Flag: Canada
Registered: December 13, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 3:20 PM
Posts: 199
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"aspas and less can go anywhere and succeed" they've both literally only won while on Loud

posted 8 months ago

EU brain at its finest

posted 9 months ago

Tell me, then - what did he do well in that round? Shoot people not looking at him? He popped ult down 2 already and didn't get a single tag. Genuinely crazy the mental gymnastics FNATIC fans perform. Just admit you've never sniffed ascendant

posted 9 months ago

Properly = playing off site for sova ult, wiffing it completely, then playing for exit frags.. Good to know

posted 9 months ago

All I can say is that removing that one obvious outlier completely blows up your point

posted 10 months ago

If you remove lock in, which was 1 match, zekkens average rating goes up to 1.10. Kind of disingenuous to leave an outlier like that in

posted 10 months ago

I literally clicked on a 0 star profile to see when he created his account, and it was right there on his profile. Did not even need to scroll. Its not that deep. 12k comments on vlr "but I don't do weird shit like that bro". Yikes

posted 10 months ago

#54. I guess thats just your poor social skills shining through. What can I say, though, you're the type of person to make alts on vlr... Special type of weirdo

posted 11 months ago

0 indication anything he said was sarcasm. I guess spending half your life on this forum has given you the ability to see sarcasm through plain text

posted 11 months ago

You call out aevilcat for being a meta slave and for disrespecting PRX's alternative approach to the game while also commenting "exactly. prx should just do the meta comp, slow plays, hold angle, entry and plant last 20 seconds like all other teams". I guess critical thinking is hard

posted 11 months ago

https://www.vlr.gg/315678/prx-problem #19. You gotta be braindead, right?

posted 11 months ago

Bunch of excuses based on your opinion. TH threw an easy win by losing 9/10 defense rounds on Lotus? Sounds more like their gameplan sucked. KC went to OT on ascent - and lost - who cares? Won on Lotus after getting 2-0d by SEN with it in their map pool. Also, lost by 3 rounds on bind, not 2 (we can add counting to the list of things EMEA is not good at) despite winning round 14 eco (not sure why them losing pistol is relevant if they win the eco following)

posted 11 months ago

Holy copium. I guess KC and TH showed themselves by going a combined 1-3 with a -1 round differential?

posted 11 months ago

When does Fnatic play?

posted 11 months ago

Last year EMEA won 1 trophy. Single elimination LOCK-IN doesn't mean shit. The only people who hold value to that tourney are EU weirdos who cant get over the fact that their region is mid. The fact that you think I'm using this one tourney as justification when I just mentioned they've won 1 tournament in 2 years is ironic. Not to mention the fact that EMEA has had TWO top 4 finish in the last THREE TOURNAMENTS (by the same team).

posted 11 months ago

Half of EMEA's tournament wins are from 2021. To use tournaments from 3 years ago to try to justify your opinion of EMEAs current strength is disingenuous at best

posted 11 months ago

I didn't realize Loud won champs last year

posted 11 months ago

Good thing I'm not playing. How'd they do in 2023 Champs?

posted 11 months ago

All equally dogshit

posted 11 months ago

Remind me again when was the last time a majority (>50%) British team won a tier 1 tactical FPS tournament?

posted 11 months ago

A guy with 13 maps as Astra in his career is the best Astra itw? EMEA showing its intelligence once again

posted about a year ago

It looks like they're trying to give an analogy to support the fact that trading skins counts as "playing CS". Personally, I don't agree, but I guess it could be argued (the same way someone could say that about KZ/ Surfing)

posted about a year ago

#55. I guess you don't have great reading comprehension

posted about a year ago

You said "canada irrelevant in every sport", right? Not "Canada is irrelevant in every sport popular in Brazil". Maybe if you stopped moving the goal posts, I'd be able to take you a bit more seriously, but here we are

