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Registered: February 2, 2022
Last post: August 31, 2023 at 2:53 AM
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hahahaha look at the emea cry dogs, they are gonna be quiet for next six months with an ass burn, one shit region gets humbled, I am only saying this because there are incredible teams in NA, BR, APAC as well no matter how strong you are, stop spamming your one team when the next event comes around, you guys are going to evaporate soon out of this comp scene as CHINA and APAC evolves more and more in the coming years, EDG beat Giants Gaming within a couple of months game released in China LMAO, they are saying they aint one team region, you guys are a joke! fuckn dogs

posted about a year ago

these dogs kept barking so loud, disrespecting every region being a one team region, NA is way ahead of EMEA, loud will destroy fnatic anyday let alone EG or PRX, these dogs should never bark again in this forum lmao no matter how strong you are, nothing is for certain, anyone can beat you, stay humble emea dogs. hahahahahahahah so quiet one team region got their one team destroyed, priceless

posted about a year ago

yay was really in the end FNS's bitcg

jokes aside, steel going negative in almost every match ever says he should retire but then again not a lot of IGL in NA right now. nice milking of paycheck by steel. He has nothing to offer for valorant.

posted about a year ago

no matter how much people these NA teams bench/shuffle/drop after these kinda results in tourneys, the matter of fact is talent from BR/EMEA is just better than talents NA will ever produce.

NA only has money, if they want to win any tourneys, they have to import all 5 members from LOUD or something like that from other regions. the teams that qualifies in the upcoming VCT Americas, mostly will be loud and leviatan. Fans should collectively accept NA can never win a major tourney again.

the players from NA are not champion materials at any given meta except for maybe NRG. most of them are paycheck stealing streamers, not their fault for not being the best with the amount of competition.

posted about 2 years ago

it’s the org responsibility to get a better igl given the money they have to do crazy imports of literally 2 best players in the world. you can’t just tell me nobody not even god can out igl boaster, that’s just lazy.

you’re brain dead if you argue, this is just one bo3, nothing matters. this is the same excuse they gave in tarik invitational losing to guard.

they stated winning lock-in is their main priority and not winning this invitational. this is just a huge let down getting 0-2ed by a rival team for the fans.

posted about 2 years ago

I cannot believe that an organisation with so much money, has to go with dephh out of so many igls in NA region, or even BR region.

the stats of this guy is literally tier 3, even if you argue he fits into the team organically, he hasn’t clutched a single memorable round for me.

this is just sad at this point, i have confident in zekken popping off as a duelist, but please remove dephh and get a better igl. even dephh knows if he gets benched from SEN, the chances of him being taken into a tier 2 team and winning ascension is incredibly low.

if these kinda results continue, then you can only imagine SEN entirely revamped.

posted about 2 years ago

Every EMEA home being sent home first round, EMEA got only FNATIC that too will be sent home by pancada. EMEA used to troll NA, BRAZIL lmao

posted about 2 years ago

if this rate of growth continues, more players from CS might jump in for good teams earn some clout as well, take valo seriously

posted about 2 years ago

why is the match timings not showing on vlr? some valo tourney going to happen called g4 rumble any ideas where and when to watch?

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with the point being made that you shouldn't be changing as much as 100T did with the initial two years of this scene, I agree that there might be some potential in this current roster they have and chances of them winning some major if they actually stick together for few more years and train!

But surely 100T has to consider DEEPLY given the situation, there are so many good players available, there were doing roster changes when its not really a time to make one, but right now i think you can lose your ego and atleast think about making a change, i mean have you looked at the potential fnatic roster damn its insane how other teams are shaping up and you guys didnt even get out of groups, atleast give some thought of roster change for your FANS SAKE

posted about 2 years ago

beta male thread

posted about 2 years ago

does it mean less number of teams from a region, so chances are these few teams will put together the best players from region, like some kind of super team by having more free agents available due to less number of teams from each region? skin bundles for selected teams?

posted about 2 years ago

if Optic only faced FPX or FNC lmao

posted about 2 years ago

this guy is trash i dont see a champions team with fns in it, sorry hard truth check his stats dont call his brain out weighs stats

posted about 2 years ago

these kids at optic should have learned all kinds of abuses to kill momentum, get them outta here haha

posted about 2 years ago

TBH i find it funny when people say sacy is lucky in that round, up until now if you rewatch Optic vs Loud matches, Optic is the one who is insanely lucky whenever they have won against Loud, be it these crazy timing lurks or insane pop ups in second half

if you look overall, its the chemistry of Loud that is winning the game, they play together

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA should sit the f down bitcg, you noobs never in dreams can beat LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

sorry to burst your balls with this news

posted about 2 years ago

EU's singular team made out of russian players sent home, bye eu losers, finally some good valorant from now on MAKE EM QUIET

posted about 2 years ago

Once these delusional emea fans bragged about fnatic being the greatest team ever, that once being last masters, now their single greatest team FPX which has russian players from CIS region is behind KOR, NA and BRAZIL, they are never going to be a top team leading with a big margin ever again, every other country is just as equal or if not more insane than EMEA now, every tourney from now on nobody can definitely say EMEA will win, this is your reality check.

