Flag: International
Registered: July 27, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Posts: 356
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i love yetujey. Im sending all my love to FUT esports making it through the groups. it'll be tough, but not impossible.

posted 1 month ago

masters madrid vs PRX i think

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

mako the goat.

posted 1 month ago

This is amazing fr

posted 1 month ago

might be impossible. DRX was known to be a shit pistol team since Vision Strikers. It might just be in their blood.

posted 1 month ago

grass is red bro wtf u mean by green. this guy man.

posted 1 month ago

this team looking really clean right now

posted 1 month ago

He had 25% first blood percentage vs FNC in the first map. Insanity.

posted 1 month ago

DRX was using their new comp tho. Its been awhile so we don't know what they cooked with that comp or with a new comp

posted 1 month ago

its fnc. its not the end of the world if they lose to FNC. Classic hate boner prx fan spotted

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

came back when lakia had an off game for the first time in months just to hate him. You'll never be him and you're mad.0-3 CGN

posted 1 month ago

t3xture is usually consistent too but this champs meteor is just on steroids

posted 1 month ago

meteor took that personally.

posted 1 month ago

i'll make sure to pay a visit to SEN's funeral vs FPX.

posted 1 month ago

rip SEN

posted 1 month ago

exactly. I mean, Dplus wasn't even selected in franchising so there wasn't any 'rivalry' to worry about yet chose not to sell. shady fr.

posted 1 month ago

*if dplus Kia wasn't being a bitch selling korean players to Korean orgs, we would have seen t3xture in this state since last year

posted 1 month ago

wasn't even a hard qtn to answer 😭

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Im so sleepy rn. Do i take a short nap or stay up for GENG v TH. My nap might end up lasting hours

posted 1 month ago

Shanghai -> Madrid -> Seoul would have been nicer tbh.

posted 1 month ago

wouldn’t you want a timezone that somewhat favors them

nope, all regions should have an equal or fair amount of events in their favour. Americas had 2 last year, Pacific has 2 this year, EMEA had 2 in 2022.

posted 1 month ago

for us maybe, but not for others? Nah.The world doesn't revolve around NA buddy

posted 1 month ago

Pacific games and stage was better than this. Korea better be saving it for the top4 games in 15k seat arena man.

posted 1 month ago

weird? It was just a question lmao. If you want I'll ask them too but I was just curious. It ain't that deep bro why u avoidin

posted 1 month ago

??? I know its not malaysian org but d4v4i is on it and quite a number of my friends from Malaysia supports PRX. Im just curious and you don't have to be from that country to support the org bruh what. holy you are sensitive

posted 1 month ago

why do u hate prx so much when u rep msian flag?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Indomie and Korean instant noodles man, both very distinctive but equally well made. Damn I'm craving them rn.

posted 1 month ago

they did, but the util usage when entering site/retaking site was joy to watch to I think people forgive(?) them. Their haven and ascent in particular was an absolute cinema

posted 1 month ago

fair enough

posted 1 month ago

i honestly love how G2 plays. I loved how DRX/VS played too. Huge fan of structured, could be seen as a boring valorant

posted 1 month ago

but he's quite boring compared to other players

posted 1 month ago

Get some help

posted 1 month ago

I knew this GENG team would be solid but them winning and making it to every grand final? truly amazing. I hope they win it, or making it to grandfinal.

posted 1 month ago

well the thing that did not work out the most is that the team wanted him to be and play like jingg. monyet is obviously not jingg, and their playstyle differ so much. Hopefully if they ever go into another roster change, they look to build around the new player's playstyle while still incorporating their original one. Like what DRX is trying to do now.

posted 1 month ago

ain't a choker. Just won the belt after humiliating Leon.

posted 1 month ago

swift 2-0 for FNC. No offence to DRX but its too early for them to beat FNC. I hope they prove me wrong tho.

posted 1 month ago

playoff or once we get to the Inspire stadium, it'll be much better I think

posted 1 month ago

2-1 now, GEN beat SEN in Madrid before losing to them again in the GF. I like this list tho, its fascinating

posted 1 month ago

heretics going through as 2nd seed, i feel it

posted 1 month ago

for GEN v SEN we should probably only take the KR GENG since its a completely different team and region and its more accurate for stats that we are comparing. Just me tho.

posted 1 month ago

its for 2024

posted 1 month ago

ok man we will contact riot to host 1 in Thailand and have walkouts with ladyboy

posted 1 month ago

jinggg also played against DRX who also had a brand new comp with chamber so that game was a bit of testing out the water for both teams tho

posted 1 month ago

2-2 if EDG beats FUT. No region took more games than the other, yet.

posted 1 month ago

i am wrong

posted 1 month ago

usually people follow it up with a correct answer but ok

posted 1 month ago
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