Flag: Germany
Registered: July 9, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 8:16 AM
Posts: 138
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I see what you are going with but I would say that since Haven is such a large map you need to focus on information gathering. So I would either replace breach with a skye or viper with a sova. I would also go with omen rather then astra when I am playing a comp without Jett since the ability to get on top of boxes still is super powerful.

posted 8 months ago

Pros for Yoru on Haven:

  • Can take a lot of the same entry paths Jett can
  • Has more team utility then Jett does
  • Offers the ability to fast rotate on a map that has really long distance rotations
  • Can get of the side more easily to play for retake which always used to be meta on Haven (get one kill from an off position and play retake in a 4 vs 5 is far easier with him)

Cons for Yoru on Haven:

  • Lacks the ability to get on top of boxes, which allowed Jett to have more unique entry paths and positions it also allowed opers to get into more positions
  • Not as good with the operator as Jett is (But still pretty good)

I think Jetts ability to get on top of boxes is incredibly powerful so I think it is a good boost for her, but other then that I really do not see any other real reason why you shoulnt pick Yoru over her. What do you think?

posted 8 months ago

Honestly I am fine with removing boaster, but he should either be replaced by a top tier IGL (There are no in EU) or like a top 5 controller player.

posted 9 months ago

FNATIC literally has the perfect roster with the highest potential probably ever in Valorant history. Only rivaled probably by that Loud oster that won champions in that area. If they play like that they are honestly not stopable.

posted 9 months ago

You have no idea what goat means dont you?

posted 11 months ago

There hasnt been a player/ coach yet in Valorants history that is truly deserving of the goat title.

posted 11 months ago

I mean, Liquid is known to threat players very well, is well organised has the money to build good teams, and has great facility in europe. Also they had nats, jamppi and Sayf at that time. Sounds like a nobrainer if my goal is to win titles. Liquid is a great org to be at.

posted about a year ago

Above average tier 1 emea jett

posted about a year ago

Do you have stupid?

posted about a year ago

Literally every nation gets mogged by them im FPS games. The amount of top tier russian players is incredible. Literally every region in the VCT has russian players in them. Some of the best players in the world are russian, and even players like Derke and Demon1 have their roots there. In CS literally half of the upcomming players are russian, and R6 had team empire as their dominant team (back when I watched).

posted about a year ago

Everything about the EMEA rosters says "comeback next year". Many tier 2 guys we have no clue about mixed with players that could be title contenders if they played together. Many of the EMEA teams seem to play the long game of: Sign some promising tier 2 players, keep the good ones and then repeat next season.

posted about a year ago

I would agree that Sadhack probably is their best piece, but losing aspas is a big loss.

posted about a year ago

Core Idea: A magic painter

Similar to Astra, or brim all of his/her abilities are placed via an overview map. This map will look like a painting of the entire map. Every ability you place has an effect on how much paint you have left.

Signature ability: Press E to draw lines that function like viper/harbor walls. Just without any debuffs, but can be place where you want and can also be placed in very short lines.

Basic abilities:
c: Draw something that that functions like a fade Seize and holds the player in that specific position.
q: Draw a thicker line that slows down enemies like a sage slow

Ult: Throw down a huge amount of paint on a specific area. Everybody in that area will be slowed to a snails pace.

I know this sounds potentially quiet strong, but I think there are many ways to balance this agent out. Limiting the amount of fuel you have, how long its active, giving abilities a high upwind time etc.

posted about a year ago

Cuz euro better

posted about a year ago

Credit where credit is due. There was once a clip from like 2 months ago where he talked about how he never wanted to be the first guy in, but instead be a play maker while being able to support his team. I think he works really well in that regard and I think this way of playing really suits him.

posted about a year ago

Only going for broad metrics instead of factoring in eyetest is a severe sign of autism.

posted about a year ago

Thats like saying the current german footbal team clears any female football team

posted about a year ago

He thinks a tier 2 IGL, a has been player, a pretty experienced initiator, and 2 above average role players make a super team.

posted about a year ago

Pancada has been a world champion in 2 games by now, and was in contention for being the best player on loud in 2022, while Zellsis only has been an above average role filler.

Pancadas skills are undeniable, and even if he hasnt been that good last year, the gamble of him becoming really good again is totally worth it. I would start the season with pancada for sure.

posted about a year ago

Jingg had perfect synergy with the team, was arguably their best player, and at some points he was in contention for best player in the world and certainly in apac. Why should monyet be just as good or even better then him? Dont get me wrong, he does seem like a really good player rn. But with him there certainly are still a lot of ifs buts and maybes. After all we never saw him with the prx core and neither was he ever in a team that was in contention to make deep runs, not even in his domestic league. It blows my mind that even analysts talk about that they will be just as good, or even better then before.

