edating killed valorant

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Pretty sure edating in valorant has been dropped a long time ago but still just wanted to mention how it kind of killed valorant both content wise and community wise. From what I think edating in game and on content creation created a massive fan base of people and is the reason why valorant is trying to keep its community less toxic. Because if your player base is mostly edaters, having a toxic community would just stray those edaters away since why would edaters want to play within a game that people can be toxic in. Not only this but it separated the valorant community into two, the people who edated, and the people who despise them because they either throw, are annoying asf, or just boosting their gf up.

You can also see this with the new bundle (not even trying to hate on it, its sick asf but) where they try to attract their edating community to come and buy it as well since they know how to appeal and gain money off them.

It also killed the content as well since before it was basically 50% edating content and 50% whatever else people uploaded, but since edating kind of died and is not longer talked about (probably because of the hate they got due to the reasons stated before), it kind of killed the content in Valorant as well. Having 50% of your content just disappear and the lack of content within Valorant itself is slowly killing the game as well. I remember I would scroll through Valorant content because there was actually content that you could watch, nowadays its just vods of the VCT matches and compilations of clips.


My fault




just say you single lil bro


I just bully them tbh


Valorant is just a stale game.
What "content" did you expect from a game where you do the same thing everytime you play.

BulkyLettuce [#4]

just say you single lil bro

pretty sure everyone on this site is single bulkylettuce (you too)


I don't think edating has anything to do with them clamping down on toxicity. A game that is toxic is more likely to dissuade most people than one that is not, that's just simple logic and marketing. I'm sure people that edate would also fall under this category because most people would fall under this category

Serath [#6]

Valorant is just a stale game.
What "content" did you expect from a game where you do the same thing everytime you play.

Like 90% of games these days tbh

Conceit [#8]

I don't think edating has anything to do with them clamping down on toxicity. A game that is toxic is more likely to dissuade most people than one that is not, that's just simple logic and marketing. I'm sure people that edate would also fall under this category because most people would fall under this category

Pretty sure that's another reason that valorant just wants to be less "toxic" in general but then again you can't just not see the correlation between valorant having the biggest edating community in FPS and also actively wanting to be less "toxic" unlike other games.

DBStudios [#10]

Pretty sure that's another reason that valorant just wants to be less "toxic" in general but then again you can't just not see the correlation between valorant having the biggest edating community in FPS and also actively wanting to be less "toxic" unlike other games.

Oh correlation = causation, how could I have been mistaken. I don't think I have to explain why there's a few problems with your logic


correlation ≠ causation


fuck them edaters

also they are pigs 🐷🐖


so they killed the game because the game is less toxic?


people who publicize it and act cringe/matching usernames make it weird imo

Conceit [#11]

Oh correlation = causation, how could I have been mistaken. I don't think I have to explain why there's a few problems with your logic

Idk if you're being passive aggressive or what in the first part of your statement but sure if you see problems with my logic say them.

Cheasle2 [#14]

so they killed the game because the game is less toxic?

That's not what I said lmao, but sure some people do think that

DBStudios [#16]

Idk if you're being passive aggressive or what in the first part of your statement but sure if you see problems with my logic say them.

The first part is sarcasm because correlation doesn't necessarily mean anything unlike what you're implying, I can't believe I have to spell it out to you. Unless you have actual evidence for this claim instead of wild speculating, I don't know how you expect me to take you seriously

Conceit [#18]

The first part is sarcasm because correlation doesn't necessarily mean anything unlike what you're implying, I can't believe I have to spell it out to you. Unless you have actual evidence for this claim instead of wild speculating, I don't know how you expect me to take you seriously

The evidence is that Valorant's community is mostly edaters and it has one of the largest edater communities in any FPS, and then there's also the fact that Rito wants to make Valorant "no toxic" despite not doing so in the early days of Valorant and in other games where their communities aren't filled with edaters. Also look at other games, their communities aren't dominated by edaters and they also don't enforce a "no toxic" policy onto their players. You're being aggressive for no reason too lmao and you said yourself there were problems in my logic, please tell me them.




