sport American youth aren’t too interested in compared to other sports
HenBabyH [#20]you do realize there are a limited number of athletes each country can send for each event, so you are comparing a conglomerate of counties to a single one
Also North America + South America + Asia + Africa + Oceania combined (all time) have less medals than Europe so idk I think Europe is doing alright in sports
verybestplayerworld [#16]total Olympic medals:
Total Medals for European countries (excluding Russia): 8,281 medals = 1.20 medals per 100,000 people
Total Medals for the USA: 2,985 medals = 0.90 medals per 100,000 people
Hilarious watching eutards go from we have more golds than the US to we have more overall medals and finally go off per capita.
flanador [#35]Hilarious watching eutards go from we have more golds than the US to we have more overall medals and finally go off per capita.
We have more medals than all the other continents combined thx bye
verybestplayerworld [#36]We have more medals than all the other continents combined thx bye
You have to unite as a continent to compete 💀
Keep coping lil bro
flanador [#37]You have to unite as a continent to compete 💀
Keep coping lil bro
I mean if the op said 'let’s see bulgarians try to argue this' I wouldn't argue at all cause we're shit and donezo but he said 'europeans' so you guys are comparing to a whole continent its not my problem that your egos are higher than they should be.
IceRapt0r1 [#38]why do ppl care abt americans being proud of their country winning medals? good on them, let them enjoy it,
europeans have done well aswell
aren't US and China tied in gold medals as of now anyways?
verybestplayerworld [#39]I mean if the op said 'let’s see bulgarians try to argue this' I wouldn't argue at all cause we're shit and donezo but he said 'europeans' so you guys are comparing to a whole continent its not my problem that your egos are higher than they should be.
A single country outdoes a whole continent. Your individual nations can’t compete at the scale we can and your best athletes come to our nation to better themselves at their respective sport.
Maybe your egos are just so fragile that someone’s joy makes you bitter.
ButterflyEffect23 [#40]aren't US and China tied in gold medals as of now anyways?
Shouldn’t take long for us to take the lead as usual
flanador [#41]A single country outdoes a whole continent. Your individual nations can’t compete at the scale we can and your best athletes come to our nation to better themselves at their respective sport.
Maybe your egos are just so fragile that someone’s joy makes you bitter.
It's not outdoing the whole continent in achievements at all. There's a difference between being happy cause you won something and calling out people. When you call us out like that It just feels like you have something to prove to europeans and that everything you do requires validation from us. Like a complex :)
verybestplayerworld [#45]It's not outdoing the whole continent in achievements at all. There's a difference between being happy cause you won something and calling out people. When you call us out like that It just feels like you have something to prove to europeans and that everything you do requires validation from us. Like a complex :)
Also I didn't say anything about the US meanwhile you are coming in hot with stuff like 'eutards' and such but it is expected from kids that still haven't reached the class when they learn what the word respect means
lordooohyeaa [#15]and why would they not want to lmao
Because the average american does not care about soccer even slightly. If you're a talented athlete, you're gonna play football, basketball, or baseball
masonhil [#47]Because the average american does not care about soccer even slightly. If you're a talented athlete, you're gonna play football, basketball, or baseball
american "football" doesn't require any talent
Hobbit [#43]america is a continent
I really don't understand why South Americans get so held up on this. When people speaking english say America or American, they're referring to the US. They'll say "South America" or "North America" if they want to talk about the continents
HenBabyH [#11]the olympics have always been a massive deal?
nah, irrelevant
+they ban other countries from competing like Russia making the competition easier so its also less impressive
verybestplayerworld [#45]It's not outdoing the whole continent in achievements at all. There's a difference between being happy cause you won something and calling out people. When you call us out like that It just feels like you have something to prove to europeans and that everything you do requires validation from us. Like a complex :)
The Olympics are the pinnacle of comparing who’s the best at what they do. If your cope is that’s it not then you’re just coping for lack of ability. Mind you that you in-fact did mention the US in prior comments. People tend to hold respect for those denoting of it.
masonhil [#49]I really don't understand why South Americans get so held up on this. When people speaking english say America or American, they're referring to the US. They'll say "South America" or "North America" if they want to talk about the continents
They want to feel more important than they really are
lordooohyeaa [#48]american "football" doesn't require any talent
I hope nobody here takes this bait
Arguing with an online European about American sports is not worth your time
ButterflyEffect23 [#40]aren't US and China tied in gold medals as of now anyways?
for 2024 yes. all time the US has over 1000 gold medals
flanador [#52]The Olympics are the pinnacle of comparing who’s the best at what they do. If your cope is that’s it not then you’re just coping for lack of ability. Mind you that you in-fact did mention the US in prior comments. People tend to hold respect for those denoting of it.
I literally didn't say anything bad about americans or America I think you might have a problem with fantasizing
masonhil [#49]I really don't understand why South Americans get so held up on this. When people speaking english say America or American, they're referring to the US. They'll say "South America" or "North America" if they want to talk about the continents
You are the only ones who call yourself Americans, there's no such thing in other languages
Hobbit [#57]You are the only ones who call yourself Americans, there's no such thing in other languages
my 2nd language is telugu and in that language, the word American (meaning a citizen from the united states) is literally pronounced americanu or american
Ballsamolee [#58]my 2nd language is telugu and in that language, the word American (meaning a citizen from the united states) is literally pronounced americanu or american
that's called cultural imperialism
Hobbit [#59]that's called cultural imperialism
legit what do you specifically call a person from the united states in english. like in english you call a person specifically from brazil brazilian or a person from france french. if you are speaking english, a person from the US is called american. there is zero ambiguity too
Hobbit [#57]You are the only ones who call yourself Americans, there's no such thing in other languages
I specifically said "people speaking english". I know spanish has "Estadounidense" but there's no equivalent in english, which is the language the post you replied to and this entire forum is in
verybestplayerworld [#56]I literally didn't say anything bad about americans or America I think you might have a problem with fantasizing
I never implied that?? I think you might be lacking in basic English understanding
Ryzen_ [#14]In my lifetime the only time I've heard people regularly discuss Olympics was when we hosted, otherwise people watch the opening ceremony then stop caring. Speaking for England ofc, some other countries it may be a big deal but it really isn't over here. F1, Rugby and Tennis get way more discussion than Olympics usually, let alone Football which dominates all sports discourse here.
Tbh i feel like all the events arent entertaining at all, I just keep track of the football (soccer) part of it.
Clucker [#66]Tbh i feel like all the events arent entertaining at all, I just keep track of the football (soccer) part of it.
basketball is quite nice aswell
ODOYLERULEZ [#69]Country yes. Region no.
USA population = 341 million
G19 S26 B26Take a region of Europe. Let's say France, UK, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany
Population (combined) = 245 million
G35 S36 B42USA the great underachiever.
Aussie just mad that we shit on his nation in swimming again
xinghaiovo [#68]So we are the world's second strongest sports nation, which is acceptable to us. Because we don't have as diverse races and immigrants as the United States😂
Genuinely an amazing sporting nation
masonhil [#62]I specifically said "people speaking english". I know spanish has "Estadounidense" but there's no equivalent in english, which is the language the post you replied to and this entire forum is in
I agree with just calling people from the USA americans, because who cares anyway, but if you had to be strict about it, you could be called united states americans
Piter [#73]I agree with just calling people from the USA americans, because who cares anyway, but if you had to be strict about it, you could be called united states americans
No one has, or ever will, do that