they didn't ban it vs EG(in favor of banning fracture), wonder what comp they're cooking
wiedstruck [#3]i think this was just to prevent eg from playing fracture and they will ban it again in the grand finals
if eg make gf they ban prx ban fracture and haven
siphonval [#6]if they lost to eg they would have cooked up a haven comp but since they get 2 bans now I think they will just continue to ban it + Ascent/Fracture
I see them banning haven+fracture if eg and haven+split if its loud
batchesttenz [#7]I see them banning haven+fracture if eg and haven+split if its loud
damn bruh winning the upper finals really determines the tide of the series. Imagine if any EG was the upper finaks winner instead and prx sweeps lowers to make grand finals again. EG will simply ban any 2 of Pearl/Split/Lotus (Prx best maps) and make prx play haven and fracture
batchesttenz [#7]I see them banning haven+fracture if eg and haven+split if its loud
If it is eg it will be haven ascent imo although they were the better team on ascent it still eg's second best map
Agx192 [#8]The classic jinggg reyna forsaken cypher
But if loud in the finals I think they ban haven
i wanna see their haven havent seen it in a long time. And who knows maybe they have an entirely whacky comp on haven like they do on ascent
wiedstruck [#3]i think this was just to prevent eg from playing fracture and they will ban it again in the grand finals
if eg make gf they ban prx ban fracture and haven
They may ban some other map. Haven looked winnable if PRX tried
Witzzz [#13]They may ban some other map. Haven looked winnable if PRX tried
they didnt play haven tho
batchesttenz [#7]I see them banning haven+fracture if eg and haven+split if its loud
honestly ur right, it was close between asc/spl for loud veto but after that 13-2 i think they'll be happy to avoid it. The ascent game against EG was just peppered with mistakes and C0M turning into prime sinatraa
Agx192 [#11]If it is eg it will be haven ascent imo although they were the better team on ascent it still eg's second best map
why do you think they would allow EG to take fracture for free
Agx192 [#8]The classic jinggg reyna forsaken cypher
But if loud in the finals I think they ban haven
ur right I think they'll stick to the simple comp which was good last year of Jett Reyna, f0rsaken on cypher and mf on omen, davai on sova/skye
Marcusgeez [#19]can someone links me prx last match when they actually played haven with this current roster?
they have never
siphonval [#16]why do you think they would allow EG to take fracture for free
Did I say haven I meant fracture lmao
lipton13 [#9]damn bruh winning the upper finals really determines the tide of the series. Imagine if any EG was the upper finaks winner instead and prx sweeps lowers to make grand finals again. EG will simply ban any 2 of Pearl/Split/Lotus (Prx best maps) and make prx play haven and fracture
True, but It is a deserved advantage for not dropping a series over the course of the entire tournament
lipton13 [#9]damn bruh winning the upper finals really determines the tide of the series. Imagine if any EG was the upper finaks winner instead and prx sweeps lowers to make grand finals again. EG will simply ban any 2 of Pearl/Split/Lotus (Prx best maps) and make prx play haven and fracture
eg would ban haven as well though since its also their worst map. It doesn't matter as much as people think. Take Copenhagen 2022 and Reykjavik 2022. There have been 4 grand finals in which the winner of upper bracket gets the map veto advantage and 2 out of those 4 times the team from the lower bracket win.
Marcusgeez [#19]can someone links me prx last match when they actually played haven with this current roster?
lipton13 [#12]i wanna see their haven havent seen it in a long time. And who knows maybe they have an entirely whacky comp on haven like they do on ascent
imagine haven is 5th map, the score is 2-2 and the comp they cook up has neon and yoru in it...
lipton13 [#9]damn bruh winning the upper finals really determines the tide of the series. Imagine if any EG was the upper finaks winner instead and prx sweeps lowers to make grand finals again. EG will simply ban any 2 of Pearl/Split/Lotus (Prx best maps) and make prx play haven and fracture
i guess its not that unfair cuz val doesnt have bracket reset
s0ber [#5]maybe they ban split if LOUD is in finals
they should ban split against loud...loud look insane on that map
Prontera [#23]Prx will play
f0rsaken on harbor
jingg still on raze
d4v4i still on skye
mindfreak on astra
something on breach
No they prolly playing harbor viper
The rest seems right
CarnageBTC [#29]they should ban split against loud...loud look insane on that map
yea i guess split and haven ban if loud wins against EG