why cned is the goat?

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his kills increased the chances of NAVI winning a round by 382% on average.
(this basically means his kills were one of the most impactful in champs and tokyo)

unfortunately he didnt get the right environment to showcase this consistently enough.

(his team was busy pushing on defence, making cned's op just useless most of the time)


and they say im blabbering 🗿


Cned did not look that impactful until champs and navi still struggled it's obvious Cned didnt fit what navi needed, but im glad hes finding his form in FUT


his kills increased the chances of NAVI winning a round by 382% on average.

haven't watched the video, is this first kills or just kills in general? if it was first kills, context is extremely important because I imagine navi won a lot of the rounds where ange1 wasn't the first player to die




Twitch bits

laifu [#3]

Cned did not look that impactful until champs and navi still struggled it's obvious Cned didnt fit what navi needed, but im glad hes finding his form in FUT


Jitu [#4]

his kills increased the chances of NAVI winning a round by 382% on average.

haven't watched the video, is this first kills or just kills in general? if it was first kills, context is extremely important because I imagine navi won a lot of the rounds where ange1 wasn't the first player to die

all kills, this stat considers everything 1v5 to 5v1, so its a very well rounded statistics.

for example a kill at 5v5 -> 5v4 increases the probability of winning the round from 50% to 70%, so if a player, here for example cned, gets that kill, his impact is much more than if he got a kill in 1v5 -> 1v4, coz basically both situations(1v5 and 1v4) have less than 2% chance of leading to a round win


Hes a fraud imo

ionlyHave1Zuni [#9]

Hes a fraud imo

If cNed is fraud, at least half of the players competing in VCT are also fraud


2021 Cned - Fluke win with Acend, they were literally TERRIBLE and somehow managed to win Champs, 100% fluke win
2022 Cned - Didn’t make to a single international event jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
2023 Cned - Didn’t do shit with NAVI, even fartiis managed to win a tourney with Navi roster while on FPX but Cned didn’t kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk



B1sk clears

dezzo [#11]

2021 Cned - Fluke win with Acend, they were literally TERRIBLE and somehow managed to win Champs, 100% fluke win
2022 Cned - Didn’t make to a single international event jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
2023 Cned - Didn’t do shit with NAVI, even fartiis managed to win a tourney with Navi roster while on FPX but Cned didn’t kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk



n1cf [#2]

and they say im blabbering 🗿

NAVI just fucked him over


He was saving strats for tokyo and champs but the team was so bad, ange1 destroyed navi chances with that weird comps not cneds fault

BenitaT0ry [#13]


Canada and fnatic.... Guy is the anti christ

Kirya [#12]

B1sk clears

fuk u kirya u cute little femboy

BenitaT0ry [#13]


canada irrelevant in every sport

n1cf [#2]

and they say im blabbering 🗿

They don't see the light yet brother🐐

n1cf [#17]

fuk u kirya u cute little femboy


Kirya [#20]


u heard what i said 😡

n1cf [#21]

u heard what i said 😡


number2_cNed_fan [#19]

They don't see the light yet brother🐐

Where did number 2 come from

babi [#23]

Where did number 2 come from

number1 was too good so we decided to release a sequel



n1cf [#2]

and they say im blabbering 🗿

and some people just put NAVIon S tier because they brought Ardiss. In my opinion this move was a downgrade


cned very good player but not goat imo

Kirya [#22]


dw i will repeat it for you 😊👍
fuk u kirya u cute little femboy😊👍

laifu [#3]

Cned did not look that impactful until champs and navi still struggled it's obvious Cned didnt fit what navi needed, but im glad hes finding his form in FUT

fpx back tgt makes me tingly

LyCan52 [#28]

dw i will repeat it for you 😊👍
fuk u kirya u cute little femboy😊👍

ok . .

babi [#23]

Where did number 2 come from

Im here for when number 1 is offline.
You can never have enough cNed fans🐐

anyth1ng [#18]

canada irrelevant in every sport

only sport brazil is relevant in is football and they have as many world cups as canada in the past 20 years

anyth1ng [#18]

canada irrelevant in every sport

Lul, don't watch the NHL.


This vid feels flawed. Impact of kills a player has isn’t an individual metric but more of a team value thing, and because of that I feel like this vid and its analysis leans towards on which players carried their teams the hardest rather than finding who’re the best players overall. Like when a player gets an impact kill, that kill itself is only impactful for their team, hence why it’s just a metric on who’s putting their team on their back.

