Flag: International
Registered: September 17, 2021
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 3:22 PM
Posts: 126
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posted 6 months ago

racist + jealous

posted 6 months ago

I mean it was inevitable that they lose one day. after all they rely too much on hero plays and they know it and that causes them stress and loss of confidence

posted 8 months ago

FUT have 11 points KC have 8?

posted 8 months ago

I'm amazed how people still underrate FUT after all they've shown

posted 8 months ago

nah wasn't even close

posted 8 months ago

surely there will be games which none of the hero plays work for TH. I mean FUT could have won the first map if not for riens life game

posted 8 months ago

fut actually played the first map better i think and after all that neon patch and miniboo hype i don't think TH have lived up to that expectation. riens carried them

posted 8 months ago

riens individually won them 3 rounds

posted 8 months ago

sure it was cned who didn't fit in this team and worsened the team chemistry yeaaaaah
I hope there is not a single person on this site that hadn't learned yet that navi's core was never consistent and will never be in the future and CNED WASN'T THE PROBLEM

posted 8 months ago

I have a better idea: kick cned and pick ardiis

posted 8 months ago

it's a close match even though FNC threw too many rounds + Boaster... can't say BBL isn't good but saying ''just that good'' is overrating them imo

posted 8 months ago

losing 4 pistols and still owning is insane

posted 10 months ago

the amount of lucky hits from th is insane actually i'm sure even they are surprised

posted 10 months ago

people never give them enough credits. no matter what they do, everyone always ttalks about the other team and it's annoying

posted 10 months ago

half of their matches were like this last year too. people blamed it on cned not fitting in the team but here is ardiis yea

posted 11 months ago

stats are deceiving bro aspas had impact on only 2 rounds on ascent

posted about a year ago

no need to dickride bro you're no longer in the team. don't forget the times even a mid player like you had to carry your so called one of the smartest player in vct when he couldn't shoot good.

posted about a year ago

good aim mid game sense

posted about a year ago

I don't think ardiis is doing anything special. BBL is just doing the same thing over and over again. He has more kills because he has a gun that one shots. All navi players are hunting bbl players who overpeek and run like crazy after plant. BBL won those 6 rounds just because they won their overpeek duels. It's like they were playing with no strats.

posted about a year ago

as a cned fan, I wouldn't say he is the goat but if he was as lucky as jawgemo, he would be the goat
2021: stuck in a team called ''cned and friends''. managed to win a trophy
2022: stuck in a team called ''cned and friends who have mental problems all of a sudden''. no surprise they couldn't qualify to any tournament
2023: stuck in a team which used him like a guinea pig and tried off-meta comps each map. then everyone started talking about his so called inability to be flexible claiming ardiis is more flexible because he plays kayo and and how he somehow caused other players to underperform??

posted about a year ago

XD you don't know anything about qRaxs do you? you are one of those guys who think he is one trick kayo. check his all time stats

posted about a year ago

no, smurfette is

posted about a year ago

he literally plays something else in loud match which is neon and is the second best player after less. a player can be better on an agent than the other, that's normal. not all duelists or initiators can play every agent in their role at high level or at least most of them and that's perfectly fine. if you're gonna say cned can't play anything else and isn't flexible just because someone in the team is better raze than him, you have to also say zyppan isn't flex because he is a shit breach and he is the reason the team almost never played him. also shao played fade most of the time, not zyppan. it's weird to think cned can't play kayo or skye when he plays sage, chamber, yoru(which is a shit agent and he played well), decent kj, played good omen in praccs as ange1 said, and much more. cned performed better than most of his teammates when he was forced to play characters that didn't suit his playstyle and most of the time navi's comps were troll and off-meta. zyppan was 1 match insane and dogshit the 5 others. not to mention ange1's no brain deaths. suygetsu would win 1 or 2 clutches and disappear the next 5 6 rounds. its also funny how people talk cned didn't fit in team's chemistry when navi threw many rounds which didn't even involved cned. if cned is not flexible and the others are why did they make him play yoru or neon then? did zyppan had insane impact with raze? if it was cned who played like zyppan on last map against loud you'd talk for months how bad he is. but none of these are relevant. the fact is that ange1's and coach's stubbornnes to play different comps for each map and team caused each player to underperform. yes, you may argue that cned is not as good with other agents as duelists but it is obvious that the other players are also not as flex as they think they are. also it's the same for zyppan. if he is not one trick kayo or raze, why doesn't he play neon or yoru or sage. it's weird saying cned isn't flexible because he didn't play kayo and zyppan is when he only played kayo and raze. if zyppan was better neon yoru jett kj and omen than cned, why did the team gave the hard role to cned. instead they could give him kayo which doesn't require any skills other than aim to cned. they would definitely gain more. anyways you're just gonna type ''not reading allat'' and continue your ignorant life

posted about a year ago

can your super mega big brain explain how does cned’s so called inability to be flexible affect a so called “good flex” player? zyppan is a good raze and kayo but nothing more. and I don’t think playing kayo requires something like extra brain or talent. you just win aim fights if your aim is good that’s all and zyppan’s aim is good so is cned’s. also remember ange1 and d00mbros chose who plays which agent, not players. making cned play kayo in a team where zyppan is same as making him play viper where suygetsu exists. at this point you should blame cned for not playing sentinels too idk what to say anymore

