Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 4:30 PM
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Nah I know I'll be fine physically I just wanted to know if I was retarded for that

posted 1 month ago

I mean it was still sealed so surely there's no way that happened?

posted 1 month ago

I just found a twix at the bottom of the vending machine in my flat, thought it'd just fallen out or something, took it and only realised it went out of date in November after I ate it. Am I clinically retarded or is this a reasonable L?

posted 1 month ago

What is bro doing they literally Cypher ulted him and then he backs off to sewers and leaves hiro on his own

posted 1 month ago

Literally the only way to save FNC

posted 1 month ago

Demon1 could never at the age of 35

posted 1 month ago

There is a very real possibility, Liquid look like a bottom 3 team globally rn

posted 1 month ago

-GX +Spirit or MOUZ
-C9 +Complexity
-GE +FlyQuest (with Australian roster)
-TEC +Weibo

posted 1 month ago

I would deffo move NRG down a tier and probably MIBR down one as well

posted 1 month ago

DRG got 13-0'd in the Ascension finals they won so maybe it's a curse

posted 1 month ago

I think there's things the show does better and things the manga does better. The panelling in the manga that fucks with the structure and everything helps sell the Eldritch horror aspects of the manga, but the anime is a lot more cinematic and helps sell the down to earth character moments better, plus the original content they added to the anime was peak + the fights are ofc a lot easier to follow in the anime

I'd probably go with the show but ofc there's very little content of that compared to the manga

posted 1 month ago

Chainsaw Man, it's peak

posted 1 month ago

number_2_cNed_fan clears you I'm afraid

posted 1 month ago

Flor's friends truly cooked (I didn't watch any of the qualifier matches)

posted 1 month ago

Let's fucking go Trace, FengF will Feng all over Thailand

posted 1 month ago

I think Liquid would play better if they stopped trying and just played like ranked tbh

posted 1 month ago

SEN, their fanbase is turbo cancer on a level never before seen in VCT

Would be NRG if they didn't have FNS and were actually good

C9 and Liquid because they're such consistent failures it offends me. C9 more so because they actually win sometimes

posted 1 month ago

I hope so but I also think their ceiling is like 8th

posted 1 month ago

The only scenario I see where he reaches near that level again is if some org tries to reassemble 2023 EG roster including the full coaching staff

posted 1 month ago

Coming out and winning 2 VCT games as a bus driver kinda mogs every T1 pro icl

posted 1 month ago

I fw you heavy for that take and will use that as an excuse to move them above KC

posted 1 month ago
  1. VIT - Firepower is self explanatory, but I thought they looked quite in sync and coordinated

  2. TH - Looked off the first map but then the second and third maps they picked up and looked back in the swing of things (on 2 maps we've never seen them on as well). I'm inclined to think Fracture and Pearl are closer to their average level than Abyss because of what neilzinho said in the post match interview and how sick they looked.

  3. KC - Came incredibly close to beating VIT

  4. FUT - I mean they just ran over TL with zero competition so idk how high their level is but I'd imagine it means they're gonna be pretty good

  5. GM8 - Honestly surprised me, all 5 of their players are pretty talented and RobbieBK looks like he's slotting into the IGL role fairly seamlessly

  6. BBL - The dark horse of EMEA. I thought Jamppi looked pretty good for his first time being a full time IGL, and LewN, Profek and sociablEE all look crazy. Once chiwa can play again I imagine they'll have an even higher ceiling.

  7. FNC - Their Fracture looked good but kaajak has struggled so far and some rounds they looked totally lost on their Abyss attack. The firepower also just isn't as good as previous years so it feels like they can't really bail themselves out when they end up in man disadvantage situations as frequently. Alfa and Chronicle are still goated tho and Boaster's been hitting AimLabs

  8. GX - Just kinda ok. Decent individuals all around. Very simple calling and comps. Let down by having runneR

runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
runneR? What is bro running from? The dementia? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH

  1. NAVI - Didn't look awful but I don't think their firepower is as stacked as other teams above them, plus they never really found value from Tejo

  2. KOI - Somehow lost to Liquid but honestly I think they just look a bit flat and uninspired. Will probably improve with time

  3. Apeks - Florescent and 4 bricks

  4. TL - Jesus Christ they are fucking appalling. I don't think they even have access to voice comms. There's zero coordination. Their map pool must be abysmal considering they picked Fracture twice and looked shit at it. kamo fell off as soon as he put on the TL jersey. nAts is already past his prime and getting further nerfed by having to IGL. Pati clearly doesn't gel or communicate well with anyone on the team considering how off his supportive util is. THERE IS NO WORLD WHERE KAMYK ISN'T CRYPTO THROWING CUZ HOLY SHIT.

