Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 4:30 PM
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"Off game" brother his last 8 match ratings (not including off season) have been 0.49, 0.71, 1.02, 0.88, 0.87, 0.59, 0.69 and 0.82

He may be approaching Fenis status

If ur gonna bait don't just spout the first irrationally retarded thing you think of at least try and imitate a coherent human thought, truly a 0/8

posted 1 month ago

I still thought RRQ looked like the better team overall they just tossed a huge lead on Lotus and Gen.G got saved by hero plays to bring it to OT from 12-10 on Haven

posted 1 month ago

Reasonable crashout I couldn't imagine the sheer mental anguish being the owner of 100 Throwers would cause

posted 1 month ago

The FUT loss into BBL upset is about to be generational

posted 1 month ago

Idk I think I may just be a bit conservative about being an RRQ believer because of potential man Chobra and I may be over reacting to the Gen.G falloff but I just think Talon will have the advantage of being the same 5 that made it to champs and had a whole off season to further integrate primmie

posted 1 month ago

NRG eeiu would've put out the LA fires

posted 1 month ago
  1. DRX - clear best team in region, had some good ideas, absolutely cracked players that managed to just diff NS
  2. T1 - Looked pretty shaky vs Boom but managed to shut down PRX pretty easily
  3. NS - Very good team but Dambi is a serial inter and they're quite one note with their aggression
  4. PRX - Looked kinda disjointed and a little lost vs T1 but then shoved Zeta in a locker so they still have the capacity to shit on lower end teams with minimal effort
  5. Talon - Tier gapped Global pretty handily, still dropped a map somehow tho
  6. RRQ - I honestly thought they looked better than Gen.G they just tossed a huge lead on Lotus and then choked in OT on Haven
  7. Gen.G - Holy falloff, there's a pretty clear hole left by Meteor, who was way more accustomed to being aggro and taking timings and they didn't have a clue on Fracture. Also no Lakia no win
  8. Boom - Kinda gave it to T1 and NS, and even tho they went out in 2 they still looked way better than I expected
  9. Global - MONKA LOTUS COMP and also the worst Abyss possibly ever but other than that they showed promise
  10. DFM - Massively underperformed vs how they did in the off season, still somehow Meiy and friends
  11. Zeta - Just played timid uninspired scared Valorant and got jumped for it, also the only team to not win a map in Kickoff
  12. TS - Nepotism org, Filipino pride Global Esports diffed them into oblivion except the map that Elevated probably had money on
posted 1 month ago

Gotta be Liquid for me. They are offensively shit, I genuinely feel insulted watching their complete and utter failure to play Valorant, I've been debating on pressing charges against the org for exposing me to something as vile and loathsome as TL's Fracture

posted 1 month ago

Kirya why did you put Liquid flair on? Are you ok? Do you need to talk to somebody?

posted 1 month ago

Abysmal patch notes, where are the changes that make Deadlocks gravnet unable to be removed and also cover the entire map and also cost 1 credit and also have 10 charges

posted 1 month ago

Nah bro she enabled the most boring meta in 2023 where a solid 75% of comps were Raze Killjoy Skye Viper Omen with the only variations being the fucking Ascent comp

Meta is way better off without her in it

posted 1 month ago

I honestly see it, T1 nearly lost to Boom

posted 1 month ago

Americas - 100T and G2

I was a G2 hater purely cuz of the orgs Twitter account having frankly rancid vibes but then I watched Americas stage 2 and I realised I fw with the players heavy. Boostio is the funniest VCT pro

EMEA - TH and FUT (it was NAVI till the management fucked everything up by kicking d00mbros)

TH just kinda came out of nowhere and became a top level team with 5 shooters in one of the biggest redemption arcs for the coaches and Boo + benjyfishy is quite literally the god of every gen Z teenage boy from Britain. FUT are just a fun team to watch + yetujey is goated on the sticks.

Pacific - Gen.G and PRX

Gen.G was another redemption arc for a bunch of nobodies and rejects who became the first Asian team to win a trophy. Copenhagen was when I got into VCT and PRX were so fun to watch, and were my favourite team until TH.

