His attitude sucks. No one would want to work with him.
Flag: | India |
Registered: | September 2, 2021 |
Last post: | April 16, 2024 at 1:58 AM |
Posts: | 496 |
His attitude sucks. No one would want to work with him.
India has more muslim population than Pakistan, but yes Shahzam's from pakistan.
naTs is my goat so id be happy to be wrong
If NAVI are shooting like they did against VIT, TL has no chance. Otherwise might be close.
You're telling me your first language is English and yet your comprehension is so bad?
Aim as a duelist is also very reliant on your confidence and how well your team sets you up, in addition to individual mechanics. His mechanics are great if you saw his performance on GE last year and the last two matches. Just needs confidence and more time to fit into PRX's playstyle.
If PRX released player jerseys i would buy Monyet's
no doubt if he ends tournament playing like this.
GE is managed by actual dumbasses, it's obvious the management has no direction or idea about what they're doing from the point of making a competitive team
I don't get why N4rrate is called a traitor. Did he refuse an offer from a tier 1 NA team to go to EU? What is he supposed to do, just rot in tier 2?
Better and more practical solution would be to remove all guns in the game except pistols, op and guardian.
bro he has played 100+ rounds since morning, it was probably pure reflex because he didnt realize that his teammate had also killed the last guy
the new roster's ceiling is definitely higher than the old one. They need more time together, and termi needs to call more timeouts or get an assistant coach who can do timeouts well.
dropped a combined 95 in 2 maps on FUT. Real brothers duo.
the level of play in this match was dogshit compared to GenG vs PRX
Messi clears G2 sadly
Saadhak is the best IGL overall globally in 2024.
Im not a y0y believer but how are you calling last year's 3rd ranked team bottom 5 lol
Thats not the point, it makes the game less competitive and less fun to watch almost every time it happens
I think best viper nerf would be to take away one molly.
Depends on if yay slots well into the roles he will be playing. If he gets comfortable then yay. Otherwise Rossy is pretty solid.
Thats because the other 4 dont frag as well. That's not the case for most other teams, since having 1 duelist carry 4 weaker players hasnt worked since early 2021 in open VCT. Flor gets to frag this much not only because theyre good but also because they get to take much more duels per round.
Mitch drops 65
I think it's too late for a csjoe pro to come straight to tier 1.5 (closed challengers) and perform well at that level, would be happy if he does proves me wrong doe.
She's OP as fuck.
Controllable smokes for close outplays. Long wall, again controllable. Both with a strong decay. Two long lasting mollies with DECAY and range.
Viper makes pro play boring on any maps she's played.
Og viper was weak, then they buffed her too much then nerfed her a lil bit. She is still op.
It's alright, lesson learned. Just take care of yourself and get back to doing work or fun stuff.
#11 is right, the only guilt you should have the morning after a party is the negative effect of alcohol on your body and mind. And not the fact that you partied.
Whoever becomes the first to play on a League or Challengers roster.
(Not counting Potter because valorant was in its infancy then).
It's standard for any anonymous internet community with a young (under 25) userbase and relatively light moderation policies. Vlr isn't special.
Yea, it could work. Only concerned about cryo's agent pool tbh.
Cryo - jett op
boostio - sentinel igl
c0m - recon initiator/secondary smokes
jawgemo - raze/neon entry/ flex
bang - main smokes
Yep util out in career highlight 1v1 against lakia