posted about a year ago

vlr community when will you stop this learn new agents bullshit? you call cned one trick because he can't play good raze when he plays other duelists fine and call ardiiss more flexible just because he plays kayo too. qraxs plays both kayo and raze and you still call him one trick and ask him to learn more agents like wtf is wrong with you?
how do you manage being so ignorant that you can't even check his stats?
just because he plays kayo for the team does it mean he didn't learn how to play other agents? there should be a limit to how simple minded you can be

posted about a year ago

fut played default comp with 0 strats but still bad result for fut

posted about a year ago

well they were called cned and friends for a reason

posted about a year ago

Everyone knows what really happened except from people like you who read clickbait titles and don't spend even a single minute to research the details

posted about a year ago

I'm not sure about ''we love cned'' part bro... none of the players said good luck or anything to cned. not to mention how both navi valorant X page and suy were dick riding ardiis when they didn't even announce anything... suy stopped following cned on X after champions. actually I knew from the start suy doesn't love cned but it is what it is

posted about a year ago

no I was referring to azureblade as I clearly stated ''people like azureblade''

posted about a year ago

The problem is even though people have no clue, they still want to say their opinion. I've been watching every tournament since beta. Yay was insane in 2021 too. I think he has the best aim and that's why he was the best chamber. Like yay rn cNed had team problems in 2022. so people like azureblade who started watching valorant in 2022 thinks cned is no one while yay is the best player.
I'd like to ask navi fans though.
Where was your aim god suygetsu in the loud match?
He was dickriding aspas before the match.
Everyone was claiming aspas clears cned so why did you never say anything while less was diffing suygetsu and carrying aspas?

posted about a year ago

I've never seen people call envy or optic ''yay and friends'' but cned is irrelevant, one trick jett and his peak was only 1 tournament.
I'm really glad cNed is saving himself from navi.
1:45:22 even yinsu knew it :)

posted about a year ago

they are not following each other on twitter wdy guys think?

posted about a year ago

you could have done it already instead of replying like a braindead adolescent
I'd like to say hope you realize one day that you being stupid and ignorant is more irritating than saying ''when does navi play?'' but your 15 iq clown personality will appreciate that as a praise

posted about a year ago

no you haven't. it's just you realizing that you didn't have many braincells in the first place

posted about a year ago

are you dumb or mentally disabled? fnc have to face loud first and then winner of prx vs fut (most likely prx who are looking second best team so far) while eg, the only remaining na team will face edg and winner of drx vs bili bili. which one is better you say? they obviously didn't want to place eg in the same bracket with prx or fnc

++ also 2 emea teams are in the same bracket while 2 americas teams are in the different meaning americas teams as a region have a higher chance to make a better run in the tournament for their region

posted about a year ago

only remaining na team is going to face a slightly easier team while only team from eu will face loud

posted about a year ago

that's not my point though you fucking dummy?

posted about a year ago

it's obvious, they need to make it as easy as possible for the only remaining na team

posted about a year ago

like i said then every other duelist you mentioned shouldn't be hyped because they also don't get 1.30+ ratings constantly. also he was 27 9 against drx on split meaning he turned the game on bro

posted about a year ago

https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/1657/valorant-champions-2023 ( 5th :) )
here are the ratings you love so much

team strats and playstyle and their level also affect a player's performance. this is not ranked.

also yes, you're not here to support anyone but you're here to hate cned. otherwise you would say the same thing for aspas right? I mean he is not the best of his team and is ranked lower than cned who is overhyped in your opinion.

posted about a year ago

again, you clearly haven't watched games but that aside your argument is that according to stats, cned is not the best player of his team therefore he is not as good as aspas or others. derke is the 4th best player in his team according to stats in last 3 tourney. aspas is the 4th best player in his team so far. demon1 is the 3rd. qw1 is the 4th. only sayf was the best of his team. so by that logic sayf > all other players.

posted about a year ago

he had the best stats of his team entire year in 2021 and champions and was considered the best and most consistent player of 2021 along with nats. 2022 was pure unlucky for him if you had followed what's going on with acend, you would know. and lastly even though he played 6 different agent in emea he was 2nd or 3rd best player of his team most of the time and he carried so many maps on his own. people say aspas had impact this game and saw someone even saying he had more impact than cned even though he had lower kills and rating than him. idk what you expect from cned even though you haven't watched the games but stop this double standard and hate please. he played good and was second best player in the server in a match that matters when so many other players like aspas doesn't live up to hype and you still choose to shit on cned.

posted about a year ago

this performance doesn't clear fraud allegations

posted about a year ago

one thing I realized while watching vct emea is, whenever navi played they always showed cned's facecam and reactions.I think they were trying to promote him as the best player in emea and now they are trying to hype edg and kangkang. I mean one caster just said ''I've never seen a player like kangkang'' after he prefired with an op to a player which he knows where he is like wdym bro even casters act like cned or even d3ffo didn't do these while back in 2021 and yay in 2022

posted about a year ago

don't waste your time with these people they only change their mind when casters or tarik say so

posted about a year ago
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