China - TE and FPX

Trace getting out of groups at Champs surprised the fuck out of me and massively caught my attention. FPX are incredibly fun to watch, Life is one of the most entertaining pros to watch, Autumn is goated and BerLIN is a psychopath IGL which is always fun to witness

posted 1 month ago

Tbf both TH losses to VIT last year were in weird nebulous periods where TH was either burnt out or in a transitional stage where they were changing shit up

1st VIT loss was when they were preparing to add in Wo0t

2nd VIT loss was after they had played the maximum possible matches a team could play at Shanghai, come back to EMEA and had to reintegrate MiniBoo and change Wo0t back to flex, play another like 7 matches, change some of their comps from Shanghai to avoid getting figured out and prepping Abyss, all while VIT were literally hitting the best form we'd ever seen from them. After EMEA was done TH made it to finals and VIT got grouped. I don't think there's an argument for VIT being better than TH last year

posted 1 month ago

I fw this take heavy, I'd deffo take Jinggg over something since I think his Raze/Neon is too good to pass up and I swear he used to play Jett in the past and only stopped cuz f0rsakeN played it on PRX

posted 1 month ago

Goated combo + they probably have the best chats of any costreamers

posted 1 month ago

Heretics, G2 and EDG

Those 3 + VIT are the Bangkok contenders atm

posted 1 month ago

FlyQuest with an Australian roster

posted 1 month ago

I believe more in the PRX choke than the DRX choke

posted 1 month ago

Gen.G downgraded and PRX ain't making Bangkok, all good. No more choking vs Pacific for us

posted 1 month ago

Really? I think they look like the clear best team in Pacific rn

posted 1 month ago

I think people are heavily overrating Pacific rn purely because they don't have any abysmal glue eaters like the other 3 regions. But they definitely have the most mediocre teams and I don't think their top teams can compete with the top teams of the other regions. PRX look pretty stagnant, NS are incredibly one note and aggressive, Gen.G looked straight up lost on Fracture and struggled even on the maps they won.

The only Pacific team I expect to do damage at Bangkok is DRX

posted 1 month ago

Don't worry guys 2026 is the year we recreate the Reykjavik run FOR SURE

posted 1 month ago

I wouldn't say I necessarily have a problem with it and I would say Sliggy's chat is definitely the least toxic, I just thought it was funny that an otherwise innocuous message I sent got removed for the use of the word s3xture

posted 1 month ago

Trying to insult someone's ability to write jokes whilst calling it "writing comprehension", which exclusively refers to summary and note taking, is honestly funnier than anything I could come up with, so fair point

posted 1 month ago

crashies got left in 2023 I'm afraid

Just put the sub 1k views costream on twitch lil bro

posted 1 month ago

FNC frankly get mogged by half of EMEA atp

They're like 7th/8th rn

posted 1 month ago

It wasn't necessarily just to keep Meteor

It was that they didn't have enough money to give every single player a better offer than all the other teams that were trying to poach them so they had to make choices on who to give raises to and who to let get bought out

posted 1 month ago

Removed a message I sent cuz I typed s3xture, holy 1984

posted 1 month ago

Bro this mf is costreaming CN finals with Pacific in the corner like Subway Surfers gameplay and swapping between them my ass can't keep up with this shit

posted 1 month ago

ANGE1's gaze hardens as he stares at NAVI's VCT schedule, determined to attain the ultimate goal of taking a map off Gentle Mates

posted 1 month ago

Please Zikz my brother change something up or start banning it cuz it's been figured out, it's no longer a good map for you bro I BEG just play anything else at this point

posted 1 month ago

FNS is deffo one of the best personalities in the scene, but his Biden moments are also too funny to ignore

posted 1 month ago

We finishing 7th-8th with this one 🔥🔥🔥

posted 1 month ago

I don't think mfs will accept any format at this point

This is basic double elim bro idk what else you want

posted 1 month ago

It could be worse, imagine being a 2G fan. They won less than 20 rounds and now aren't playing again until March

posted 1 month ago


Do you not know about the Boostio pig memes?

posted 1 month ago

Ngl I'm a Vyse doubter, I'm more leaning towards Astra, Jett, Yoru, KJ and Sova

posted 1 month ago

Already has the same kills as last map, our hobbit goat is popping off

posted 1 month ago

Every time the cameras on him I deadass think it's N4RRATE for a solid 5 seconds till I realise it's an NRG game, get confused and then remember N4RRATE's on SEN

posted 1 month ago

Abyss makes me want to fly to the Riot HQ and exacerbate the current situation in LA

Other than that goated map pool

posted 1 month ago

What watching 9th-12th in region teams in Valorant does to a mf

posted 1 month ago

I imagine every night before he goes to sleep he touches a picture of the Gambit roster and sheds a single tear

posted 1 month ago

I fw him heavy, my fire extinguishing goat

Kanyefans a bum tho

posted 1 month ago

The Asuna fraud agenda died in 2024 I'm afraid

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Yee, he's a paycheck stealer who skirts by on vibes and being one step above FNS aim and having a life game every 50 maps

posted 1 month ago

Ngl I think -Zander +Jawgemo would be better than -Asuna

Cryo would basically fill the 2023 Demon1 role while Jawgemo plays smokes and hard entry, Asuna fills the Ethan roles, eeiu fills the c0m roles and Boostio undergoes a significant metamorphosis into his final form of Boostio

posted 1 month ago

Bro FNC are NOT top 5 they're like 7th/8th at best

posted 1 month ago
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