I think you have the cause and effect confused. I think that since Riot is trying to create a game and community which is more inviting for women, the playerbase is more split evenly by gender. This means that naturally, guys and girls will interact more often which will lead to more edating.

I dont think Riot is specifically trying to appease to the edaters, but they do try to make a community which does allow edating unlike other games. Also, I think the amount of edaters is vastly overblown in general since some people (you) claim it to be 50% of the playerbase.


Sounds like a you problem frfr


i've never seen an edater in a comp game tho
i mean i've heard that there's highly viewed tiktoks and like youtube content about edaters but never met one in game
its probably custom 5stacks or like spike rush
problem is normal people think valorant is edating game now
i can't tell people i play valorant because they'll think i'm an edater


Valorant is far from dead...
It's quite simple to see which games are going down the drain and Valorant isn't one of them.

Blaezey [#21]

I think you have the cause and effect confused. I think that since Riot is trying to create a game and community which is more inviting for women, the playerbase is more split evenly by gender. This means that naturally, guys and girls will interact more often which will lead to more edating.

I dont think Riot is specifically trying to appease to the edaters, but they do try to make a community which does allow edating unlike other games. Also, I think the amount of edaters is vastly overblown in general since some people (you) claim it to be 50% of the playerbase.

Yes I did overexaggerate the percentage of edaters within the playerbase but its going to be pretty close, and if I think that and lots of other people think that, what's going to stop rito from thinking the exact same thing? Also I could see your idea of rito wanting to make a community more inviting for women being true but that was done largely after the whole edaters thing blew up. All I'm saying is that I think other games don't appeal to edaters as much because they know there are none in their community, unlike valorant on the other hand where edating is basically a label within the game itself.

RzqoFoxie [#24]

Valorant is far from dead...
It's quite simple to see which games are going down the drain and Valorant isn't one of them.

Yes the gameplay and competitive scene of valorant is far from dead, the content creation on the other hand is already down the drain.


edating is cringe asf, like find someone real

but on the point of content, val is a super hard game to make content on,
Why would you watch it when you can play it?. When people watch radiant ranked, they're there mostly for the streamer and not the game, and lets be real 99% of valorant content on youtube is just stream highlights anyways.


my friends legit wont play val because they think there is edaters in every match lol

humble_y0y_10k [#28]

my friends legit wont play val because they think there is edaters in every match lol

That's so real tho if you go out and tell people that you play val people will automatically assume you're either an edater or you're weird despite the game being nothing like that. Doesn't happen with other games tho (they still assume you don't take showers but in val you get assume of that and an edater)

DBStudios [#29]

That's so real tho if you go out and tell people that you play val people will automatically assume you're either an edater or you're weird despite the game being nothing like that. Doesn't happen with other games tho (they still assume you don't take showers but in val you get assume of that and an edater)

This is why I just say I play CS ngl

DBStudios [#19]

The evidence is that Valorant's community is mostly edaters and it has one of the largest edater communities in any FPS, and then there's also the fact that Rito wants to make Valorant "no toxic" despite not doing so in the early days of Valorant and in other games where their communities aren't filled with edaters. Also look at other games, their communities aren't dominated by edaters and they also don't enforce a "no toxic" policy onto their players. You're being aggressive for no reason too lmao and you said yourself there were problems in my logic, please tell me them.

plenty of games constantly release updates targeted at countering player toxicity, even if those updates are minor and barely do anything (same with valorant). I don't know what makes you think valorant in particular is trying very hard to counter toxicity when it really isn't, you can say whatever you want in voice chat with no consequence and unless you say one of the auto ban words in text chat then it's very unlikely for you to get banned. also idk where you get the idea that edaters make up a large part of the community, they were probably less than 5% of the community at the peak of valorant edating and even that was mostly in north american servers, I've had less than 10 games with clear edaters on my team in three years of playing on bahrain/dubai servers


edating always been a part of gaming culture but people kinda take it too far nowadays...