PS : even if FPX gets to grand finals, LOUD will destroy them considering how insane their aim is consistently each map this tourney

posted about 2 years ago

bro this guy still on team? these guys at optic need to get a reality check, FNS is trash, 1/100 times he pops up and they frame it inside their heads like in the leagues of suygetsu or pancada

posted about 2 years ago

in all honesty i would say Loud takes this 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

someone tell em religion aint real tho, appreciate 240Hz awp shots from anyone

posted about 2 years ago

FPX 2-1 vs KRU
100T 2-1 vs FNC

posted about 2 years ago

Provide me stats so that i can visualize 100T winning against DRX,

I can for sure say, FNC is stronger than DRX, i would say they are equal i guess, so there are no legit grounds for comparing 100T just with yesterday's win, MaKo's site hold and lurks and aim is insane, he easily gets 2 kills per round most round, if 100T takes care of Mako i would say its game over

posted about 2 years ago

this guy dexter is commenting how great fnc is and how 100T is going to lose 1-2 without even watching the game fully 100 times, logout and watch the game fucking kid

posted about 2 years ago

haters gonna hate

posted about 2 years ago

dont overthink a prediction thread as bait, serious brain damage from years of watching twitch streamers

posted about 2 years ago

i think there will come a time in far future where everyone would say something or type anything after much introspection and self reflection on the thought they are about state, to a level there wont be any downvotes or upvotes buttons in the operating system, and it would be considered regressive to suggest any social dynamics to any opinion out there.

posted about 2 years ago

Isn't it obvious a EMEA team is going to win Champions, doesn't matter its gonna 3-1 or 3-2 or 3-0 in grand finals, its def going to be a EMEA team, too bad these teams practicing so hard to lose to EMEA in the end, this isn't a hate thread for emea but just that emea with 3 champions spot with their level of skills and experience has much higher chances of winning and till now thats been the case, ggs

posted about 2 years ago

pls stop jinxing, i am waiting for riot underdog script only for edg to lose best of 5 (3-2) to some EMEA team, common why are you building this story so soon at this level of cinematic hype, buying fans to write tons of articles, i wanted them to silently become a champion, so much expectations from them now is being expected, i hope edg players dont look at social media posts and hype and focus only on practice, i hope for a new exciting team in champions

posted about 2 years ago

what a nerd

posted about 2 years ago

Optic/Zeta Division (one of two for sure)
Team Liquid ( Just cuz thats a hard group, will lose out in a very close BO3 against Lev)
100 Thieves ( Hard group, FNC and DRX might qualify )

--> these teams are sure to go home in my predictions

posted about 2 years ago

i really want to buy champions phantom but i already have the prime, so im gonna use them and see how it feels, it looks stunning with the gold highlight tho

if you looked at how champions vandal has aged it isn't pretty bad, i still love the authentic vandal sound and gold highlight

posted about 2 years ago

Reaver Vandal
Prime Phantom
only skins that i own

Both are hyped af by riot, highest sales for skins, reaver phantom remake most hyped af most sales
Prime Phantom INSPIRED redesign for Champions Phantom looks insane

people claiming ONI supremacy are bronze age people, keep living in dark times, stay broke or buy the best ones soon

posted about 2 years ago

FNS will bottom frag Optic out of this tourney


posted about 2 years ago

you would be brainded to think otherwise, other teams are practising insanely hard with no streaming, these guys are out here for clout, theres a difference, stop spamming sen 3-0 in irrelevant threads and get a life, its just straight out troll spams everywhere in the name of sentinels, washed team with streamers and delusional roster changes every month, what a joke this organization is, if clout if all they need they should invest in tiktok stars and not actually participate in pro play, there was a time when 100T couldn't defeat sentinels no matter what, but today it seems like they took a quantum leap and became a team sentinels can never defeat, kudos to 100T, im so happy for them.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

sentinels would have destroyed 100T, they are always the no.1 team from NA, zomba best controller, how many masters trophies does 100T have?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

if EDward Gaming, a team from china qualifies dominantly from EA LCQ while no one noticed, riot has got some insane underdog story for viewership just like how people rooted for zeta division, northeption wasn't even a bad team, they were like meh alright still good enuf to be there in masters, but edward 2-0ed them, if edward gaming defeats teams from EMEA, NA, SEA teams in champions group stage, we def gotta insane underdog story sponsered by riot, also how good china is will be clear from now onwards

posted about 2 years ago

actually SEN won LCQ, i think 100T cheated or had ping diff, it was so close, someone should have cheated no WAY sen lost, they are supposed to win champions, it was all coming for SEN, how is it possible, who cheated

posted about 2 years ago

FaZe Clan is the only hope NA has in actually winning any major in valo, all other teams are insanely bad, they can never dominate any team like how EMEA dominates, but only FaZe has the potential to dominate other regions

posted about 2 years ago

average NA education, while 10% of NA kids dont have social media and dont listen to rap songs, study hard and land at top important jobs, rest 90% NA kids going down the flush watching crazy twitch streamers 24*7

posted about 2 years ago

Before Russ :
Russ is trash, replace him with anyone, guild will be way better, holyshit no way russ still in team

After Yacine Announcement :
someone asked if yaccine is an upgrade over russ and guild fans went saying, definitely huge one compared to russ, this upgrade is a top notch upgrade, cannot be matched by anyone on planet earth on how perfect the team is now, some said replace anyone with russ just not russ

After Guild Loss with Yacine :
#WeWantJusticeForRuss #FreeRuss #BringBackRuss #Russ4Lyf #RussForever

wtf? brainded emea education, one loss with the new roster and you guys change your position 180 degrees? lmao

posted about 2 years ago

the similarities are exceptional, they are on a long lose streak, hated by many, cannot lose mixwell or avova even tho hes trash, they have the same vibes going on, only thing left is the roster change which is gonna happen after they lose in LCQ against acend, wonder who they gonna kick out and add, it can be zeek or someone like that

posted about 2 years ago

npc's galore, this is the year 2022

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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