- Steel
- Trick
- Zander
- Babybay
- FNS (if he's either given the liberty to rework the entire roster or presented with a roster he believes in)
- Hazed
- Stellar
- dephh
- Runi
- screwface (if not in contract jail)
- Shahzam
mysterii [#8]dephh and steel both in CS
zander not a real IGL
Trick not above diamond
zander was the igl for V1. he is a real igl
michaelisupset [#10]zander was the igl for V1. he is a real igl
Didn't zander say himself that he only igled for a lil bit?
travis2349032 [#7]bro really tried to sneak Trick in 💀
trick is my goat 👑he led dark ratio to be the best free agent team in valorant
Yistyy [#15]poised hasn't been igl'ing for faze?
oh I guess he has, but I could've sworn Babybay was the IGL for a while
michaelisupset [#10]zander was the igl for V1. he is a real igl
for a bit yes, after that he stepped down and effys IGL'd
Nachtel [#17]oh I guess he has, but I could've sworn Babybay was the IGL for a while
bro just say you know nothing about valorant
SAMPV6 [#23]Shahz isn't quite F/A but still has plenty potential
G2 has allowed him to explore his options but he's still a CC under the org