Ain't reading allat but contrary to the title, edating is keeping the game alive

DBStudios [#19]

The evidence is that Valorant's community is mostly edaters and it has one of the largest edater communities in any FPS, and then there's also the fact that Rito wants to make Valorant "no toxic" despite not doing so in the early days of Valorant and in other games where their communities aren't filled with edaters. Also look at other games, their communities aren't dominated by edaters and they also don't enforce a "no toxic" policy onto their players. You're being aggressive for no reason too lmao and you said yourself there were problems in my logic, please tell me them.

I apologize for the delayed response, I went to sleep
All of your evidence is literally just more correlation = causation. There's no way it's "mostly edaters", I'd love your statistics that say otherwise. I'll concede that it probably has more edaters than most games even though you offered up no evidence. Riot is allowed to have just changed their mind and start cracking down on toxicity since it could have just gotten worse to a point where they felt like they needed to, or maybe their shareholders wanted them to because it doesn't look good for a game to be known as toxic. Both of these options have as much actual evidence as you have offered up. There's also games that do have a "no toxic" policy that do not have as much edaters, Overwatch just got into hot waters because one of their moderators started banning people for just cursing, but I'm not hearing about their edating problem.
I also apologize if I'm coming off as "aggressive", I'm just annoyed so it's probably coming out that way.

DBStudios [#7]

pretty sure everyone on this site is single bulkylettuce (you too)


Yory [#3]


allat (Arabic: اللات, romanized: al-Lāt, pronounced [alːaːt]), also spelled Al-Lat, Allatu, and Alilat, is a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess, at one time worshipped under various associations throughout the entire Arabian Peninsula, including Mecca, where she was worshipped alongside Al-Uzza and Manat as one of the daughters of Allah.

Conceit [#34]

I apologize for the delayed response, I went to sleep
All of your evidence is literally just more correlation = causation. There's no way it's "mostly edaters", I'd love your statistics that say otherwise. I'll concede that it probably has more edaters than most games even though you offered up no evidence. Riot is allowed to have just changed their mind and start cracking down on toxicity since it could have just gotten worse to a point where they felt like they needed to, or maybe their shareholders wanted them to because it doesn't look good for a game to be known as toxic. Both of these options have as much actual evidence as you have offered up. There's also games that do have a "no toxic" policy that do not have as much edaters, Overwatch just got into hot waters because one of their moderators started banning people for just cursing, but I'm not hearing about their edating problem.
I also apologize if I'm coming off as "aggressive", I'm just annoyed so it's probably coming out that way.

that guy is a poo poo head who wants attention hence he is making such threads. I legit have seen only 2 edater couples and it was 2 years ago (pre nerf chamber).

Also look how this dude dropped whole lotta yap here and no one responded lmao:

PoonRaccoon [#36]

allat (Arabic: اللات, romanized: al-Lāt, pronounced [alːaːt]), also spelled Al-Lat, Allatu, and Alilat, is a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess, at one time worshipped under various associations throughout the entire Arabian Peninsula, including Mecca, where she was worshipped alongside Al-Uzza and Manat as one of the daughters of Allah.

erm what the actual fuck




bruh for so much talk abt edating never in my 4yrs of playing valorant regularly have i met one or heard of a friend meeting one
i just thinks its a overexagerated meme

boilin_cockroach [#37]

that guy is a poo poo head who wants attention hence he is making such threads. I legit have seen only 2 edater couples and it was 2 years ago (pre nerf chamber).

Also look how this dude dropped whole lotta yap here and no one responded lmao:

The self projection is crazy lmao


No one responded to your post so you had to bump it yourself at least when I complain about something or say something I don't go to the level of bumping my own post for attention and responses LMAO.

Also your experiences with edaters is much different from other people's don't just assume that because you haven't seen them they don't exist, its the same as if you have never seen bots/hackers in the game, just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't a big majority of the game.

