Flag: India
Registered: August 4, 2022
Last post: November 26, 2024 at 5:19 PM
Posts: 45

The rumors were that MIBR and GE were "getting revaluated". There were also rumors that MIBR used their Valorant money to acquire a CS2 roster. For some reason some dumb person seems to have clubbed the 2 rumors together. Besides GE only had a BGMI team (till their players got better offers and GE just said fuck it and let them go) and currently only have a Pokémon Unite team. From what I know, their plan was to only have the Valorant roster, but they got an invite into the Pokemon Unite franchise league.

posted 3 months ago

Yes guys lets come to conclusions before they even play an official match, it's not like that has backfired for many here in the past

posted 3 months ago

You should change it every round imo

posted 4 months ago

He might be underrated but if there are some gaps in his comms (language difference basically) then it would be a bad move not just for GE but also for Beyn. I think his fans will prefers if he plays for a korean org and prospers there.

posted 5 months ago

We Indians have something called as reservation quota during admissions to educational institutions for minorities, and the whole majority will complain about it, how the deserved dont get opportunity due to these reservations etc.

But when it comes to other aspects in ife, we act entitled to opportunities. And so ig that feeling of being entitled gets carried over to here too

posted 5 months ago

I mean dont get me wrong I would love Indians to play in VCT, but if they can't "pass the entrance test" (trials) and rely on "reservation quota" (Indian org so should have indian player mentality) then we prolly dont deserve to even exist as a region in VCT.

I'd rather wait 2 years and let them develop 5 Indian quality players in their academy then force bad players who will just end up getting bullied online by the whole wide world.

posted 5 months ago

dont see manchester united or real madrid fans crying about their teams not employing 11 english/spanish players lol

posted 5 months ago

only 10 names got leaked from a list of around 40 players, chill we have players who are good and players who are mid trialling too

posted 5 months ago

GE wanted him last year, but from what I know his buyout was too high so he was basically contract jailed for another year

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Shut the FUCK up, jawgemo and Potter did their best. Of course, it's not possible for jawgemo to carry his noob teammates every single time and Potter can't just make anyone top tier with their low mechanics

posted 7 months ago

That's mostly cuz rb and zest were released after most teams had made their rosters. Again, a clown decision by management which hurt the players careers imo

posted 7 months ago

The translation about the rape (non-consensual sex) is wrong. We were well aware about that beforehand. It's just certain fanbases decided to ignore that fact and accuse him regardless of what the accuser actually clarified later

posted 7 months ago

If you really think he is cooked cuz of this new DRX statement, you guys are blaming the messenger for the people who jumped onto conclusions based on the message he spread. He's actually been smart about it and only released specific names after confirming it from the source of allegations. He gets charged with spreading misinformation at the most, the ones jumping onto conclusions (guilty until proven innocent gang) are the ones in trouble here

posted 7 months ago

All this statement does is threaten the people who were making assumptions and defaming both DRX and Flashback (and rightfully so, the things I have seen especially from the PRX fans is disgusting to say the least)

This statement doesn't really prove anything about the player's innocence too. I just feel like there is definitely going to be a legal investigation into this, and either the accuser gets charged with false accusations and defamation, or the player is in real big trouble (Yes I know I am stating the obvious lol). Anyways, this situation has been unnecessarily complicated by the accuser and any outcome, if there is one, will be way after champs so I don't think this affects DRX in any way (apart from the mental torture it has already done ig)

Also about ButterflyEffect: If you really think he is cooked cuz of this statement, you guys are blaming the messenger for the people who jumped onto conclusions based on the message he spread. He's actually been smart about it and only released specific names after confirming it from the source of allegations. He gets charged with spreading misinformation at the most, the ones jumping onto conclusions (guilty until proven innocent gang) are the ones in trouble

posted 7 months ago

GE catching strays😭😭😭

posted 7 months ago

dude honestly, you can try to be an analyst/assistant coach rather than trying to be a pro player. I am sure there are many VCL SA orgs which will be willing to trial you as an analyst, may even want to contact some people like Godspeedxd who can help you out

posted 7 months ago

I'd say the best way for you to test yourself is to get a high immortal or radiant account and play a couple of games.
Believe me when I say this, there are a ton of players out there who practice much more regularly than you do, have insane aim and still don't make it to tier 2, let alone tier 1 of Valorant. Being a pro isn't just about aim, there's lots more to it. There's communication, game sense, discipline, your ability to read the opponents and lots more. There are some 100+ players in India itself, who regularly play scrims in hopes of getting trialed by an org for VCL SA/getting in through premier. Some do this free of cost/invest money and get training online from personal coaches too. There's a lot of hardwork that goes into being a pro.

Having said all this, if you still feel you have the potential and are really good, your best bet of getting noticed is playing premier and making it to the contender rank. If you make it there and are able to get into the playoffs, your team will have a chance of replacing a team that is doing bad in VCL SA. Again, from what I have heard there are some restrictions for playing in tier 2, like you have to be immortal at the time of registration to be eligible to play for a team in VCLs.

