entire DRX situation

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Since apparently the user ButterflyEffect23 might be dodging my request on asking for an answer to this post I felt the need to make another one since I also wanted to talk more about the situation and what I thought about it. BTW the situation is not fully resolved just wanted to give my opinions on the matter and hopefully ButterflyEffect shows up to help answer the question on my last post so I actually get an answer this time and not get ghosted. While reading this just take it with a grain of salt there might be something incorrect with the entire matter so correct me if I get some stuff wrong.

From what I think: (as of right now DRX has already confirmed that nothing has been found so far so keep that in mind)

  • Timing couldn't be any better for someone that had a personal grudge on DRX or a member within the team that has recently found success finally on the big stage (apparently this happened during stage 1 and guess what DRX didn't find any success and the case was kept a secret)
  • The person accused someone on DRX for SA but after the official statement from DRX they back down and say that its a "moral issue" now instead of illegal actions.
  • The entire thing originally was done so the person who allegedly did it would be removed from the team (seems real convenient for someone to ruin DRX before they go into the most important tournament of the year no?) and not any legal action.
  • The person who accused the member of DRX has never stated a name despite being so deep into the entire situation (want some confirmation on this as I am not completely aware of Korea's legal system). Then again I did some research and apparently if you accuse a group instead of an individual person you can still get hit by the defamation law if the group is small enough (5 people team btw) so they will still get hit by the law ATP too (could always be wrong bout this please feel free to correct me).
  • The person keeps changing the story or making things up as shown in this post

Final statement is that the damage has already been done, if the accusations are true then the player gets removed from the team, if not then the team still has to deal with the thought of "is my teammate a criminal?" and also the fact that the players have the thought of "am I going to get charged with something that I didn't commit" in the back of their heads too.


Every post about this issue is the same thing but reworded.


i dont want to victim blame, but im not neutral, as i want DRX to do well, and i think these are malicious attacks based on a personal grudge.
unfortunately if the perp really did do this, theres no real way of finding out, and he'll have this stain on him for a while


Finished region


oh my god just move on please, not only do you not know the people that are involved, THEY ARE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM YOU. It's just getting so boring seeing a DRX thread now.


You don't have to comment or click on anything related to DRX that is your choice, there are more than enough posts that aren't DRX related and this is like a one time occurrence through the past 2 days (you can live through that no?). Also you engaging in these posts as well just completely contradicts what you said about "THEY ARE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM YOU". No hate tho I understand its annoying seeing these posts.


This is the first one I've interacted with since any of the news broke. I understand initial reporting but just dragging it out to this point is weird. My comment wasn't aimed specifically at you, it's aimed at everyone speculating and talking about it. Just sick of this garbage clogging up the feed.


Go outside lmao




I'm not the one complaining about their feed


Yea? And? I use the platform. What's your point?


go outside and wait for new posts to come out lmao. My account was made 3 years ago and has less than 500 posts, your acc less than 3 months and over 1k. Ironic the self projection


I get paid to post every single time. I'm on the clock right now, browsing VLR while getting paid. All 500 of your posts are on your own time.


same wfh just don't get paid per post lmao


If I had a nickel for everytime someone mentions about drx in vlr...


Dude u right I think cause today it was like that girl posted out on twitter that if people had questions they should dm her and she would answer them that's just wierd and suspicious behaviour like if something that bad like r**e or even sa or nonconsent ejacu***** happened to u by some person why would u want to answer questions about it to random people online why?? Big red flag


Yeah that girl really fucked everything up


allat, 1 country region.


While I agree with a lot of stuff that you have said, I also feel like you are doing the exact same thing ButterflyEffect did, speculate about things. The accusations that you are implying are way too absurd too. I'd rather people ignore about this topic right now (focus on their own lives) while the investigation is being carried. People wanted an official statement, they got an update on what's going on behind the scenes and how this situation is being dealt with by DRX. So let's just chill the f out and focus on other better things.

Edit: Having read your post again, I feel your intention is to just put your opinions based on the facts presented to you, just could have been worded way better ig

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