Flag: International
Registered: July 27, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Posts: 356
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posted 1 month ago

just updraft man, ez tbh

posted 1 month ago

elaborate, i have a dumb brain

posted 1 month ago

i creamed because of that 2 rounds he single handedly won

posted 1 month ago

im pretty sure there are a lot of KK fans in Korea too so its not much of a fck you shit, but just normal stuff. Shanghai and GENG's relationship was a weird and odd one

posted 1 month ago

fair point yknow

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

i honestly didn't know hooker would actually win

posted 1 month ago

I have never wanted Dricus to win more than ever. Like you said, he actually reps South Africa and probs the only champs that grew up in Africa too and Im just not a big fan of adesanya. Other than that tho, Im hoping hooker to prove me wrong

posted 1 month ago

hopefully the top 4 games stadium has a better quality

posted 1 month ago

go tell em LilRickyy

posted 1 month ago

bought out by a larger manufacturer

ohhhh I see.

Yea I heard their engine was good. You got em knowledge man, respek.

posted 1 month ago

the honda CRVs are so damn durable. someone I know drives the crv that is more than 10 years old and it never really failed him even now

posted 1 month ago

nah the cheap quality thing is before kia woke up from their awful quality era. Now its pretty decent (although its mostly the new ones) but If it gets stolen a lot, then better stay away from it. I think toyota is a good option since they have pretty decent engine and affordable (sort of).

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

some players, especially igl dont really get chances to frag out when 4 of his teammates are all dropping 10+ in 12-3 tho

posted 1 month ago

lose? the only thing anyone here ever lost anything is you losing your family's love, boaster clears CN any other day

posted 1 month ago

boaster clears ENTIRE edg mate

posted 1 month ago

TE map pool being pretty bad compared to other teams is pretty big too

posted 1 month ago

ahhhh. tbh if i was a coach i would rather G2 get an orb and die but as a viewer? We all love some entertainment fr. Plus, if LEV didn't feel disrespected, then who are we to judge tbh

posted 1 month ago

you're right. If we had a group stage tourny, DRX would be champs in every one of them

posted 1 month ago

im on team DRX today so i'll do a kr one

munchkin (igl)

posted 1 month ago

whats up with lothar, what happened on twitter

posted 1 month ago

champs debutants i mean. But even still, foxy was a sixth and barely played full season, beyn never played tier 1, and flashback only made his debut this year and took a break during stage 1. That is impressive.

posted 1 month ago

well DRX with 3 debutants making it out of that group itself is pretty good thing already for them tbh

posted 1 month ago

Lothar vs Twitter during

what happened

posted 1 month ago

from both teams ngl

posted 1 month ago

wait for top 4 games

posted 1 month ago

brings zest in mid season, puts him on gekko, crazyguy comes back and zest is forced to play kay/o while crazyguy goes negative every game. Zest was the only one shooting back in some games but ok.

posted 1 month ago

Did my boy zest dirty.

posted 1 month ago

idk about you but as someone who graduated already, enjoy those times. School days are one of the most valuable times with your friends.

posted 1 month ago

well played by SEN
GENG looked like they wanted to rest so bad. I've honestly never seen them so tired except t3xture, he is a madman.
We need Champs in Sep/Oct man, for all teams. So that they can rest and cook after stage 2

posted 1 month ago

i still think prime cNed op is the best but out of the 3 named, has to be KK

posted 1 month ago

SEN 0-2 DRX or 1-2
TE 0-2 EDG (something about CN teams meeting another CN teams, EDG don't lose against them)
G2 2-1 LEV
FNC 2-1 TH

posted 1 month ago

map veto wise, its not all too bad for DRX

posted 1 month ago

I like this roster but i dont see them letting go something and jingg at the same time. Maybe keep something hopefully he grinds raze. aspas grinded out his raze, something better do it too.

posted 1 month ago

real. and having 3 EMEA and 1 Pacific really didn't help with the various match ups.

posted 1 month ago

prolly not gonna do much damage IMO

they wiped floors with FNC, at least have some faith and support them, jeez. very young roster and already making progress is impressive.

posted 1 month ago

is the draw right after the interviews?

posted 1 month ago

me too. I would love to see buzz, mako, termi, glow, and argency to finally win something after how they've affected valorant's meta in the early days and buzz and mako deserves a trophy man :(

posted 1 month ago

honestly, since they have a really young and inexperienced roster, I would be happy to see them finish top 6 or top 4. Having 3 debutants but playing like how they did vs FNC is really impressive.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

imagine thinking you know better than GENG players 💤

posted 1 month ago

how about, we just leave it to people and let them watch whoever they fancy

posted 1 month ago

hate to break it to you but Buzz looked better than almost every other duelist in Champs 2024

posted 1 month ago

it looked more like they are just super tired with the game and the TH game just put the nail in the coffin. After a long break they'll be fine

posted 1 month ago

Honestly, they had little rest and played too many games. If champs was a bit later this year, it would have been better but yea everyone except t3xture looked burnt out asf. They didn't rest since kick-off since they made it to every grandfinal until champs

posted 1 month ago

all the stuff you mentioned is about the former roster and DRX was great in champs 2022, and even in 2023, where DRX looked shaky the whole season did better than what most people expected. Its a new roster now so you just gotta watch.
1 player made his very first debut in Pro scene, 1 player made his first debut in tier 1, and foxy got his new role after being a sixth member.
This roster is already doing better considering 3 inexperienced players being in the team.

posted 1 month ago

idk man getting into 5 grand finals in a row while winning 2 regionals and 1 masters is pretty damn good shit

posted 1 month ago

they had almost no break the entire season and honestly, SEN and TH was just better. GENG needs a rest tbh. Munchkin said they were all really tired even before the champs began.

posted 1 month ago
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