how did this val tweet blow up

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the fucking tate brothers are in the thread https://twitter.com/TaylorMorganS_/status/1789927866865787228

i dont like riot but i just dont get what people expect them to do in these kinda situations


riot can't just kidnap someone and order them to change their behaviour, complaining for nothing smh
wym minorities, i never experience much racism on valorant even in EU. Cope harder woman


I mean she unblocked him for content xd btw I do hope that mf gets hw ban


Game is full of incels and weirdos, what does she expect

StyrofoamOne [#2]

riot can't just kidnap someone and order them to change their behaviour, complaining for nothing smh
wym minorities, i never experience much racism on valorant even in EU. Cope harder woman

I mean surely we just ban people like this so they cant do this shit to other people unless we're gonna start saying behaving like this is normal and accepted?

If you had the guts to say any of this shit IRL you'd have no job and in general people would think you are insane

TM06Nick [#5]

I mean surely we just ban people like this so they cant do this shit to other people unless we're gonna start saying behaving like this is normal and accepted?

If you had the guts to say any of this shit IRL you'd have no job and in general people would think you are insane

people already think im insane, if you were playing well and stuff teammates wouldnt shittalk you
if you play badly well womp womp thats your fault
its a tac shooter obvs you would expect weirdos

StyrofoamOne [#6]

people already think im insane, if you were playing well and stuff teammates wouldnt shittalk you
if you play badly well womp womp thats your fault
its a tac shooter obvs you would expect weirdos

Weirdest take I’ve seen thus far

StyrofoamOne [#6]

people already think im insane, if you were playing well and stuff teammates wouldnt shittalk you
if you play badly well womp womp thats your fault
its a tac shooter obvs you would expect weirdos

Hopefully one day when you're an adult you'll look back at all the weirdo shit you've said and done as a kid with shame.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt of being a child because if you are an adult this is just sad to see how much of a loser you are

yaiima0 [#4]

Game is full of incels and weirdos, what does she expect

True, but if the consequence of HW bans deter someone from certain actions, potentially causing them to rethink the potential harm caused, then why not implement that form of deterrence?

Saying what did she expect is capitulating to a mindset that this behaviour has any place within the game. The number of incels allowed in these spaces should go down, which in turn creates a gaming culture that doesn't generate or encourage new young men to mimic these behviours.

StyrofoamOne [#6]

people already think im insane, if you were playing well and stuff teammates wouldnt shittalk you
if you play badly well womp womp thats your fault
its a tac shooter obvs you would expect weirdos

you must be retarded

TM06Nick [#5]

I mean surely we just ban people like this so they cant do this shit to other people unless we're gonna start saying behaving like this is normal and accepted?

If you had the guts to say any of this shit IRL you'd have no job and in general people would think you are insane

riot does ban them though? it's hard to ban based on vc so maybe they wouldn't normally get banned unless mass reported but if they said this shit in chat they get banned definitely


craving for attention lmao just mute it bro they are not coming to your home 😭

BringMeTheHorizon [#12]

craving for attention lmao just mute it bro they are not coming to your home 😭

craving for attention lmao just don't see the forum they are not coming to your home

Charism [#13]

craving for attention lmao just don't see the forum they are not coming to your home

can this sen flair bark somewhere else please? i don't even wanna reason with y'all

BringMeTheHorizon [#14]

can this sen flair bark somewhere else please? i don't even wanna reason with y'all

Don't lie man, u don't know how to reason, no one's gonna judge ya

Charism [#15]

Don't lie man, u don't know how to reason, no one's gonna judge ya

whatever gives you solace :) now go back jerking to tenz


It's hard for Riot to do fix this issue because it isn't an issue with the game itself but with people in general. Regardless, this behavior shouldn't be tolerated and anyone who speaks like this should be banned.

StyrofoamOne [#2]

riot can't just kidnap someone and order them to change their behaviour, complaining for nothing smh
wym minorities, i never experience much racism on valorant even in EU. Cope harder woman

flag 🤡


I mean, if you're in a tweet that blows up and you're saying some nasty shit surely you should just get hardware banned and not a 2 week vacation.