The expectations for this team, especially at the beginning are way to high imo. It can work out and monyet certainly was the best replacement they could have gotten, but there is also a good chance that it will make them worse.

posted about a year ago

Hairmaxxing is low key the biggest boost. You also benefit greatly from having a haircut that looks good but is rarely worn. Getting a brokoli head might increase attractiveness on average, but then you have to compete with all the other brokoli heads.

Especially if you have an uneven hairline and/or are actively balding you should try to hide it. If the balding has reached a critical point I suggest either shavemaxxing or ropemaxxing depending on skullshape.

posted about a year ago
  • Leviathan
  • PRX
  • EDG
  • fut???????
posted about a year ago

I have a date tmrw so I will tell you after that.

posted about a year ago

US americans rn: visible confusion

posted about a year ago

This. The roster looks ass imo

posted about a year ago

I would say that Mimi is more hot then cute. You can certainly be both and I am not saying she aint but there is a difference. Glance or roxi fit that category more for example imo.

posted about a year ago

Val: Chronicle
CS: NiKo
WWE: Richard Lewis
Football: Reus (Used to be a dortmund fan when I was a kid for a few seasons, nowadays i dont care but i still find it cool that he never left them.
F1: Schuhmacher
R6: Kanto
Tennis: Djokovic

posted about a year ago

Guy has been good for 4 years at this point, but sadly when he got his shot at heretics everything around him colapsed.

posted about a year ago

Actually having hobbies or interests. It is honestly quiet shocking how many woman have nothing going on in their life. I seriously wonder how you can even have conversation with those people.

posted about a year ago

brave af was a top 3 initiator in EU and just got lost after he had his incident.

posted about a year ago

I feel like it is unfinished. Yeah, movement still needs some work, a few bugs here and there etc. But I think all of that is probably going to be fixed in the long run. CS 2 was a much needed update of the series. Overall I like it and I am very positive about its future.

posted about a year ago

As if GEs roster will be anything better then 6th in the pazific regio lol. They signed Russ ffs.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wrote "Challange" in the title, sry for that mistake.

posted about a year ago

Is this challenge even possible for EG at this point? You might like the team but this Org is literally unsupportable and they always have been even before the partnership league.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but then why you do you complain that your enemy always does the same thing?

posted about a year ago

Like they do not even cry not even when somebody on their own team does that, they cry when they get killed BY a crouch sprayer.

Sure it might be the improper way to win a gunfight, but in the end the crouch sprayer won against you and you didnt hit your shots.

posted about a year ago

Why has your culture become so overly feminine over the last century? This has happened in the west aswell, but not to the same extend and your culture always have been based on very masculine values. Discipline, fighting, honor... Japanese people used to be the most badass people in the world.

I am honestly just curious lol, what happened there?

posted about a year ago

Good, Upcomer is shit anyway

posted about 3 years ago

No it won´t happen. He is on a 3 months contract with fnatic rn but if we look at how he plays they are probably going to sign him for a more permanent deal. If he would have had interest in joining a Val team he would have done that by now.

posted about 3 years ago

Same, never felt like hoddy and Meddo are players that belong in a team that wants to be the best in the world. Thats the standard you have to live up if you are in G2.

posted about 3 years ago

For who? Nukkye? Def. not unless Nukkye leaves.

posted about 3 years ago

Doma wasn´t that instrumental to there system, in fact i would argue that he is the easiest to replace since he plays a relatively standard flex role. Fnatic also lacks the firepower to be a title contender, and a guy like al0rante. looks like he could provide more then enough of that. Ofc taking him or Leo is a risk but if you are fnatic, a org which isn´t willing to spend a lot, Leo and Al0rante are your best shots rn. Doma just isn´t on the same level as a Nukkye, Zeek or a Sheydos.

posted about 3 years ago

Signing a player like al0rante or leo as there 2nd duelist could make them a title contender imo.

posted about 3 years ago

Leaf. He looks like a homeless person

posted about 3 years ago

Respect for clapping at the end and actually respecting your opponent!

posted about 3 years ago

This aged like milk

posted about 3 years ago

Look at his flag, ofc he did

posted about 3 years ago

If i think about it now thew only player that did something similar to players like NiKo or s1mple is cNed back in the iceland qualifier. This might just have been the highest skill celling we have ever seen. It was just so mental what he was doing since his team just sucked he pretty much had to win every 1v4 in the most stylish fashion to have a chance, it was just mental to see, it was what S1mple has done for the past 4 years in NaVi.
I almost want these greater then human players to be in disfunctional teams, because then they do the most mental things cuz they have to.

posted about 3 years ago
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