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Registered: April 19, 2022
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 12:32 PM
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i mean except jakee.. everyone else was playing every role as if they can do that against any decent team and win. whats more unfortunate is mCE is gonna use the cinderella run in the league to somehow reinforce his ideas and lose again next year

posted about a year ago

what role issues were fixed by mCE and co by removing yay and vanity lol.. deserved.

posted about a year ago

100% and leaf is usually absent when it matters the most.. dont blame him 100% tho sometimes someone else has to pick up and no one did for c9

posted about a year ago

mCE is definitely not the scout king that his fans make him out to be.. he was lucky in the league when he was playing mid teams which were either rebuilding or had bad starts. Couldnt win when it mattered the most, and you never can with amateurs

posted about a year ago

wake up

posted about a year ago

m80 had a decent performance in a tier 2 league because they had the core players from ghost who have played together... u remove players from that core and place them in sentinels, you wont get the same results. johnqt is not a top tier sentinel, SEN issues are not communication or pancada on sentinel.. its just they need more time together to have the same chemistry as teams who have been together for a long time. Literally every team that has done decent - M80, Guard, NRG, LOUD, EG have all got their core players playing together.

Watch FNS talk about how NRG was struggling because ardiis and S0M were not used to how FNS calls, and they were working on it.

posted about a year ago

cant win a tier 2 tournament but lets replace the world champions with them. classic 10 year old sen fan

posted about a year ago

bruh u dont know the first thing about competitive play with ur stupid takes. M80 did decent in Tier2 cause of the core players from Ghost gaming who were playing together for a while. Same goes for the Guard. Literally every tier 1 team that has done decent has a core group which has played together for a while - NRG, LOUD, EG and even other regions such as Fnatic and PRX. If you were expecting SEN to beat any of these, you are delusional. They cannot do it with 2 months of prac when the other teams have been together for ages.

M80 lost a T2 event. no one on that team deserves to replace major and champion winners, if you cannot comprehend that, then anything you say is stupid.

posted about a year ago

name a single team which is winning and doesnt have a core which has played for more than 6 months.. changing and chopping players wont get you results. team is good enough and needs time together to get better.

Also picking up M80 players is braindead. They lost a tier 2 tournament, replacing them with world champions and major winners is just braindead

posted about a year ago

ardiis clears cned

posted about a year ago

we have 1 Brazil 2 NA and now they want 1 LATAM team in Champs... the Americas league is shamelessly rigged

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bruh literally every team that wins anything has a core which has worked together for some time.. johnqt and nismo been together for Ghost which translated to M80.. what impact did eeiu have on NRG? Sen will keep losing if they change more. Just keep this team and give it time

posted about a year ago

agreed but that shouldnt increase their stocks right.. at the end of the day they lost in T2. How can you trust them to win you in T1? especially when you can get T1 players from other regions

posted about a year ago

unlucky for them, but i dont think any T1 NA team will be picking them up.

For one, we know after Sacy and Pancada that teams cant just pick players and plug them and expect to win since 0 chemistry. Moreover m80 lost a T2 tournament regardless of how they performed the whole year so who wants that baggage..? Also not sure if they have a buyout.

NA salaries are the highest, they can easily poach good performing T1 players from EU or APAC if they really want to.

posted about a year ago

all losers + id be worried about c9 roster

posted about a year ago

i think the smart move is to keep the roster.. but yeah if there is a team which makes money despite losing, its SEN

posted about a year ago

yeah right lets remove world champions and major winners and get people who couldnt win Tier 2 tournament..

posted about a year ago

NRG is chilling with s0m

posted about a year ago

the team has changed since tarik invitational, this particular one with Marved needs time. chemistry takes time to build. i dont think chopping and changing further will bring different results.

posted about a year ago

bruh nobody wins overnight or over 2 months.. the team needs more time together. there is a reason why guard won or even fnatic wins

posted about a year ago

stop hyping any team that beat these two..... doesnt mean shit. Literally the worst in Americas and can lose to MIBR and Furia if everything was on the line.