BringMeTheHorizon [#16]

whatever gives you solace :) now go back jerking to tenz

better than lying about reasoning


Muting players doesn't work or what?

yaiima0 [#4]

Game is full of incels and weirdos, what does she expect

not to be harassed??? like why does she have to put up with that instead of people like that getting banned


bro i saw the tweet have 3k now its at 60k likes holy shit. Anyways it seems like we always get tweets like this where man says nasty shit to woman in valorant im curious as to what happens to the players, because eventually everyone will forget about this woman and her experience.

some riot emply replied:
Taylor, I'm so sorry you had to experience this. We’re taking actions against this account, but I also know that’s not enough. Our teams are always working on our behavior tools, but we have room to improve…and we will. I know we’ve never met—I hope we can fix that at some point—and you don’t have any reason to believe me, but I promise this means a lot to us and is a big priority.



just mute them lol


That guy should be banned for life and she should stop overreacting

ishaanko [#24]

just mute them lol

take that flair off, you don’t deserve it


noo mean words on the internet, just mute and focus? she ruined the game for 3 other people


just mute the guy and move on? I'm so confused why is that not an option for her whatafuq
you can literally CHOOSE who you want to listen to in this game

HenBabyH [#26]

take that flair off, you don’t deserve it

you edited your post you pussy

BraindeadKJmain [#27]

noo mean words on the internet, just mute and focus? she ruined the game for 3 other people

its the valorant community's fault tbh, riot made the game so easy and appealing to newbies that we now have a community filled with edaters and lovey-dovey type shit, this girl wouldn't last a day in cs, not because she'd meet a racist/sexist on day 1 but that she wouldn't be able to move her mouse around and do stuff lmao
thank god i made the switch

HenBabyH [#29]

you edited your post you pussy

Not standing on business when you say something stupid pisses me the fuck off

ishaanko [#24]

just mute them lol

a temporary solution

froggy_lol [#31]

Not standing on business when you say something stupid pisses me the fuck off


Coures [#28]

just mute the guy and move on? I'm so confused why is that not an option for her whatafuq
you can literally CHOOSE who you want to listen to in this game

pretty sure she stated that she intentionally unmuted the guy and instigated the reaction for content


The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

_amBrian [#34]

pretty sure she stated that she intentionally unmuted the guy and instigated the reaction for content

so she WANTED to elicit a reaction, then complained after she got it?
am I misunderstanding something

unknown_trash [#35]

The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

absolutely but why did she unmute him in the first place?

unknown_trash [#35]

The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

i mean i got muted for saying "fuck your mother" instantly and comp banned for like a day

rito is already invasive enough, what the fuck does she want them to do?
hardware ban people instead of muting them?

how would you even create a hierarchy of punishment for chat offenses like
1: sexism = hardware ban
2: racism = week ban
3: homophobia = 5 day ban
4: fuck your mother hope you die in a fucking ditch = 3 day ban?

unknown_trash [#35]

The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

I would just like to say, if you have criticism for a teammate, no matter who they are, I'm not saying you don't have to say it. I was playing valorant yesterday and I had to call out annoying teammates every game i played, including one who was a female. I did not even mention her gender, let alone talk about raping her. The gaming community actually attracts some really disgusting people, and we are all influenced and made to think this behaviour is normal and acceptable by the echo chamber we find ourselves in, where men support other men unconditionally, while silencing women for the crime of calling out bad behaviour. The comments here and on the tweet proves this clear as day.

unknown_trash [#39]

I would just like to say, if you have criticism for a teammate, no matter who they are, I'm not saying you don't have to say it. I was playing valorant yesterday and I had to call out annoying teammates every game i played, including one who was a female. I did not even mention her gender, let alone talk about raping her. The gaming community actually attracts some really disgusting people, and we are all influenced and made to think this behaviour is normal and acceptable by the echo chamber we find ourselves in, where men support other men unconditionally, while silencing women for the crime of calling out bad behaviour. The comments here and on the tweet proves this clear as day.

so what do you want riot to do


imagine complaining about toxicity in video games in the ripe year of 2024

She literally unmutes the guy for “content” too LOL

lilcheese [#21]

Muting players doesn't work or what?

how about instead of saying "just mute them", we hold them accountable!

Coures [#38]

i mean i got muted for saying "fuck your mother" instantly and comp banned for like a day

rito is already invasive enough, what the fuck does she want them to do?
hardware ban people instead of muting them?

how would you even create a hierarchy of punishment for chat offenses like
1: sexism = hardware ban
2: racism = week ban
3: homophobia = 5 day ban
4: fuck your mother hope you die in a fucking ditch = 3 day ban?

I agree it's hard to regulate this, but I feel that this is not even a problem "how should we ban people who abuse voice chats". To me, its a reflection of how we feel comfortable saying things like this on voice chats over a game. I don't have a solution to this behaviour, and I'm sure riot is searching for one without being too extreme. But I'm way more concerned by the reactions to this behaviour. As I said in a comment below, it's sad to see how so many people are blaming her for unmuting and forgetting that this man felt it was appropriate to threaten her with rape over a video game. If there was more social pressure, and we collectively called out and rejected bad behaviour like this, people like the man would really not feel brave enough to say this shit on voice chat in a game.

unknown_trash [#35]

The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

No it’s nothing like a “Murder being free”

It’s like a man on the internet saying bad words being allowed to do it again.

starxito_sike [#37]

absolutely but why did she unmute him in the first place?