A better way to explain what I’m saying is cned’s impact stat. The guy was carrying his team this year, but if he had someone like Less who’s also got great impact to rely on then his impact kills would obviously go down as a result, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a worse player right? This shouldn’t prove anything about one’s individual raw performance when being compared to other great players in OTHER teams (the comment below me does an even better job at explaining the comparison between player impact across diff teams).

What he should’ve done to complete the actual question is to find the most impactful player of each top team from every year (or just the year you want) and then compare their raw individual stats together like ACS, KDA, clutch rate, etc and whatnot to get a closer image of who’s really the GOAT (in terms of peak of course).

Like if Jinggg turns out to be the best player this year over Alfa, Demon1, and aspas, then something must’ve been overlooked lol. Also this guy reallllly loves yay.

babi [#23]

Where did number 2 come from

when there is a mommy number 1 cned fan and a daddy number 1 cned fan you get number 2 cned fan


finnwithtwons [#32]

only sport brazil is relevant in is football and they have as many world cups as canada in the past 20 years

world cups are a 4/4y event, best teams itw will have brazillians on the team 90% of the time, Real Madrid is probably the most successful team and there are always brazillians there. Also we have many world trophies in other sports like volley, F1, UFC, Olympics gold medals. There's also esports like csgo, valorant and R6 (:

Shuaaa [#33]

Lul, don't watch the NHL.

no idea wtf that means

afflict3d [#27]

cned very good player but not goat imo

yeah i obv didnt really mean the "goat" part of it, but he is a very solid player

number1_cned_hater [#35]

when there is a mommy number 1 cned fan and a daddy number 1 cned fan you get number 2 cned fan


sadly theres no mommy number1cnedfan :(

cartixuzi [#34]

This vid feels flawed. Impact of kills a player has isn’t an individual metric but more of a team value thing, and because of that I feel like this vid and its analysis leans towards on which players carried their teams the hardest rather than finding who’re the best players overall. Like when a player gets an impact kill, that kill itself is only impactful for their team, hence why it’s just a metric on who’s putting their team on their back.

A better way to explain what I’m saying is cned’s impact stat. The guy was carrying his team this year, but if he had someone like Less who’s also got great impact to rely on then his impact kills would obviously go down as a result, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a worse player right? This shouldn’t prove anything about one’s individual raw performance when being compared to other great players in OTHER teams (the comment below me does an even better job at explaining the comparison between player impact across diff teams).

What he should’ve done to complete the actual question is to find the most impactful player of each top team from every year (or just the year you want) and then compare their raw individual stats together like ACS, KDA, clutch rate, etc and whatnot to get a closer image of who’s really the GOAT (in terms of peak of course).

Like if Jinggg turns out to be the best player this year over Alfa, Demon1, and aspas, then something must’ve been overlooked lol. Also this guy reallllly loves yay.

i totally agree with you. every team has a different structure to their roster and the way they play. we will obviously see prx players high up in these results because their entire style is based up on how easily can they benefit over the util they have expended and the trades they get in doing so. they push a certain region with a lot of util and manpower and get a kill, if they fail to get a kill , they basically have failed the objective. and thus every time they get this kill, the resulting impact is high. however, for a team like fnatic, even if they dont get control of a certain region at first or get the first kill, they still can build up the round from a different part of their arsenal, they dont really have to rely on these "impactful" frags.

also, you are probably the smartest NA user i have seen on this site

symbols07 [#40]

i totally agree with you. every team has a different structure to their roster and the way they play. we will obviously see prx players high up in these results because their entire style is based up on how easily can they benefit over the util they have expended and the trades they get in doing so. they push a certain region with a lot of util and manpower and get a kill, if they fail to get a kill , they basically have failed the objective. and thus every time they get this kill, the resulting impact is high. however, for a team like fnatic, even if they dont get control of a certain region at first or get the first kill, they still can build up the round from a different part of their arsenal, they dont really have to rely on these "impactful" frags.

also, you are probably the smartest NA user i have seen on this site

I agree everything you said each team playing style affects how kills are distributed thats i take every discussion about the best player with a grain of salt.

cartixuzi [#34]

This vid feels flawed. Impact of kills a player has isn’t an individual metric but more of a team value thing, and because of that I feel like this vid and its analysis leans towards on which players carried their teams the hardest rather than finding who’re the best players overall. Like when a player gets an impact kill, that kill itself is only impactful for their team, hence why it’s just a metric on who’s putting their team on their back.

