Flag: England
Registered: May 21, 2021
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 6:50 AM
Posts: 613
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Anybody else noticing how neither of these teams can manage a defence lead apart from the first half of map 1?

Can't tell if it's overwhelming site hits force retakes at the highest level or if both teams are just shit on defence.

posted 6 months ago

Yeah whoever wins it's a good storyline. Although it would be funny that APAC and CH get their first titles in the same year.

posted 6 months ago

How dare you take our lord Donks name in vain like that.

posted 6 months ago

Neon now feels like what Jett used to be

posted 6 months ago

2 stomps in a row isn't really interesting matches. I want scrappy and close maps, not back to back blowouts.

posted 6 months ago

They were better than who they beat to get there.

posted 6 months ago

I'm in fucking tears, Danking is a legend for that.

posted 6 months ago

Riens this year is like Leo from last year, insanely good player and the best of the year.

posted 6 months ago

In what eSport do people use European Union as a region?

I'll wait.

posted 6 months ago

The region is called Americas. Brazil is definitely not NA.

Considering how poorly NA fans treat Brazilian teams you should probably stop trying to claim them whenever convenient.

posted 6 months ago

Pretty sure it's saying 4.3 million rather than 43 million at the moment. Interface is odd without being able to read Mandarin.

posted 6 months ago

Didn't realise Brazil is NA.

posted 6 months ago

It's honestly why I found Fnatic last year crazy, they were consistently winning but whenever you watched there was still so much randomness that they were edging into their favour.

It was impressive to me in the same way someone consistently winning games of Uno would be, the game inherently has randomness but you can edge the odds into your favour with smart play, but you can never be certain.

posted 6 months ago

I feel like anyone who knows the developers knows Valve could absolutely take over the shooter scene with more influence but Valve have always ignored CS in favour of Dota.

I personally reckon Valorant will end up very Asia heavy as EU remains heavily involved in CS and NA will find a new hyped up game similar to how Apex damaged Overwatch. Not sure on the SA scene but they're pretty huge in CS still with a healthy community in Val.

posted 6 months ago

I would be extremely surprised if it was higher than 5% considering I've played CS for over 7 years now and have never even spoken to someone with a case farming account. They're likely an insular community but I can't imagine them being that large of the player base if it's rare to ever come across one of them outside of that part of the community.

Additionally, the 3rd party stats account for things such as community servers only and suchlike. Neither takes into account smurfs unfortunately.

posted 6 months ago

It's honestly hard to tell. CS has retained stable growth over many years even though it's primarily EU. Although EU has the most widespread computer ownership per capita compared to other regions. It may continue to grow, I can't see Valve flopping it personally.

Val isn't dying but I think the hype has died down so it's getting less new players and it doesn't seem to retain players as well as CS. I know the EMEA playerbase has definitely shrunk over time but I can't speak for the worldwide distribution.

Odds are they will both co-exist, but Valorant is not the CS killer many thought it would be.

posted 6 months ago

CS is only competitive in EU because other regions gave up. It's still by every metric a bigger game and esport than Val.

Also I'd say it's more competitive than Val considering no teams in Val can manage consistency anywhere close to LoL, CS or even Overwatch teams. The game is still very swingy and random in results compared to other eSports imo.

posted 6 months ago

TBF it's not easy info to get. Valve leaves all their information open on player counts but counts only active players daily, so 3rd parties have had to calculate the monthly unique players. Riot only releases their figures vaguely and for PR so it's all done through 3rd party that only tracks monthly unique players.

posted 6 months ago

28 million monthly players in October 2023, 19 million monthly players in the last 30 days. Bare in mind summer holidays I'd expect a slight bump.

In comparison I know September 2023 CS2 hit 31.5 million monthly players and in July 2024 was just over 26 million monthly players.

Obviously there are trends of games decreasing in playerbase from September to August then getting an increase around end of Summer.

Valorants drop off seems more stark however.

posted 6 months ago

28 million monthly players in October 2023, 19 million monthly players in the last 30 days. Bare in mind summer holidays I'd expect a slight bump.

In comparison I know September 2023 CS2 hit 31.5 million monthly players and in July was just over 26 million monthly players.

Obviously there are trends of games decreasing in playerbase from September to August then getting an increase around end of Summer.

Valorants drop off seems more stark however.

posted 6 months ago

Strongly disagree. If you flame someone in server most of the time they'll perform worse if they're on your team.