She probably could have kept him muted, but as a woman who streams and has a platform for which she can call this bad behaviour out, she probably felt obligated to speak out and I don't blame her for unmuting, recording and calling out the trashy behaviour online. That guy will just go into their next game and do the same thing if pressure isn't applied against the behaviour wherever it is seen. She most likely unmuted to document the behaviour and to make a tweet calling it out.

And I think its more important to emphasise why he felt it was fine to say that online over a video game, when I know that 9 times out of 10, he would never say that irl without getting severe backlash. It goes to show how this behaviour is pretty much deemed acceptable by everyone else in the community, and it really shouldn't.


Mute + report
Some ppl are stupid and nothing can prevent it.
Idk if hardware is worth but an extended ban for these actions are pretty solid here.
1 day -> week -> month -> 6 month -> year -> perms

Hardware is very extreme and can definitely get a lot of ppl false banned permanently

LouBag [#44]

No it’s nothing like a “Murder being free”

It’s like a man on the internet saying bad words being allowed to do it again.

And why do we accept that?? You can call me a snowflake, but I don't think that behaviour should be seen anywhere, whether it is online or in real life. Just like if we saw behaviour like this in real life, I would hope and imagine that people would be horrified to see a man threatening to rape a woman in public. So why is that OK on a video game?? I must be going crazy because this shouldn't be a hot take, or there's something wrong with me! I wasn't raised to think that it's OK for me to treat anyone this way, let alone saying vile things like this to a woman in any situation.

bruhmphrey [#9]

True, but if the consequence of HW bans deter someone from certain actions, potentially causing them to rethink the potential harm caused, then why not implement that form of deterrence?

Saying what did she expect is capitulating to a mindset that this behaviour has any place within the game. The number of incels allowed in these spaces should go down, which in turn creates a gaming culture that doesn't generate or encourage new young men to mimic these behviours.

I definitely agree, I’m just saying generally no one should be surprised it’s like this. Unfortunately riot doesn’t seem to care

BringMeTheHorizon [#30]

its the valorant community's fault tbh, riot made the game so easy and appealing to newbies that we now have a community filled with edaters and lovey-dovey type shit, this girl wouldn't last a day in cs, not because she'd meet a racist/sexist on day 1 but that she wouldn't be able to move her mouse around and do stuff lmao
thank god i made the switch


unknown_trash [#47]

And why do we accept that?? You can call me a snowflake, but I don't think that behaviour should be seen anywhere, whether it is online or in real life. Just like if we saw behaviour like this in real life, I would hope and imagine that people would be horrified to see a man threatening to rape a woman in public. So why is that OK on a video game?? I must be going crazy because this shouldn't be a hot take, or there's something wrong with me! I wasn't raised to think that it's OK for me to treat anyone this way, let alone saying vile things like this to a woman in any situation.

You aren't in the wrong here, it shocks me that these people are defending a guy who blatantly threatens women with rape.

BringMeTheHorizon [#12]

craving for attention lmao just mute it bro they are not coming to your home 😭

zawsze jak widzę BringMeTheHorizon tow iem że opinia będzie hujowa :)

typcia chce zeby typ dostał bana za to ze mówili że chce ją zgwałcić, tak ona może go zmutować ale to nie zmienia tego że ktoś powiedział że ją zgwałci i tego że powie to dziesiątkom kolejnych kobiet. Nie rozumiem jaki jest sens bronienia gracza o takiej postawie.

Coures [#40]

so what do you want riot to do

I think riots system is OK, but I am more horrified by the reactions to the behaviour. Its not just riots job to uphold safety for everyone in the game. Sadly, people like you and I are not fulfilling our responsibilities to protecting those whose voice is not heard. It is widely known that women are really not respected in the gaming community. Like, go look at the comments! Do men get threatened with rape in valorant? And do you think its the same as threatening a woman with rape (which is actually a real, severe issue in the world today)? I don't think so. Men think they are ultimately superior to women in general, and this is why this behaviour is not the same as men being toxic to each other on a video game like valorant. You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth and it's right in front of us. And this behaviour is accepted, or it is not denounced and vehemently rejected by all of us, and that is a problem.

BringMeTheHorizon [#30]

its the valorant community's fault tbh, riot made the game so easy and appealing to newbies that we now have a community filled with edaters and lovey-dovey type shit, this girl wouldn't last a day in cs, not because she'd meet a racist/sexist on day 1 but that she wouldn't be able to move her mouse around and do stuff lmao
thank god i made the switch

retarded take, it has nothing to do with women or man being on the receiving end of such things, people are just soft in general


just mute & move on with ur life not hard

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