Both are fun. Valorant is fun because its always exciting to learn new agents and lineups/setups. You get really different experience depending on which agent you play, and also the games change a lot depending on comps the teams are running. Also because Valorant feels way easier in entry level average players usually get some value out of their utility. Like you rarely walk into site without smokes or info stuff because they are super simple abilities to use. While when you play CSGO in MM or low/mid Face It no one knows any smokes. Maybe there's like one guy who knows B window or A stairs smokes on Mirage but outside of that it can be really shitty experience. Stuff like double smoking Nuke outside to enter secret is something no one I've played with knows about while in Valorant even irons would do it.
While in opposite side I think CSGO gunplay is better and more rewarding and requires more skill. Valorant simple gun mechanics are fun sometimes because it forces you to click head, but I really like CSGO spray.
like both games have their negatives and positives. Overall Valorant games feel more "complete" because of easy to use utility, while CSGO feels more sweaty because team that knowns their shit will fuck you up.