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Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: March 25, 2025 at 5:43 AM
Posts: 1379
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that would make the team way worse, demon1 just doesn't have it in him to play a selfless duelist he is way too passive and it would look just as uncomfortable as when he was put on raze, what leviatan need is a player like jawg or zekken who will send it so that demon1 has space to make plays, which is legit what they did with him on EG, I agree kingg isn't looking good on duelist on that one match but putting demon1 on primary duelist is definitely not the fix

posted 1 day ago

leaf called 100t mid as well on tenz's stream

posted 2 days ago

I sort of lost interest in the game as a whole and this site was getting shittier by the day so yea. I've been good tho hbu

posted 4 weeks ago

tbh I don't give a fuck, I was just pointing out a fun fact

posted 4 weeks ago

I am not sure about this but I don't think Bang got more than 1 or two kills in the entirety of the OT ( I think he got one kill)

posted 4 weeks ago

lack of tenz is hurting them more because theres just nobody to really be the 2nd entry or just a fearless entry player other than zekken, bang is way too much of a "smart player" and doesnt take enough risks like tenz does and narrate is very wishywashy and it also feels like zellsis is the only person who can calm everyone down when in the previous iteration they had sacy (and tenz also started to get very vocal during champs) I just dont think Bang is a good pickup and judging from the comms Narrate also seems to be not that great for team chemistry

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 2 months ago

they are forcing split on every game to hide their map pool I'm pretty sure but not sure as to which map they're tryna hide, I thought it was haven but now I'm not sure

posted 8 months ago

even then players like aspas and texture have shown that they can pretty much be a better jett than him multiple times, cryo is a flex more than a duelist

posted 9 months ago

why is cryo so high up, he can only play jett

posted 9 months ago

why is this guy so mad😭😭

posted 9 months ago

100T wouldnt be here without asuna telling eeiu to tether default thats all ill say

posted 9 months ago

I'm a changed person now, I'm sorry for the sin I have committed

posted 10 months ago

david enjoyer??

posted 10 months ago

if they fix their team cohesion and come back to form then tenz can definitely play jett or other duelists because he was never a bad fragger, he mostly played badly when he was the first entry but if given freedom lile how cned has with fut then he can definitely fry

posted 10 months ago

he continued to find support because TenZ made SEN, he is their money child while also bringing them 2 trophies what else do they want, he is THE guy

posted 10 months ago

tenz definitely got more hate because more fans = more hate and tenz has almost 10x the fans that yay has but the hate seems more because it is mostly from vlr/twitter but if you check more of the websites that the general community uses like yt comments or instagram or even twitter you can still see him getting shit on for the recent poor performance of sen, tenz is the face of valorant and it will remain that way for a while so the hate he receives isnt comparable to what tenz gets and also the whole support system thing is in place because tenz made sentinels to a certain extent, he's their golden boy and money making machine so itd be stupid to let him go

posted 10 months ago

viper is the most complex smokes agent because you have to worry about a lot more than just your gunplay, I said the same agents as cryo which is like jett on jett maps and easy to use agents like brim or kj or even cypher where you can just focus on shooting your gun more than using ur util (which is why his raze, yoru, viper sucks ass) but he is so hell bent on proving that he is a t1 duelist which is so unnecessary

edit : a little bit of team structure will also help

posted 10 months ago

so fixated on playing duelist for some odd reason, drop the ego and play the same agent cryo plays and he can pretty much fry, their playstyle is incredibly similar and yay could be a good senti or smokes but he chooses not to, which makes no sense whatsoever

posted 10 months ago

I'm not saying they are saving strats, I'm curious if they are trying out any new comps at all I'm basically going off of what sliggy said, he said that if he were the coach of SEN he would run the same shit on matches but prac different and new stuff and if they make shanghai they make shanghai if they dont then they can easily get a spot for champs considering they already have a lot of points and they can bring in an entirely new look and playstyle (not gimmicky stuff, reliable comps) which will throw a lot of the teams off

posted 10 months ago

the difference is SEN have been praccing from the time of champs 2023 and they have far more rounds played than GENG and PRX, they also lost games but lets be real here americas mid/top is at a higher level than pacific especially LEV and even EG are looking as sharp as ever plus i do not care if people think its cope, SEN have 2 titles and it'd be good if they get a break to settle things and get back into form

posted 10 months ago

that is true but you can say the same for fnc, they have THE GUYS but are barely scrapping by so I also think chem/form is a big thing but as for TH they are changing their comps and trying out different playstyles and SEN had the chance to do that, not saying that they had to do it because they clearly had other issues to fix but I would've liked to see them change their lotus comp or trying something new on bind (yes im aware they just changed from yoru to gekko but the yoru omen stuff was actually legit)

