My opinion: They look terrible when they try to do the normal, the simple fundamentals, no discipline at all
Bring the weird comps like Ascent comp and W gaming again, rush everybody and you have them fighting for top again
I know vlr and everyone will hate you, but it's true
PRX CANNOT play W gaming with normal comps
Their W gaming was working becoz they had instane strats and bit of unpredictablility and igling was done around those strats and unpredictablility
But in kickoff they were doing same stuff but with normal comps so they shit their bed, also they need to change their pearl comp, I think it's 2 year since they are using that comp,
It was tooooooooo predictable
Moreover the meta is open and they have the opportunity to go perma jingg to deadlock, easiest agent to learn and master if jingg still have role issues
Deadlock will be op in next split