Conceit [#34]

I apologize for the delayed response, I went to sleep
All of your evidence is literally just more correlation = causation. There's no way it's "mostly edaters", I'd love your statistics that say otherwise. I'll concede that it probably has more edaters than most games even though you offered up no evidence. Riot is allowed to have just changed their mind and start cracking down on toxicity since it could have just gotten worse to a point where they felt like they needed to, or maybe their shareholders wanted them to because it doesn't look good for a game to be known as toxic. Both of these options have as much actual evidence as you have offered up. There's also games that do have a "no toxic" policy that do not have as much edaters, Overwatch just got into hot waters because one of their moderators started banning people for just cursing, but I'm not hearing about their edating problem.
I also apologize if I'm coming off as "aggressive", I'm just annoyed so it's probably coming out that way.

My point doesn't have evidence?? search up valorant on any content source and see what was the main content back in 2022 and 2023 lmao. All of your "options" are all just hypothetical with more "if this" then with any actual evidence. You have any evidence that riot changed to being less toxic because of shareholders/sponsors? no you don't so you saying that I don't have any evidence is funny to me. Overwatch is getting into hot waters because the community thinks its ridiculous that they are getting banned for such things, but unlike Valorant's community that is split almost 60/40 on the toxic bans, Overwatch is nearly the whole community complaining about it.


Wait till you meet e-sex. I left my match I'm immediately. Who the fuck wanted to hear people moaning and stuff when playing val.

uwukitten [#31]

plenty of games constantly release updates targeted at countering player toxicity, even if those updates are minor and barely do anything (same with valorant). I don't know what makes you think valorant in particular is trying very hard to counter toxicity when it really isn't, you can say whatever you want in voice chat with no consequence and unless you say one of the auto ban words in text chat then it's very unlikely for you to get banned. also idk where you get the idea that edaters make up a large part of the community, they were probably less than 5% of the community at the peak of valorant edating and even that was mostly in north american servers, I've had less than 10 games with clear edaters on my team in three years of playing on bahrain/dubai servers

First of all that text chat ban system? yeah its working really well rn. https://imgur.com/a/9QTyiL6

Second off I'm pretty sure its mainly in the West don't just assume that edating doesn't exist just because it barely happens in your servers.


I rather meet edaters than cheaters or racists if I was playing cs

DBStudios [#44]

First of all that text chat ban system? yeah its working really well rn. https://imgur.com/a/9QTyiL6

Second off I'm pretty sure its mainly in the West don't just assume that edating doesn't exist just because it barely happens in your servers.

? what is this image supposed to prove? I see plenty of text chat toxicity that doesn't receive a response, hell I've been toxic myself and nothing happened

Yory [#38]

erm what the actual fuck

don't be disrespectful l0v fan

uwukitten [#46]

? what is this image supposed to prove? I see plenty of text chat toxicity that doesn't receive a response, hell I've been toxic myself and nothing happened

it was responding to your statement of

you can say whatever you want in voice chat with no consequence and unless you say one of the auto ban words in text chat then it's very unlikely for you to get banned

doesn't seem like that now does it. The new system just straight up banned a dude for no reason so idk where you think that the ban system is working well/won't get you banned.

DBStudios [#48]

it was responding to your statement of

you can say whatever you want in voice chat with no consequence and unless you say one of the auto ban words in text chat then it's very unlikely for you to get banned

doesn't seem like that now does it. The new system just straight up banned a dude for no reason so idk where you think that the ban system is working well/won't get you banned.

you sent literally one text message, wtf is that supposed to prove? are you seriously retarded?

uwukitten [#49]

you sent literally one text message, wtf is that supposed to prove? are you seriously retarded?

reading what I said could always help btw and needing to call me a retard after that statement is just funny too

DBStudios [#41]

The self projection is crazy lmao


No one responded to your post so you had to bump it yourself at least when I complain about something or say something I don't go to the level of bumping my own post for attention and responses LMAO.

Also your experiences with edaters is much different from other people's don't just assume that because you haven't seen them they don't exist, its the same as if you have never seen bots/hackers in the game, just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't a big majority of the game.

I handled it well broski, you can’t argue with that 😤

Whilst i agree that single man’s experience can not be objective but at the same time you are providing absolutely nothing, neither statistics nor correlations of edaters being “vast part of Valorant”.