Keiko looks good on smokes tho

posted 1 month ago

KC 2-0 GX
EG 2-0 Furia
C9 2-0 MIBR

posted 1 month ago

I woke up at the start of the second map and shit had me WORRIED but we move

I am attributing Abyss to them having a Zmjjkk PTSD flashback and forgetting the entire stratbook

All good

posted 1 month ago

Bro Boo's aim is clean asf and he's a demon in the clutch + his assists per round is always nuts, idk where you got the idea he wasn't a high impact player

posted 1 month ago

I have come to a stunning revelation

TH are the Astralis of Valorant

Astralis were serial chokers in their early days before breaking the mental hurdle after years in their first Major win in Atlanta

Just give it time, the TH era will soon be upon us. benjyfishy will become the only player in Valorant allowed to have player skins just like his OG video game Fortnite (2017 published by Epic Games). Boo's IGLing will only improve with every inch his hairline regresses. MiniBoo will have the highest deaths per round and trade % of any Valorant player ever. RieNs will not have a single death for 12 internationals and 12 regionals in a row. Wo0t will make his Shanghai performance look like average Redgar tournament with his gameplay once he gets over the nerves and have an average 5.68 rating. It will be glorious

posted 1 month ago

I hope so, CIS, Eastern Europe and Turkey are literally the backbone of EMEA talent pool and CIS deserves it's own league infinitely more than Italy, Portugal and Northern Europe

posted 1 month ago

Kaajak I think could be great if FNC weren't trying to slot him 1 for 1 into the same playstyle as Derke. So far they've kind of set him up for failure by expecting him to do all the same things Derke did for them and not really changing to accommodate him

posted 1 month ago

LewN is absolutely absurd but ngl I think everyone on the starting roster for BBL is having a breakout year (except Jamppi)

posted 1 month ago

Tbf Derke only started showing inconsistency when FNC as a whole were kinda falling off, and even then he still had his maps. In 2023 I felt like he was as consistent as he had been in 2022 and 2021 from Lock//In to Tokyo. Only time he looked inconsistent that year was Champs and that's when the FNC fall off started

posted 1 month ago

The OG Click and nataNk roster would've been generational for the starving NAVI fans

posted 1 month ago

I mean he had a good map one but then got locked out for the rest of the game, which I thought was a common trend with him when I watched Ascension, and I really think NAVI would've been better off getting a much younger player who completely take over a server consistently rather than being middling most of the time and only having a huge map every now and then

posted 1 month ago

Icl I'm a massive koalanoob doubter, I think his peak as a young cracked duelist kinda went and left in challengers and now he's just in a weird position of not being fresh or experienced at a high level

posted 1 month ago

Real, tho I'd say FengF already kinda showed himself off at Champs and it was kinda expected that as TE got better he'd have more opportunities to perform

posted 1 month ago

Oh ofc not but hopefully top level teams will see his potential and he'll get signed to a team where he can see some actual success

posted 1 month ago

Which players do you think are gonna have/look like they're having a breakout year this year? Not necessarily rookies but players that haven't really shown that they're elite level players

For me it's looking like Keiko is finally gonna show the same talent he had on 2023 Apeks after switching to smokes. I thought he was kinda underwhelming last year and I didn't have high hopes for him this year but he looks way more comfortable and in his element on smokes. I don't expect anything from Liquid this year but I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried poaching him next year to build an elite roster

posted 1 month ago

I mean NRG have been under delivering compared to the quality of their players for 2 years now. It'd only be fitting for it to continue into 2025

posted 1 month ago

Would've been generational, Guild at Istanbul could've done some serious damage in place of Liquid

posted 1 month ago

2023 - NRG are just running weird comps guys, they'll be fine. ardiis is just slumping guys it'll all be fine just wait till Champs
2024 - SEN are just better than we all thought, don't worry guys NRG will be fine for Stage 1
2024 part 2 - FNS just needs time to get used to things guys, don't worry we can still make playoffs
2025 - don't worry guys they just got caught off guard by the new agent, it'll be fine. We can still make Bangkok <-- You are here

posted 1 month ago

Surely Less and Shyy have to at least be in the conversation

posted 1 month ago

I'm conflicted

On the one hand I want a 3 map turbo banger cuz it'd be entertaining

On the other hand I want to see a 2024 NRG level meltdown and 100T stomp cuz it'd be funny

posted 1 month ago

Nah bro MiniBoo will get hard baited for the rest of the team to drop 30 each

posted 1 month ago

Ok but it'd be funny + he was already taking more contact than Demon1 on Split vs Furia so they may as well lean into baiting him

posted 1 month ago

nataNk and kiNgg both played Raze quite regularly in the past

Demon1 is quite literally the 4th best Raze player on LEV

Hell I'd rather see c0m on Raze tbh

posted 1 month ago

Literally only chance FUT lose is if xeus and yetujey both eat a brick while all the Liquid players simultaneously hit their ceiling

posted 1 month ago

Ok but G2 weren't built as a super team. trent/valyn/JonahP have been a core since 2022 with JoshRT coaching them since 2023, leaf was added to replace their duelist who then changed roles and Jawgemo was a star player who they added to that lineup of 4. Yes they have talent across the board but it was layered onto a solid foundation and not the usual super team method of pull unrelated super stars and pray they fit together

posted 1 month ago

Ok look I can explain myself

I made my Reddit username like 5 years ago when feet jokes were the peak of comedy and I was a cringe child and Reddit doesn't let you change your username

posted 1 month ago

Do they have ANY regional competition or are they the undisputed kings of Americas? Any given matchup they have I feel like is a minimum 65/35 for them

posted 1 month ago

ardiis, he was honestly the best player on NAVI last year and just got fucked by the coaching change

If he came back with a solid team around him he would eat another trophy ong

posted 1 month ago

These guys would actually SMOKE NRG in the rematch holy

Fenis is NOT ok, whzy is about to send him back to thanking donos and soy facing at PRX f0rsakeN

posted 1 month ago
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