My advice: There is no alternate to grinding the game imo. If you want to fast track the progress, you need to be smart about the way you grind the game. Have a squad with whom you can 5 stack maybe. Take a look at some of the free stratbooks available online for each map. Aim train using some tools like Aim Labs and Kovaaks.

And if you feel like being a pro is too much work, just be a content creator. It's also a hard task to be a content creator, but it certainly is easier than being a pro and also has much better incentives/returns to it (considering low salaries in Tier 2 + some fraud orgs which pop up and get closed in months without paying salaries etc)

posted 7 months ago

While I agree with a lot of stuff that you have said, I also feel like you are doing the exact same thing ButterflyEffect did, speculate about things. The accusations that you are implying are way too absurd too. I'd rather people ignore about this topic right now (focus on their own lives) while the investigation is being carried. People wanted an official statement, they got an update on what's going on behind the scenes and how this situation is being dealt with by DRX. So let's just chill the f out and focus on other better things.

Edit: Having read your post again, I feel your intention is to just put your opinions based on the facts presented to you, just could have been worded way better ig

posted 7 months ago

As Zellsis would say, buy the Sen bundle

posted 7 months ago

They technically can't since both of revenant's imports will be considered imports in pacific too, which isn't possible in tier 1

posted 7 months ago

Agreed, rather than sharing opinions based on only half of the facts, we should rather use the platforms to at the most, get information as and when it is being shared with proper sources to back them (only very few threads actually have links with the sources).

At the very least, atleast use proper language while addressing the rumors rather than implying that someone is guilty while they might not be

posted 7 months ago

Well Champs 2021 and 2022 were in EMEA
Champs 2023 was in Americas and 2024 will be in Pacific
So don't be surprised if next year's champs is in China

As for masters, well we had it in Pacific 2022 and EMEA + China this year, so maybe one or both in Americas?

posted 7 months ago

yes I just checked it up and corrected that bit, thanks for informing

posted 7 months ago

The age of consent in Korea is 19 The age of consent is 16, but anyone below 19 is considered a minor in Korea, both were younger than 19 at the time of the incident, and are in fact just months apart in age

posted 7 months ago

Please get some more info about the subject before making such comments. Both of the involved parties were minors at the time (according to the one accusing) and it's a very complicated case. It could just be that it's a personal drama that's gotten blown out of proportion. It's best to stay quiet and wait for some response rather than being angry about something which may not have even happened.

posted 7 months ago

The rest of the players are way too old compared to flashback, whose age matches that of the accused according to OP.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

I think a lot of stuff has been lost in translation, so rather than speculating here it's better if we just wait it out and see the outcome. Each story has 2 sides and I think whatever decision is taken, will be taken based on hearing both sides of the story.

Besides, even though everything points out to drx it isn't even confirmed yet that the player is from drx

posted 7 months ago

You have got the whole thing wrong. The relegation is only for ascension teams if they finish in the bottom 4, it doesn't effect franchise teams (as much as you would have liked it)

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Skillz is the IGL not Dos9. And before it was SeverinE

posted 8 months ago

Not really retiring I think, Just stepping back for a bit. Cuz a lot of his colleagues have replied saying they will wait for his comeback.
Maybe he completes his uni and then tries again?

posted 8 months ago

GE Beat DFM 2-1, it was their last match of stage 1

posted 8 months ago

Why's you include ShahZam in this list😭😭

posted 9 months ago

He was an emergency signing, done only cuz there was some issues with visas (ig for blazek1ng before kickoff but can't confirm). He is not practicing or involved with the team on a day-to-day basis, as he is preparing for his military service (which starts around august-october).

As to why he was released, one can only speculate but ig the team wants a 6th player who they can rotate/scrim with

posted 10 months ago

He can't. Once a player registers as part of a particular region in Tier 1, he can't change his region again. Same reason why Russ will be considered an import in EMEA now onwards

posted 10 months ago

Making playoffs is difficult for them....

posted 10 months ago

what have I just read😭😭

posted 10 months ago

yup, the current rosters are locked till end of shanghai I think

posted 10 months ago

It would have not been sustainable (money wise) to keep them, especially since a few of those players had gotten way better offers from other teams too. Especially with Ayrin, since his contract had also expired.

posted 11 months ago

I am also having some issue. I had done my pickems a while back, now am not able to see it

posted about a year ago

There is no guarantee that exposing a group of 5 Indians will improve them. It can affect them mentally and demotivate them too. I feel the current T2 scene is still the right way to go, there is only one way to grow Indian esports and that is slowly, there is no fast track guaranteed way in this.

Secondly, it's franchise league. If I really had to give an example to Indians, it's IPL not Ranji Trophy(although there isn't a Ranji Trophy type of deal in Valorant).

I understand that seeing the current GE roster lose will dishearten you, make you think that we are losing, might as well lose with Indians, but now the GE approach will be to keep improving rosters and not completely nuke them and create a new one each year. And so the only thing they can ask is patience from us

posted about a year ago

Coughing Baby ate up the hydrogen bomb breh

posted about a year ago