posted 10 months ago

that's not the point I'm trying to make at all

posted 10 months ago

that contributes too but its a known factor that you have to constantly change if you want to stay at the top of valorant (TH are constantly changing stuff around) and yes I do agree that their chem seems to be not as good and they are unable to do stuff together and their retakes have taken a huge blow but still maybe a breath of fresh air could help them

posted 10 months ago

they have been changing a lot of their protocols but I think most teams just avoid split and I am talking about literally just stealing comps, not cooking some half assed comp. SEN have pretty flexible players and they could play a variety of comps and with their current comps it seems they are limited to what they can do which is hurting them especially since doing the same things on the same maps over and over again could add to the burn out that they are experiencing (for example, Zellsis is getting very lazy in terms of just being patient and dying a lot of the times when he should be trying to stay alive and his gunplay has taken a blow as well)

posted 10 months ago

it's morning plus I dont wanna see this terrible version of SEN making playoffs and somehow luck their way into shanghai and get obliterated by a team there

posted 10 months ago

putting aside burnout and having too many vods on every single map, surely they are praccing on different comps currently and they are trying to use old comps to clinch a spot right? sliggy said he would do that if he were on SEN because it makes a lot of sense to not show your new comps right now and save it for either shanghai or if you dont make it, you can use it for split 2/champs

posted 10 months ago

I was talking about his entire stint with DSG where he played terribly considering what everyone hyped him up to be (especially because it was tier 2)

posted 10 months ago

nobody said anything until yay started it but I do agree that there was a chance that steel wouldve cooked him regardless

posted 10 months ago

I think none of this shit would've happened if yay didnt imply that he had to do everything on dsg which came out as passive aggressive and this is when, if i remember correctly steel started to lash out at him

posted 10 months ago

I was defending yay for a long time even when the steel drama was ongoing but atp its impossible to defend him

posted 10 months ago

yay probably wouldve broken one of his peripherals, explains his terrible performance

posted 10 months ago

how far has yay fallen that hes being cooked by shanks of all people LMAO

posted 10 months ago

I doubt it happened one time when he got that mad over a scrim + steel said he has a bunch of clips but doesnt wanna leak them

posted 10 months ago

either way, isnt it just a scrim? arent you supposed to figure out what you agree/disagree then talk about it later on, yay just straight up said fuck all of yall IN A SCRIM

posted 10 months ago

this bleed can definitely take on prx but they would only get 5 rounds combined in a bo3

posted 10 months ago

its almost as if everyone has different tastes, SHOCKING ik!

posted 11 months ago

zekken and zellsis do more mid rounding than johnqt himself, with curry coming in (he is also a very vocal player) im guessing they will do smthng like paper rex where the entire team makes a decision pre round and mid round

posted 11 months ago

fictional or not if its disrespectful to an entire community then try and be respectful really not asking much, if you cant use they/them then atleast just use the name but idk man u do u, its vlr nobody cares enough to respect others so no point

posted 11 months ago

omg what will they ever do if they get no access to tenz stream😱😱😱😱 their feelings must be so hurt!!!

posted 11 months ago

they have to go basically winless in the split to not make champs

posted 11 months ago

cant wait to see tenz on astra, harbor, maybe clove and chamber if he makes a return to the meta somehow

posted 11 months ago

even taller if u count the afreeca trophy

posted 11 months ago

it makes a lot of sense considering the fact that this is the only bad series he has had so far, if you neglect that one series then he is almost top 3 in the tournament

posted 11 months ago

now this is the leak that im looking forward to

posted 11 months ago

nahhh lmfaoo he never makes sense, its just rage baiting and spamming whatever is news at the time and he also doesnt understand a lot of his "audience" is just impressionable kids and sets very bad examples a lot of the time, just another negative iq valorant cc

posted 11 months ago

eg won a lot of the games last year coz of c0m and demon1 clutching and so did fpx/navi with suygetsu and shao, guess they just lucked their way into a champions/masters win!

posted 11 months ago

i meannn if they are gonna switch leaf to sentinel then might as well get sonofcar and put him on perma duelist no?

posted 11 months ago

hes just not the guy to be trying to replace jingg with, the only time he shined in GE was when he was able to anchor site and play "normal" valorant, certain players just wont work on this roster, the only way you can fix this is either by restructuring the whole team and playing more default heavy and methodical valorant, something like GEN G are doing but that would fuck up their identity as a whole and the other way is just to get a new player someone who is proven to be a crazy duelist like stew (but idk if he speaks English) or someone like jemkin

posted about a year ago

SEN KC was a 2-0

posted about a year ago
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