You realize that we cannot at this point tell why EMEA teams are weak on Pearl. There are so many factors that might have led to this. For example heard Sliggy saying that Liquid was doing really well on Pearl in scrims, but what happened vs PRX? Maybe their style was just suited vs EMEA teams and shit vs international teams. Or maybe EMEA tier 2 teams etc that they scrim against just aren't good on that map and it gave false confidence. Or maybe they just had an idea and plan, but other regions like NA just had better idea and plan on this map. This is what happens when there isn't much footage on new maps. And because of this Pearl will look completely different when next tournament comes along. Teams will be much better prepared and much better on it on macro level.
and I understand that this is partly coping from my part, but my point is that you can scrim a new map as much as possible and think you are good at it, but it might still be shit vs international teams just because the region isn't good at it or you are not used to different style etc. It isn't coincidence why all 3 EMEA teams suck on it.