posted about a year ago

"Canada irrelevant in every sport" - what does this have to do with what sport is the most popular? You also listed Football, Volleyball, F1, UFC and Olympic golds. Over the past 2 Olympics Canada has more golds than Brazil, and the same number in the past summer games (with ~19% of the population). UFC - sorry but Canada > Brazil. There isn't a single Brazilian fighter with as much of an impact on the sport or company as GSP (don't even try to say Silva - its not close). Sure - let's add F1 to the list. So now were at Football, Volleyball and F1. Canada has Hockey, Basketball, Football (American), Baseball just as a starter. Then we start factoring in winter sports, and its literally not even close. You have no idea what you're talking about. Another case of insane Brazilian national pride completely clouding ones critical thinking

posted about a year ago

I can think of a very few sports (Football and Volleyball being the main two combat sports can be argued either way) - where Brazil is more relevant than Canada. Not to mention the fact that Canada outmedaled Brazil in the 2020 summer olympics (not even worth talking about winter Olympics as Brazil didn't win a single medal) with less than 19% of the population. Realistically - Brazil is closer to irrelevant in every sport than Canada is

posted about a year ago

Fake flag Canadian doesn't even bring up the actual GOAT of GOATs: Wayne Gretzky

posted about a year ago

Good lord - I almost hand an aneurysm trying to read that jumbled garbage. Where in his comment did he say "it has nothing to do with your immune system"? He clearly said "it says nothing about your immune system" - which, as I pointed out in my first comment, is NOT the same thing. Do you ever - in your life - stop and think? I mean that in a literal sense. Seems like you're just asleep at the wheel

posted about a year ago

Not sure how you don't think he was individually bad. Theres a very short list of players who had worse stats than newzera in EU league, and none of them are still in T1

posted about a year ago

"u getting SICK has everything to do with ur immune system lol" was literally your first comment - no mention of frequency. "immune system along with other factors that determine if u actually get infected and become sick" - like repeated exposure to a large viral load? He didn't not understand what you were saying - you literally changed what you were saying. Not to mention you're using garbage inductive reasoning. You're implying people who get sick often have bad immune systems because people with bad immune systems get sick often

posted about a year ago

He didn't say contracting illness has nothing do do with your immune system. He said it says nothing about your immune system. There's a pretty clear distinction. A little bit of reading comprehension goes a long way

posted about a year ago

I've seen 3/4 different people point out the issue with your logic. You proceed to call them names immediately, unprompted (you're not hurling insults back, you're initiating them). You say being stream sniped is a "consequence" of streaming - why is this a consequence? Because it opens up the opportunity for people to stream snipe? You mention it can be avoided by turning off the stream, and that's why its OK. By that same line of reasoning, a person who is robbed on the way to buy groceries deserves to be robbed. Being robbed is a "consequence" of being out in public, as it opens the opportunity to be approached/ robbed and it can be avoided by never leaving your house/ living like a hermit. Looking forward to a logical response instead of being called an idiot!

posted about a year ago

If you think s0m and FNS fall into obscurity by not playing in tier 1 for a year you're delusional

posted about a year ago

Little guy wrote a whole paragraph dodging my question. FYI - even if I did hate French people (which I don't - theres just an obvious lack of achievement in French Valorant), that wouldn't make me xenophobic. That would be reserved for people who hate foreigners in general. English probably isn't your first language, but you could at least google the word you're trying to use to seem smart

posted about a year ago

How is talking shit about your countries (lack of) Valorant achievements Xenophobic? I'd love to know. I can smell your breath from here

posted about a year ago

French fan talking about abominations. Yikes

posted about a year ago

Pedophile is colloquially used by English speakers to refer to pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia. Bring up DSM here is irrelevant considering legislative bodies don't reference diagnostic tools used by the American Psychiatric Association in their legislature. On top of this, attempts to coerce children/ adolescents into creating child porn breaches Brazil's "Code of Minors" - specifically Art. 240, Art. 241-D and Art. 241-E. Really weird behavior from people on this forum trying to justify a predator's behavior, unless they're more similar to Pancc than they're leading on

posted about a year ago

According to Brazil's "Child and Adolescent Statute", an adolescent is someone aged 13-18 years, so I'm not sure why the age of consent is relevant here. This is regarding attempts to induce minors to provide explicit images

posted about a year ago

He was 22 at the time, and she was 15. So ya - seems pretty cut and dry

posted about a year ago

I'm not a lawyer, but this comes directly from Brazil's '"Code of Minors" (translated):