A better way to explain what I’m saying is cned’s impact stat. The guy was carrying his team this year, but if he had someone like Less who’s also got great impact to rely on then his impact kills would obviously go down as a result, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a worse player right? This shouldn’t prove anything about one’s individual raw performance when being compared to other great players in OTHER teams (the comment below me does an even better job at explaining the comparison between player impact across diff teams).

What he should’ve done to complete the actual question is to find the most impactful player of each top team from every year (or just the year you want) and then compare their raw individual stats together like ACS, KDA, clutch rate, etc and whatnot to get a closer image of who’s really the GOAT (in terms of peak of course).

Like if Jinggg turns out to be the best player this year over Alfa, Demon1, and aspas, then something must’ve been overlooked lol. Also this guy reallllly loves yay.

you are correct that, due to the nature of all stat based analysis, the results can be misleading
this analysis was very kill and trade focused so it favored duelists

and ofc it cant properly represent the complexity of the game; even when ignoring your point about the team not properly being considered (since its just gonna be impossible to separate a player from their team) it has huge issues
economy impact of kills, how much support util you were receiving during the kill (how good was it?), how many people were on the site, etc would all shift the weighting significantly - it just leads to an endless game of trying to get more aspects of the game into your stats... and in the end theyd probably still be wrong due to the whole team thing

your proposed solution wouldnt lead to a good result either, it would heavily favor players like ZmjjKK who have a risky and inconsistent playstyle, while a more consistent player like for example demon1 would look pretty mediocre
It also has the whole acs & kda already being linked problem that vlrs rating tries to tackle

At the end of the day the stats are great because he presents all his thoughts and reasoning for the stats, and its easy to figure out what aspects he overlooked and then decide how much you value them - no stats will ever beat the "eye test"

symbols07 [#40]

i totally agree with you. every team has a different structure to their roster and the way they play. we will obviously see prx players high up in these results because their entire style is based up on how easily can they benefit over the util they have expended and the trades they get in doing so. they push a certain region with a lot of util and manpower and get a kill, if they fail to get a kill , they basically have failed the objective. and thus every time they get this kill, the resulting impact is high. however, for a team like fnatic, even if they dont get control of a certain region at first or get the first kill, they still can build up the round from a different part of their arsenal, they dont really have to rely on these "impactful" frags.

also, you are probably the smartest NA user i have seen on this site

ty, I find it confusing af when people choose a side between impact and raw shit like KDA when it comes to finding the best player because they should always go hand in hand no matter what. Comparing someone's impact to someone else's on a different team and then calling the better player the one their team relies on the most makes no sense.

Targu1n [#42]

you are correct that, due to the nature of all stat based analysis, the results can be misleading
this analysis was very kill and trade focused so it favored duelists

and ofc it cant properly represent the complexity of the game; even when ignoring your point about the team not properly being considered (since its just gonna be impossible to separate a player from their team) it has huge issues
economy impact of kills, how much support util you were receiving during the kill (how good was it?), how many people were on the site, etc would all shift the weighting significantly - it just leads to an endless game of trying to get more aspects of the game into your stats... and in the end theyd probably still be wrong due to the whole team thing

your proposed solution wouldnt lead to a good result either, it would heavily favor players like ZmjjKK who have a risky and inconsistent playstyle, while a more consistent player like for example demon1 would look pretty mediocre
It also has the whole acs & kda already being linked problem that vlrs rating tries to tackle

At the end of the day the stats are great because he presents all his thoughts and reasoning for the stats, and its easy to figure out what aspects he overlooked and then decide how much you value them - no stats will ever beat the "eye test"

I wouldn't agree that my solution (although i know its probably flawed in some way lol) would favor ZmjjKK while making Demon1 look mediocre though, it's more of the opposite since they're both the most impactful players on the team, then all that's left is to compare their raw stuff to each other now that the impact stuff is out of the way in which Demon1 should win out in looking at Masters & Champs this year, hence Demon1 being the better player that's taking both player impact and stats into account.


i didnt really watch the video but does it include every kill? or only the ones they won for the round

anyth1ng [#18]

canada irrelevant in every sport

I can think of a very few sports (Football and Volleyball being the main two combat sports can be argued either way) - where Brazil is more relevant than Canada. Not to mention the fact that Canada outmedaled Brazil in the 2020 summer olympics (not even worth talking about winter Olympics as Brazil didn't win a single medal) with less than 19% of the population. Realistically - Brazil is closer to irrelevant in every sport than Canada is

cartixuzi [#44]