posted about a year ago

they got in cause carlos dropped the ball for G2

posted about a year ago

they cannot put the burden of calling on leaf when the man is top fragging on 3 different roles.. Zellsis must be the second caller and it seems he is just brawn no brain

posted about a year ago

i dont even care if he said it out of spite, cause it is true.. Lotus was their best map in the league and NRG pull out a mirror comp which they never played and u know what happen next

posted about a year ago

has 0 game reading skills... its unbelievable this guy was being compared with FNS and Saadhak. Even if C9 goes to grand final, all Kru has to do is play 3 maps that they didnt show or just comps that they didnt play and its game over. Honestly hoping SEN or LEV get into the final

posted about a year ago

and then what? the team from upper finals will ban the 2 maps that SEN is looking good at. I dont think SEN have the map depth to win it all even if they make a lower bracket run

posted about a year ago

drop him before derrek but you know they wont

posted about a year ago

whose worse?

posted about a year ago

worst raze in franchising + 0 impact player

what he has on Nadeshot to keep playing despite everyone around him being cut needs to be investigated

posted about a year ago

Nope. 100T are expected to win this event.

posted about a year ago

Nope. 100T are expected to win this event.

posted about a year ago

face of valorant and a great guy but today might be the last day we see him play professionally

fulltime streamer arc begins


posted about a year ago

ofcourse that was probably the advice he got from his legal team too. not mine or anyone's place to say whether or not he is guilty, i was just addressing the fact that many people assume he was banned on "baseless" allegations which is not entirely true

posted about a year ago

yeah the only sponsors he gets is the degenerate crypto gambling websites

posted about a year ago

sentinels isnt touching him as a content creator anymore, as far as i know he is off their contract.

posted about a year ago

also his fans keep saying the girl keeps threatening to press charges as soon as he wants to go pro, well if he is innocent and the girl is threatening he can always counter-press charges against her for ruining his rep, which would force her to either shutup or come up with evidence. None of his fans question why he doesnt do that and just assume the law will work against the "man"

posted about a year ago

Every time Union plays, sinatraa closet fans start saying "omg they banned the goat on the basis of an accusation!"... no. he was banned because he was not cooperating during the investigation and was caught lying. They unbanned him from comp play after further charges were not pressed.

posted about a year ago

how do u have online concerts? use ur brain. Riot didnt want to take the risk with COVID last year when u can have the tournament online. i dont see any franchise tournaments online now with little to no COVID threat.

posted about a year ago

ok so unless u edited ur comment to remove international, i was answering for international LAN. Anyway we didnt have local LAN for COVID reasons, thought that was obvious.

posted about a year ago

offtopic : are you of chinese ethinicity? if yes, is "ur telling me" a phrase that u guys use alot? ive worked with people from China but never noticed it until I was watching a semi-racist stream of Shanks and co.

posted about a year ago

Securing US visa is one of the toughest, the processing and wait times due to COVID got even worse so it made sense to schedule most of the events in EU which has the largest player base.

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure Tencent is indirectly owned by the state/CCP so it makes sense for them to prioritize China, ROI is promising.

posted about a year ago

except game wasnt developed by CN developers but by developers based out of California, US. Tencent just bought/invested the company.

posted about a year ago

Sinatraa is no saint either lol. He was banned because he did not cooperate during the investigation. If he is confident of his innocence then he would counter charge her of ruining his reputation which would force her to present any evidence she has. He doesnt do that for reasons only known to him

posted about a year ago

he got banned as he did not cooperate with the investigations, he got unbanned as soon as further charges were not pressed. I think in the case of The Union players, investigations are over and punishment already handed

posted about a year ago

Its not Riot's place to ban them. Even sinatraa is free to play but most orgs dont pick these players out of fear for backlash. The Union might have different stand on it.

posted about a year ago

better than not reaching the final or even playing T1

posted about a year ago

what has vanity achieved in his career even in his prime? that should answer the question. If someone says demon1>yay or even tenz u can say recency bias

posted about a year ago

The game is yet to release in China, how can they possibly have a higher playerbase than BR? My OP comment/question is a sarcastic way to say you cannot say a region/country has more talent based on a single match.

posted about a year ago
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