look at our W streamer, he's come so far. man is getting 25k+ avg viewers and playing with these new people. W strimmer
Honestly, I used to like watching OTV and tarik but now watching them sometimes just annoys me. If you watch toast play val, you expect him to be like silver or gold. Then after the game is over you look at his rank and he's diamond. Man's mopping the floor with his crosshair, force buying every round, and looking around like he doesn't know what game he's playing and he's somehow diamond. Then you see he's playing with people like tarik and you understand how. Idk why but just something about it bugs me.
some people like playing for fun on stream and try to entertain people, I'm not saying playing properly isn't entertaining but i think toasts audience watches toast for who he is which is different from the pros i assume that you watch due to their mechanical skill and/or personality.
the reason he is diamond is again because watching someone lose is not entertaining ig
I used to love watching toast because ya his personality is fun to watch. I can't explain it but just seeing him play the way he plays and be diamond bugs me. It's also not like he's not trying he clearly just doesn't know how to play the game well. If he wasn't a popular streamer, he would be flamed beyond belief. I think he should just play unrated if he's going to play with people like tarik. His rank is just so inflated.