"Art. 240. Producing, reproducing, directing, photographing, filming or recording, by any means, an explicit or pornographic sex scene, involving a child or adolescent: (As amended by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

Penalty – imprisonment, from 4 (four) to 8 (eight) years, and fine. (Wording given by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

§ 1 Anyone who arranges, facilitates, recruits, coerces, or in any way mediates the participation of children or adolescents in the scenes referred to in the caput of this article, or even anyone who acts alongside them, incurs the same penalties. (Wording given by Law No. 11,829, of 2008).

Art. 241-D. Enticing, harassing, instigating or embarrassing, through any means of communication, a child, with the aim of committing a lewd act with them: (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

Penalty – imprisonment, from 1 (one) to 3 (three) years, and fine. (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

Single paragraph. The same penalties apply to anyone who: (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

I – facilitates or induces children to access material containing explicit or pornographic sex scenes with the aim of carrying out libidinous acts with them; (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

II – practices the conduct described in the caput of this article with the aim of inducing children to display themselves in a pornographic or sexually explicit manner. (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)

Art. 241-E. For the purposes of the crimes provided for in this Law, the expression “explicit or pornographic sex scene” includes any situation involving a child or adolescent in explicit sexual activities, real or simulated, or display of the genitals of a child or adolescent for primarily sexual purposes. (Included by Law No. 11,829, of 2008)"

Based on my understanding (maybe something was lost in translation), it seems like attempting to have a child/ adolescent (under 18) provide explicit images is, in fact, illegal.

posted about a year ago

If your argument was that he was acting as a ephebophile vs a pedophile, you wouldn't have said "chill the fuck out, people act like these girls know nothing about what they're doing". You're trying to shift blame towards a victim. Gross behavior - do better

posted about a year ago

Asking a minor if they want to have sex/ for "Sexy pics" as a 23 year old is pedophilia. Period full stop. Its crazy how you're trying to justify a pedo's actions, kinda scary.

posted about a year ago

Although you're memeing here, there's actually truth to what you're saying (if taken to a less extreme extent). Accountability can be a major factor in adherence to lifestyle interventions. Its something I still rely on (at times) for exercise adherence

posted about a year ago

Having a plan B implies they have a plan A. EG management is asleep at the wheel

posted about a year ago

Isn't that what you're doing given that you were a week late to the party? "I revealed for the first time that johnQT was signing with SEN" - doesnt look like it: https://www.vlr.gg/261239/whats-more-likely-than-sen-fns/#1

posted about a year ago

If I got a 5/5 performance review, and was told my salary was halved with the chance to earn a higher bonus, I'd be looking for a new job regardless of what my salary was pre-cut

posted about a year ago

Were you going to continue to fixate on the whole "EG ARGUABLY having a harder path" part the whole time? Obviously wasn't my point and your continuous fixation on this is telling that you don't really have a solid argument elsewhere. Also, Navi got 3-0d by Giants. So what, were going to remove two of PRX/EDG/GIA for Liquid/ Navi? Just creating a whole new group to fit your narrative I guess

posted about a year ago

You're allowed to disagree. Not really going to continue talking about the "EG having the most difficult path" section. It was (obviously) not my main point, and is something everyone seems to now be fixating on to avoid talking about my actual points. It doesn't really look like you're disagreeing with points 1/2 outside of that, though

posted about a year ago

The person I replied to is saying that having to face Liquid and Navi made Louds run more difficult. EG beat a team that made it out of groups, Loud did not. To quote you here, "your argumentation is bad"

posted about a year ago
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