And «just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't a big majority of the game» is just so braindead cause you yet again don’t have any real info on that apart from tiktoks u have seen

boilin_cockroach [#51]

I handled it well broski, you can’t argue with that 😤

Whilst i agree that single man’s experience can not be objective but at the same time you are providing absolutely nothing, neither statistics nor correlations of edaters being “vast part of Valorant”.

And «just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't a big majority of the game» is just so braindead cause you yet again don’t have any real info on that apart from tiktoks u have seen

And the person you are defending has that evidence? where is the evidence that riot is making these changes based on shareholders or sponsors? does he work for riot and that's how he gets this information?

Also if more than 75% of the community both content and just people talking are all mentioning or posting edating content (back in 2022 and 2023) then you can safely assume that those people make up a majority of the community. Your only evidence of edaters not being a big majority of the game is because YOU YOURSELF haven't seen that many, your singular eye witness does not mean that it does not exist or make up a big part of the community.

DBStudios [#50]

reading what I said could always help btw and needing to call me a retard after that statement is just funny too

"reading what I said could always help" yeah after you edited it 😹

uwukitten [#53]

"reading what I said could always help" yeah after you edited it 😹

I edited it because I knew I needed to explain it to you since thats most people on this site. If you actually read what I wrote you would've gotten what I was saying which was that the ban system is horrible and you saying that it is very unlikely for people to get banned is stupid and incorrect especially with the new changes they added.

DBStudios [#52]

And the person you are defending has that evidence? where is the evidence that riot is making these changes based on shareholders or sponsors? does he work for riot and that's how he gets this information?

Also if more than 75% of the community both content and just people talking are all mentioning or posting edating content (back in 2022 and 2023) then you can safely assume that those people make up a majority of the community. Your only evidence of edaters not being a big majority of the game is because YOU YOURSELF haven't seen that many, your singular eye witness does not mean that it does not exist or make up a big part of the community.

First of all, i was not defending Conceit. I just saw that your posts had those loud titles and wrote my message.

Second, why are you making random numbers now? How did you get 75%? It’s not like i’m denying existence of edaters in valorant but it definitely is not a problem with valorant now

Lastly, this whole convo is just so dumb, never ever edaters become a majority of playerbase in any FPS shooter. Just cause you have so many normies and tryhard lifeless dudes 24/7 in the game hence edaters will always remain a small minority.

DBStudios [#42]

My point doesn't have evidence?? search up valorant on any content source and see what was the main content back in 2022 and 2023 lmao. All of your "options" are all just hypothetical with more "if this" then with any actual evidence. You have any evidence that riot changed to being less toxic because of shareholders/sponsors? no you don't so you saying that I don't have any evidence is funny to me. Overwatch is getting into hot waters because the community thinks its ridiculous that they are getting banned for such things, but unlike Valorant's community that is split almost 60/40 on the toxic bans, Overwatch is nearly the whole community complaining about it.

Your evidence, is to have me go look and try to find your evidence, which is incredibly flawed because of how algorithms work. Also holy fuck, I said there's no evidence for my hypotheticals, just like there is no evidence for your hypothetical. "Both of these options have as much actual evidence as you have offered up", you haven't shown any actual evidence, so that's what this means. The point is, we don't know why they're doing this, we can't know, so why are you pretending like you do, and that it's this one thing you clearly don't like
The Overwatch example was to show a game that cracks on toxicity without a lot of edaters, it has fucking NOTHING to do with whether or not it's a popular decision.
Still missing ANY hard evidence for ANY of your claims. You just love to throw numbers around without any evidence, you have a poll for that 60/40 is that just what you think it is? Which just seems to be a lot of your argument

nobody___100 [#47]

don't be disrespectful l0v fan

who the fuck is lov

Yory [#57]

who the fuck is lov


nobody___100 [#58]



envyz [#15]

people who publicize it and act cringe/matching usernames make it weird imo

NA issue. Rarely see that crap in EU

nobody___100 [#58]



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