I wouldn't agree that my solution (although i know its probably flawed in some way lol) would favor ZmjjKK while making Demon1 look mediocre though, it's more of the opposite since they're both the most impactful players on the team, then all that's left is to compare their raw stuff to each other now that the impact stuff is out of the way in which Demon1 should win out in looking at Masters & Champs this year, hence Demon1 being the better player that's taking both player impact and stats into account.

ngl I cant read and thought you wrote "find the most impactful play of each top team from every year" so thats mb

per chance itll still be higher for ZmjjKK due to the 273 acs Tokyo performance but ye thats on me xD Your proposed system is a lot better than what I thought you said

Raw stats is just gonna be another problem though due to how intertwined they are, I can recommend reading https://www.vlr.gg/160667/vlr-gg-player-rating-explained
and then it automatically favoring certain roles and playstyle which is why rating is meh for duelists x.x

Idk how invested you are in the whole thing but if you want to write up a formula Id be super down to read it^^


Only going for broad metrics instead of factoring in eyetest is a severe sign of autism.

rygro [#46]

I can think of a very few sports (Football and Volleyball being the main two combat sports can be argued either way) - where Brazil is more relevant than Canada. Not to mention the fact that Canada outmedaled Brazil in the 2020 summer olympics (not even worth talking about winter Olympics as Brazil didn't win a single medal) with less than 19% of the population. Realistically - Brazil is closer to irrelevant in every sport than Canada is

I literally listed the ones we are so much better and relevant, you don't have to think about anything, how the fuck is that "realistically"?

Football is the most watched, played and relevant sport in the world and canada is non-existent in it

Targu1n [#47]

ngl I cant read and thought you wrote "find the most impactful play of each top team from every year" so thats mb

per chance itll still be higher for ZmjjKK due to the 273 acs Tokyo performance but ye thats on me xD Your proposed system is a lot better than what I thought you said

Raw stats is just gonna be another problem though due to how intertwined they are, I can recommend reading https://www.vlr.gg/160667/vlr-gg-player-rating-explained
and then it automatically favoring certain roles and playstyle which is why rating is meh for duelists x.x

Idk how invested you are in the whole thing but if you want to write up a formula Id be super down to read it^^

im just trusting whatever voodoo magic formula VLR got sry lol, KK's underperformance at Champs also exists as well so im just eyeballing a bit too.

cartixuzi [#50]

im just trusting whatever voodoo magic formula VLR got sry lol, KK's underperformance at Champs also exists as well so im just eyeballing a bit too.

very fair
cant say I can beat vlrs forumla either


as a cned fan, I wouldn't say he is the goat but if he was as lucky as jawgemo, he would be the goat
2021: stuck in a team called ''cned and friends''. managed to win a trophy
2022: stuck in a team called ''cned and friends who have mental problems all of a sudden''. no surprise they couldn't qualify to any tournament
2023: stuck in a team which used him like a guinea pig and tried off-meta comps each map. then everyone started talking about his so called inability to be flexible claiming ardiis is more flexible because he plays kayo and and how he somehow caused other players to underperform??

anyth1ng [#49]

I literally listed the ones we are so much better and relevant, you don't have to think about anything, how the fuck is that "realistically"?

Football is the most watched, played and relevant sport in the world and canada is non-existent in it

"Canada irrelevant in every sport" - what does this have to do with what sport is the most popular? You also listed Football, Volleyball, F1, UFC and Olympic golds. Over the past 2 Olympics Canada has more golds than Brazil, and the same number in the past summer games (with ~19% of the population). UFC - sorry but Canada > Brazil. There isn't a single Brazilian fighter with as much of an impact on the sport or company as GSP (don't even try to say Silva - its not close). Sure - let's add F1 to the list. So now were at Football, Volleyball and F1. Canada has Hockey, Basketball, Football (American), Baseball just as a starter. Then we start factoring in winter sports, and its literally not even close. You have no idea what you're talking about. Another case of insane Brazilian national pride completely clouding ones critical thinking

rygro [#53]