If you big people up they will normally improve within the space of the match.

posted 6 months ago

Pretty accurate. Val playerbase has apparently experienced shrinkage in the last 8 months. CS playerbase has always grown consistently.

posted 6 months ago

Imagine not enjoying both of the teams mentioned

posted 6 months ago

Pimp best analyst? That's it hold my beer, I need to scream out the window.

posted 6 months ago

Potentially, but I need to see it tried. The guy is mechanically gifted and I need to know for certain before I ignore it.

posted 6 months ago

Boo, Aspas, Leo, Riens, Benjyfishy is probably my current dream team.

Alfa would have Benjy's slot if he just had more consistency and less of the standing curse at the moment.

I want to experiment with Leo potentially being a secondary Duelist.

posted 6 months ago

The only excuse that seems real tbh is unproven. There is always a chance of a player struggling with an audience when they're used to just being in a room with their team and coach. But 1 or 2 experienced players should be enough to curb that, you don't need to have 5 veterans, you can have 3 youngsters and 2 vets which balances out nicely and can feed off of each others morale.

Basically unproven players are more susceptible to have a weak mentality on stage because you don't know if they can handle it, older players you already know if they can or can't depending on their historic performance.

posted 6 months ago

Sounds like an ez 50kg gaining meal to put it back on.

posted 6 months ago

I watched it live, the 2-1 had Derke underperforming like crazy which was a rarity in 2023. In the finals all of Fnatic was doing what is expected.

If you can't keep a diverse map pool you should be punished in a finals.

There is no way EG should have beaten Fnatic outside of potentially champs in 2023, EG got hope in that 1-2 because a consistent Duelist disappeared for a series.

posted 6 months ago

Hadn't even though of that. Ooft.

posted 6 months ago

Love kingg and Aspas tbh

posted 6 months ago

I don't think KCorp is actually that big. They're only involved in a few games, I think they are big but spend sparingly.

posted 6 months ago

If it helps the only other big budget EU teams are Fnatic, Liquid, Vitality and NaVi. That being said I think Fnatic is the only team to keep a strong Valorant budget, the other team definitely invest much smaller amounts thin in their other eSports teams.

posted 6 months ago

Dont worry, after this weekend the eSports dies again for 6 months.

posted 6 months ago

Heretic's is one of the biggest EU eSports orgs. It's why they were barely relevant and still got franchising.

They'd definitely be able to keep the team barring ridiculous buyouts that their management might be stupid enough to take.

posted 6 months ago

Man gives up after a pistol round

posted 6 months ago

3-0 heretics tbh.

Abyss really favours 5 man attacks rather than lurking and rotating. Feels like it'd be more Heretic's wheelhouse than Lev's.

posted 6 months ago

Derke started earlier but I wouldn't call him more consistent. 2022 Fnatic has a huge issue with Derke throwing rounds by being over aggressive.

posted 6 months ago

As a Fnatic fan I have to disagree. Heretics play how Fnatic used to when they were dominating, Fnatic don't seem to have the same style anymore of patience with occasional rush rounds added in.

posted 6 months ago

Let's be honest, nobody can with a straight face say Aspas isn't the best Pro valorant player we've had yet. We still don't have any other duelists that have been as consistent, peak TenZ, cNed or Ardiis were close but all have fallen off somewhat at points. Aspas has just been a monster for so long.

posted 6 months ago

Thats only really the case in Valorant because of the small EMEA playerbase compared to CS imo.

In comparison in CS there are a lot of Danish, Swedish, French and Balkan only teams that I've yet to see an equivalent to in Valorant.

posted 6 months ago

Valorant has always been unpredictable as hell. Fnatics 2023 is probably the only time this eSports has resembled consistency. Outside of that dominant teams have regularly dropped matches to almost non-existent teams who fade away after the one match.

posted 6 months ago

Yay and Ardiis definitely seemed the scariest on the agent

posted 6 months ago

Honestly whoever wins out of LEV and EDG will have such a map pool advantage it'd take an insanely hot lower bracket run to beat them. So unless Heretics go on to dumpster SEN then the loser of LEV/EDG I reckon the winner of the upper bracket final is going to win Champs.

posted 6 months ago

Literally not a real country

posted 7 months ago

PRX are such a wholesome team damn

posted 7 months ago

Current goat is Chronicle but if Aspas wins Champs I think it's fair to say he is goat now.

posted 7 months ago

Lev is better than Sen what are you smoking

posted 7 months ago

Someone being that nice in this cesspit must be atoning for being a serial killer or mass murder irl. I refuse to believe people would be nice here without that level of guilt.

posted 7 months ago
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