"Canada irrelevant in every sport" - what does this have to do with what sport is the most popular? You also listed Football, Volleyball, F1, UFC and Olympic golds. Over the past 2 Olympics Canada has more golds than Brazil, and the same number in the past summer games (with ~19% of the population). UFC - sorry but Canada > Brazil. There isn't a single Brazilian fighter with as much of an impact on the sport or company as GSP (don't even try to say Silva - its not close). Sure - let's add F1 to the list. So now were at Football, Volleyball and F1. Canada has Hockey, Basketball, Football (American), Baseball just as a starter. Then we start factoring in winter sports, and its literally not even close. You have no idea what you're talking about. Another case of insane Brazilian national pride completely clouding ones critical thinking

"Canada has Hockey, Basketball, Football (American), Baseball just as a starter. Then we start factoring in winter sports" you just listed a bunch of sports that are only a thing in North America, literally no one around the globe gives a flying fuck about these except for basketball. GSP vs Silva is a tie imo won't go into that and I'll give you the winter sports but also reflect a bit on why BRAZIL of all countries isn't relevant on that

anyth1ng [#54]

"Canada has Hockey, Basketball, Football (American), Baseball just as a starter. Then we start factoring in winter sports" you just listed a bunch of sports that are only a thing in North America, literally no one around the globe gives a flying fuck about these except for basketball. GSP vs Silva is a tie imo won't go into that and I'll give you the winter sports but also reflect a bit on why BRAZIL of all countries isn't relevant on that

You said "canada irrelevant in every sport", right? Not "Canada is irrelevant in every sport popular in Brazil". Maybe if you stopped moving the goal posts, I'd be able to take you a bit more seriously, but here we are

rygro [#55]

You said "canada irrelevant in every sport", right? Not "Canada is irrelevant in every sport popular in Brazil". Maybe if you stopped moving the goal posts, I'd be able to take you a bit more seriously, but here we are

not Brazil but around the world, most countries care about football and no one cares about hockey? If I started bringing up things that only exist in Brazil it wouldnt be a fair conversation, also, I could not care less about what you take seriously or not

anyth1ng [#56]

not Brazil but around the world, most countries care about football and no one cares about hockey? If I started bringing up things that only exist in Brazil it wouldnt be a fair conversation, also, I could not care less about what you take seriously or not

you did say every sport brother not every relevant sport



anyth1ng [#56]

not Brazil but around the world, most countries care about football and no one cares about hockey? If I started bringing up things that only exist in Brazil it wouldnt be a fair conversation, also, I could not care less about what you take seriously or not

#55. I guess you don't have great reading comprehension

anyth1ng [#36]

world cups are a 4/4y event, best teams itw will have brazillians on the team 90% of the time, Real Madrid is probably the most successful team and there are always brazillians there. Also we have many world trophies in other sports like volley, F1, UFC, Olympics gold medals. There's also esports like csgo, valorant and R6 (:

glad you brought up the olympics! how many medals did you guys get at the winter olympics?


They said Ardiis is flexible since he played Godchamber and KAY/O ?

ANGE1 Made cNed play KJ bro cmon, also cNed can play Sage as well on few maps.
ANGE1 Would've at least made to top3 if cNed was playing jett %100 at the time.

Also for some reason Shao and Suygetsu(not in champs)was sleeping most of the time.

ANGE1 Strat = Push in Defense, Wait in Attack

That is literally what diamond players tell me when I play

333triplethreat [#45]

i didnt really watch the video but does it include every kill? or only the ones they won for the round

every kill

check #8

911dot [#61]

They said Ardiis is flexible since he played Godchamber and KAY/O ?

ANGE1 Made cNed play KJ bro cmon, also cNed can play Sage as well on few maps.
ANGE1 Would've at least made to top3 if cNed was playing jett %100 at the time.

Also for some reason Shao and Suygetsu(not in champs)was sleeping most of the time.

ANGE1 Strat = Push in Defense, Wait in Attack

That is literally what diamond players tell me when I play

nice strat i should tell my silver buddies 😈

n1cf [#39]

sadly theres no mommy number1cnedfan :(

good thing you're asexual 👍

anyth1ng [#18]

canada irrelevant in every sport

U got the cumnadians riled up



Kirya [#30]

ok . .

so you agree that u r a femboy🗿


I may have underestimated him. the stats dont lie

LyCan52 [#67]

so you agree that u r a femboy🗿

it was 1 week ago wtf

Kirya [#69]

it was 1 week ago wtf

I was b*n that's why late reply 😡


cnoob washed

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